Semua Bab Captive Of The Count: Bab 21 - Bab 30
137 Bab
Amara's pov A man not texting me back was going to be my villain origin story. Pathetic? I know. Burdened is the heart that grows fond of another, I wish I had been told this earlier. If I had known, I wouldn't have grown attached to Orian or maybe I would have but not carelessly.I moved uneasily around my bed, sliding against the sheets and clutching the covers to my chest while trying to find a suitable position that would enable me continue my prolonged slumber.My stomach growled.I wasn't surprised. I was beginning to think that the breakfast of salad Terren had sent up for me was a punishment for not letting him in my room and not for me to lose a little fat from my rounded belly as he put it. My belly isn't even that big, Despite knowing this, I spent a few minutes palming it trying to know if it was actually big or He was just exaggerating.I know it bulged out a bit when I wear my body con dresses, it folded when I sat but I don't think having about five spoonf
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Amara's pov I am very sure that slimy jeez-ball cheated us! Cora growled as I watched the cab driver speed off. His tires screeched against the tarred tracks, the noise the act forged was unsettling to my hearing. I do not think he did, I shrugged threading my fingers in puppy Orian's fur as she gazed at the foreign environment, sniffing in the air, It was a pretty long ride and I think we are in the deepest part of town. The bad part you mean? She asked and I had to agree with her. I felt like the dumb movie character that was where she wasn't supposed to be as I took in my surroundings just as my puppy did. It couldn't be more obvious that it was the shabby part of town, with brown buildings that looked like they were dens for criminal activities. Men in groups of twos and threes were hurdled together placing hands on their pockets intermittently while looking over their shoulders like they expected an attack anytime soon. People walked by, hookers stood on
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Amara's povI didn't move at his threat. I was rooted to my spot with the thoughts of how life without legs is going to be like, it will be tough!I won't be able to run through the castle hallways. I can't walk puppy Orian and let her chase butterflies with me in my favorite Meadows. I won't be able to pounce on Eros, uncle Andros or Dad and tackle them to the ground screaming that I won. I won't be able to twirl and dance around while Mum plays the piano with Dad applauding.Rose and I won't be able to leap from the balconies and scale the walls. Hell! I won't even be able to tiptoe for my first kiss, you should not think of kisses in this situation, you are about to get your legs chopped off by an axe! Terren would hate me more without legs if he already hates my belly and that would be very bad.On the bright side, Nico will have a fellow wheelchair mate and he wouldn't feel sad that he's the only different one.I haven't talked to him much back at the pack cause he is always grum
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Amara's pov My dreams were usually horrifying or simply spectacular. But the last one I had was different, way out of the ordinary, and all shades of strange. This one started with a quest for Orian, at first, a puppy came along which I named after him, and then there was a club, and entering it brought me nemesis, a sweet kind of nemesis that started with pet crocodiles and they had a man for a snack per Orian's orders. And then I stabbed him, before running away and coming right back at him. He bruised my ass with his stick, brought me to the brinks of pleasure with that same stick, and then I peed on him.I chuckled on remembering that part of the dream wondering how embarrassing it would have been if that had happened for real.And the effects of the actions in the dream seemed to have transcended into real life. I couldn't seem to muster enough strength to open my eyes and fatigue coursed through my bones turning my limbs to jelly. When I shifted against the
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Amara's povTrust.It was something I learned not to give at a wee age.It all started when Helena picked me up, slammed me to the ground, and locked me up in a cage with tears streaming down my face. It was hard to comprehend why she did that then, and it was harder seeing almost everyone who had befriended my mummy turn their backs on her. After experiencing all these, I didn't need elaborate lessons on how not to trust just anyone. I was always taught to have my head on my shoulders in all circumstances, a watchful glance behind my back even while on the Castle premises, and to be frank, I managed to follow this rule perfectly cause I didn't want to end up as a captive in a cage with hot tears streaming down my cheeks while wondering what i had done wrong.I had followed these rules on trust till I stepped into that alley and stumbled upon Orian and it has been amazing since then.I only hoped trusting him won't make me end up as a captive.No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't h
