Semua Bab The Black Alder Series: Bab 11 - Bab 20
114 Bab
The Luna Ceremony
Elena PovI woke up to Roland serving me breakfast in bed. I started to cry for some reason because no one had ever done that for me before and I was thankful. After Roland calmed me down, I took a shower, which, let me say, is the best fucking shower ever made. I dressed in a white t-shirt, with yellow shorts and white shoes and pulled my hair into a bun. It was a simple outfit, but Roland liked it even though he bitched about the shorts being too short. We walked around the grounds and he showed me the villages. I met some of the pack members and checked out some of the stores. Roland tried to buy me some stuff, but I told him I had already spent enough of his money yesterday and I didn't want to spend anymore." Also, please don't be hard on Serene. Mia kept making us pick out stuff. We didn't mean to get so much", I told him." Judging by the small amount of stuff you came home with, if anything, I'm gonna tell Mia to start doubling what you bought since I own the mall, little one
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From Heat To Mate
Unknown POVShe looks so beautiful; I think to myself. I am angry, she is being pronounced Luna to that arrogant asshole when she should be mine. I almost had her. I turned myself invisible and sprayed myself to cover my scent. As a rouge, they would smell me easily. I've been tailing her all day. I can't help it. I need her. We need her. We want her NOW. Right now, she is dancing, and she looks so happy in his arms, but soon she will be happy in MINE. I can sense the spray I used wearing off. Fuck, time to go. I saw her glance in my direction. She knows I'm here. Just like I knew she knew at the mall. Good, then you know I'm coming for you, my precious. Suddenly she falls. I know I need to go, but she looks like she is hurt, and I am hit by her heat. Fuck, she is in heat. As if in a trance, I am walking up to her but before I reach see others growling, challenging the alpha. Good. If they kill him, I won't have to do it myself. The spray is fading faster as I see no choice but to run
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Elena PovI just woke up to see Roland sleeping. His face looked so peaceful; his curly jet-black hair tussled over his face. Last night's events replay in my head, and I can't help but smile. I'm sore, but it's definitely a good kind of sore. I get out of bed using my wolf speed, so I don't wake up Roland and go to the bathroom. I ran a nice hot bath and got in. This bathtub is huge, I thought to myself.I agree, relax, I'll heal your body.I close my eyes and relax, and I smell berries, so I know Roland is awake. He comes behind me and rubs my shoulders, kissing me on my marking spot. " Good morning little one", he says, and gets in the tub with me. He had been still nude since last night and my eyes zero in on his dick. FUCK, that is big. I lick my lips as I recall how he felt inside me. I can hear him chuckle as he waddles through the water to get to me. The steam from the little bath pool is surrounding us, making berry bond smell fill up the room. He picks me up and puts my leg
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The Day Before The Big Fight
Roland’s POVI had just finished the paperwork in my office and went downstairs to look for Elena. She is the only one who takes the stress of paperwork away. I asked around but no one seemed to have seen her. I went upstairs to the room because it was night, she would be washing up around now. I heard her moaning before I reached the door. Curiosity hit me and I opened the door. There is my beautiful mate, lying on the bed, eyes closed, hand rubbing herself. The smell of her arousal has my dick thumping. I froze and just watched her. She must have realized I was there because she opened her eyes and stopped. " Little one, please, don't stop", I begged. I want to see it. Goddess, I just want to watch her. She looks like a fucking Goddess on our bed. She seems to think about it. She started again. I'm watching her and I can't even blink. I slowly walked and used both hands to grab the rails at the end of the bed, watching this beautiful sight in front of me. I wonder if she has tried
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The Big Fight
Elena's POVAfter I washed up and ate breakfast, I got dressed. I decided to wear an all-Black bodycon cat woman suit with black combat boots. I also wore hand sleeves that had brass knuckles hidden inside so it would pack an even harder punch, as Hank taught me. After I came down, Serene was in the kitchen waiting for me with an older looking woman. " Elena, this is Maggie," she told me. " Maggie used to be a practicing witch and has been teaching me how to harvest my power and control it. "Luna," Maggie said bowing" Thank you for helping my friend out Maggie", I told her,"Any friend of the Lunas is a friend to me," Maggie says." Anyway, we've been practicing protection spells, and I want to put one on you," Serene says. I knew I needed any luck I could get so I simply nodded my head. Serene cut her hand and mixed some sort of powder in it in a bowl. She also took a strand of my hair and then closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were completely white? "Ut hanc vessle pro