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Amara's pov Life was terrific. With Orian barefooted in the kitchen, messy hair, wet clothes sticking to his body just as mine did and for some odd reason, we never bothered to take them off because he mumbled something about cleaning up together, ooo, exciting.I was stretched out on the counter chewing on some strawberries which I didn't get his permission to eat and I watched him hovering over the stove preparing a simple Russian stew as he called it, which he loved when he was a child and my interest was spiked when he spoke of meat in it.While he was cooking, I stared. I admired the flex of his muscles and body movements as he picked up a spoon or turned the ladle.Puppy orian was laying in a corner after being fed and tired out by playing and she looked happy. I loved it here, I could get used to it, I could get used to stealing his berries while he cooked or offering to massage his arms when he was done.All of this was blissful till my parents called.And
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Amara's povBecause I haven't tasted you yet, Good lord! My thighs were clenched each time I remembered those words of his and they seemed to be the only words stuck in my brain ever since he uttered them.I moved against the bed discreetly trying to relieve the ache between my thighs while waiting for Orian to exit the bathroom and that was after I successfully fought the urge to go in there and peek to know what he looked like without clothes.It wasn't fair and if I did that, it would make things fair. He knew what I looked like under my clothes to an extent and I have only ever seen his sleek collar bones and bare arms. I wanted to see more, feel more, and even maybe he would teach me how to please him.Dang, it! I palmed my face, he won't bother teaching me. I lied about my experience. I will just have to manage with the limited knowledge stored in my brain and maybe google how to make a man squirt, a big man squirt. My eyes wandered around the room, the noise o
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Amara's povOrian won me a teddy, fair and square.Fair and square? Cora didn't agree with my words and she was right not to.I do not think fair and square was the right expression to be used in this case. It was more of growls and glares which left the man at the stand quaking in his boots.Well, this is all my fault at first.I had wanted the big stuffed red bear and I pleaded with grump to play for it. Thinking about it now, I have no fault here.How would I have known that he won't abide by the rules?We had gone up to the stand. The guy manning the stand welcomed us and smiled at me. It was a weird smile but a smile nonetheless and it wasn't really pleasing to Orian. I could tell by the way his hand tightened around my waist. He handed the game fee over to the man, and politely asked him to bring forth the teddy.I knew he was polite because I am used to Orian and his tone is always assertive but to any other person or a stranger, he must have sounded rude.So Kent, I knew his n
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Warning ⚠️ SA, Abuse, Violence.....Amara's pov Growing up as a future ruler, you are made to learn a lot of values and one of them was never to make decisions out of spite.I broke it and now my life might be doomed. Not might, it is actually doomed and there was no way I could undo it.I stood still before the mirror nodding at my blushing chattering maids as they exited my room to give me some privacy before I am called out.They seemed so excited for me thinking that the thing between Terren and I was a match made in heaven and absolutely nothing can tear us apart.And I fought the urge to scream at them that they were wrong and I didn't want this but explaining how I had given my consent numerously to this union while I never wanted it was going to make me look moronic.I gazed regarded my reflection in the mirror. My blonde hair fell loosely, flowing down my shoulders and the rose to be stuck in it was currently being twirled between my fingers.My m
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Amara's pov I think I might have to change my villain origin story and to be honest, I liked this one better, it sounded more original and in my head, it looked like a story that can break Hollywood.This time it won't be a man not texting me back.It will be because I was almost raped by my so-called fiancé, attacked by him, forcefully marked, and then him bailing out and leaving me in a burning cottage to save himself screaming that he couldn't carry me because I would slow him down.But it was so easy for him to fling me on the bed and almost ruin me. I crawled out of the bedroom and down the stairs passing through the pain of my skin coming in contact with heated floors.Everywhere was smoky and I had to squint even with wolf vision to see through the haze.I couldn't feel myself from the point of the mark at my neck to my entire right arm which lay limp by my side like it was paralyzed.I could see the red blotches on my skin which were illuminated by th
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