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Big Fight Part 2
Elena POVWe take a few steps, walking in circles while observing each other. I try to guess when he is going to attack. Will pointed out he would take the initiative to launch the first attack. Ned won't want this watch long either, as he is ready to kill me. And he does. I see him suddenly shift into his wolf and run towards me. Make him think you are weak. Will linked me. I run slowly towards Ned, and he jumps at me in his wolf form. This all goes in slow motion, but I still dodge at the last moment, and he goes tumbling down. I go to launch my fist, aiming for his jaw, but before I can reach him, he rushes me, shifting back into a human, and kicks me in the stomach, making me fly back a few meters. His side of the stadium cheers him on. ShitDONT OVERESTIMATE YOUR OPPONENT, Nate linksI get back up, we circle each other."Are you trying to get killed Elena?" Ned says. "What is the point of all of this?? Do you think you can be an alpha all of a sudden and win my Black Suns pack
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Unknown POV in a hidden cave not far from The Black Alder Packhouse" Are your daughter and the rouges in place?""Yes, things are going according to plan.""Good. Make sure you make enough of that potion for the spray next time. Last time she almost fucking noticed me, and if this plan falls apart, I'll be ripping off your fucking head" "Yes, my Lord. Aya is already in place. Soon you shall have her, and I shall have her blood, as we agreed.""Good, now get out of my sight.""As you wish, sire."Yes, soon Elena will be mine. She will be my queen, and I'll wipe out the Black Alder pack as well as take my revenge on the bastard who stole her from me. Soon....Very Soon....Elena PovKILL THAT BITCH WHO IS KISSING OUR MATEThe scene before me causes me to growl, but the pain is nothing compared to the anger I am feeling. The BloodlustI have to kill herI'm about to rush out to kill that bitch and Roland when chains rise out of the floor and suddenly, I can't move. I'm pulling and pull
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Saying Goodbye
Elena PovIt's been a month since everything took place. Like Luna, I still perform my responsibilities. Taking care of my responsibilities. At least the ones that don't concern Roland. When we have visitors, I put on a brave face, smiling, just so our allies will think we are still strong. Roland doesn't even come after me anymore. He spends all of his time with HER. He doesn't even pay me any attention anymore, and I can feel our mate bond growing weak. At least his pack still supports me. They don't talk to him anymore. But that's not what I want though. I train every day with the pack to take my mind off stuff. Hank and Will are now leading all the training. I bought myself a car. Kind of hated having to go everywhere by limo.Hank brought a vampire named Shawn to come and help me with my vampire abilities. Shawn is around my age, at least in looks, and he is amazing, teaching me how to unlock other abilities I have. He taught me how compelling, echolocate, and I even unlocked a
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The Threat
Roland POVSomething is wrong. I don’t know why, but I have this nagging feeling that something is wrong. Every time I try to tap into my senses to figure out what it is, my mind gets hazy. I've been spending a lot of time with Raven. I love her, but I'm not in love with her anymore. I don’t want to hurt her feelings though. She told me she has been waiting for me for five years. I missed her. I miss Elena more though. Elena. I tried reaching out to her a few times, but she finds ways to avoid me. Raven has been there for me. We've been making love lately and though it feels good with her, I can't stop comparing her to Elena.Blaze hasn’t talked to me since I started hooking up back with Raven. He seems to forget she was once our mate, but he howls for Elena these days. I can't abandon Raven though. She survived so much torture just to get back home to me. I know this is hurting Elena though. I see the way she looks at us. I see the hurt.“Roly, do you like this outfit,” Raven says. I
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Elena POV" YOU" I choked out. I felt like I was seeing a ghost. Someone told me months ago he had died, but that was a lie. He stood before me and the entire world shattered. It was Marcus"Me", he said with a huge smile, holding out his arms. "Come to me my luna". I stood firm in my spot. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THEM" I boomed. He didn't like me yelling at him."Calm down your fucking voice. You will see them soon enough. The crooked witch needs your blood first, then we can all be one happy family" He sneered before it turned into a smile. "Everything I have ever done, has all been for you. You were my Luna, and you were taken from me. It's time to come back", he said, and put his arms out again. I didn't move. "HUG ME" he boomed. "Or you will NEVER see them again." I hugged him and a white mist surrounded us. We ended up in a cave "That's better," he said."Take me to my kids" I sneered. " As you wish," he said and led me through a passageway. I scan my surroundings. W
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