Semua Bab The Alpha's Curse: Bab 21 - Bab 30
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Chapter 21: Preparations
"Holy cr*p," Darren cried. "What the heck are you doin' here?" he said as him and Sawyer met halfway around the bar and embraced. Sawyer patted him on the back during their hug and pulled back, keeping his hands on Darren's forearms. "Well, someone convinced me to get out of the house for once." He gestured towards Waverly, who gave Darren a small wave. "I knew I'd be seein' you again," Darren said, wagging his finger in the air at her. "How'd you do it?" Waverly snickered. "It took a lot of convincing, but I told him how much the Crimson Shadows need him and thought a trip into town might drive the point home." Sawyer assessed her. "You tricked me." Waverly smirked and shrugged her shoulders. Darren turned back to Sawyer, his face thoughtful. "She's right though, Sawyer. Things haven't been the same without ya. We're together, united by our loyalty to you, but we need our Alpha. A pack—" "Is only as strong as their Alpha, I know," Sawyer said, completing his sentence for
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Chapter 22: Christopher
Waverly entered her bedroom that evening after dinner with an overpowering sense of vigour and confidence towards the upcoming Lunar Eclipse. Even though she didn't quite know if her and Sawyer were meant to be mates, she had an unexplainable feeling of assurance after their meeting that they could really work this out one way or another together. She unzipped her dress and stepped out of it into her sweatpants and an oversized sweater, making sure to grab a book before climbing onto the lounge chair that sat in the corner of the room. She opened her novel to the indented page and began skimming the pages when she heard a knock on the door. "Come in," she called out, without lifting her eyes from the text. Waverly listened, hearing the door open and then click shut. Footsteps approached her and a figure plopped down into the chair beside her. Her eyes glanced up from the top of the book."Waverly," Christopher said with a grin on his face. "Christopher, we really have to stop
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Chapter 23: Gone Rogue
Waverly sat at the dining room table, her plate covered in salmon and sweet potatoes. She took a bite as Sawyer watched her from the seat beside her. Every other night for the past few days, the pair had met for dinner to organize plans for the upcoming Lunar Eclipse. Despite being unable to rid herself of the conversation she and Christopher had almost a week prior, she still had not opened up to Sawyer regarding her concerns. Did he even know the type of death he would be facing if this didn't work? What if he didn't? Wouldn't it be better to not place that burden on him in this moment? She looked back at him, searching his eyes for an answer, but there was nothing. "How's the food?" he asked. Waverly looked down at her food, picking up a piece of meat with her fork. "Every dinner we've had, we've talked about the Lunar Eclipse and now you want to discuss the food?" Sawyer wiped the corners of his mouth with his napkin and then set it beside his plate. "What do you want to ta
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Chapter 24: Delirium
Her heart seemed to seize as the wolf jumped forward and for the first time in her life, she didn't have the strength to transform. It was as if everything had shut down on her—her instincts, frozen. The man's eyes grew larger the closer he got and then just as quickly, they turned their attention to beside her, and Matteus' form seemed to shrink as she fell back onto the ground. Sawyer leaped in front of her, attacking Matteus full force, still in his human form. Matteus, caught off guard, staggered back. He paused and looked up at Sawyer, his eye colour illuminated by his dark fur. Then, he charged forward, pushing Sawyer into the trees behind him. As Sawyer's body made impact with the base, he crumpled and slid down into the pile of leaves on the ground. Matteus watched as Sawyer attempted to stand, only for him to fall back down. Matteus huffed and then turned to join the others when he was knocked from the side. He rolled near the slope of the hill and once he slowed, he glanc
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Chapter 25: Healing Wounds
The next time Waverly awoke, the sun had set and her room was dark, given a small light that sat on her nightstand. She sat up in her bed slowly and agony jolted through her arm, which was held up in a sling, making her wince. She raised her other hand and touched the bandages on her face, covering what was deep cuts and scrapes."You're awake," a voice said, somewhat surprised. Beside her in an armchair sat Sawyer, who was watching her intently. "Wh-what happened?" she said, bringing her one hand to her forehead, which was pounding almost as badly as her arm. Sawyer leaned over to the nightstand and handed her medication and a glass of water. "You fell unconscious after the fight. One of the rouges attacked you and you broke your arm. Here, take this." Waverly took the pill and chased it down with a drink. She reached over and placed the cup back on the table. "Ugh, my head." Then almost instantly, she got an overwhelming feeling of nausea. Waverly blew up her cheeks to pre
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Chapter 26: Putting on a Show
By the second day, Waverly began to regain alertness and awareness of her surroundings. By the fourth day, she had reclaimed her strength, and by the sixth, she was feeling more like herself. While recovering, she was often visited by Felicity, who brought her meals and anything else she needed, as well as Christopher, who still made his rounds to ensure her safety, but also her compliance with their ongoing plan. The fate Christopher presented to her—burning under the Blood Moon—was not a favourable outcome, but the more she came to know Sawyer and the Crimson Shadow pack, the more leaving also didn't seem ideal. Every day since the battle with the rogue wolves and Waverly's injuries, Sawyer had come to check on her, tending to her dressings and having the pack healer examine her arm, which now was placed in a cast. Her pain had subsided, and so had the vomiting; however, she still had the occasional headaches, which were more intense than usual. She swung her legs over the bedsid
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Chapter 27: More Than a Feeling
Sawyer sat in the same armchair he had for several days when Waverly was recovering from her injuries only less than a week ago. Now here she was again, laying in her bed, sweating profusely to rid herself of the toxins. Sawyer reached for the cloth on the table and dabbed her forehead dry, making her stir in her sleep. Her eyes opened slowly as she awoke, and she caught his gaze. "Hmm…Sawyer?" "Shh," he whispered. "Go back to sleep. You need to rest." He tapped all around her face getting the excess sweat, then set the cloth back down on the nightstand. Waverly moved to her other side and moaned at the pressure she felt in her stomach. "Don't move too much. The healer said it's best if you rest and let the antibiotics do their thing." She agreed and laid her head back down on the pillow. "I'm so…sweaty," she replied weakly, kicking the comforter off of her. Sawyer stood and helped her, sliding the blanket to the edge of the bed. "It's the toxins leaving your body. He said
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Chapter 28: Keep Your Enemies Close
After the poisoning attempt, Sawyer had done everything he swore he would—security was raised, each beverage within the house, including both alcoholic and non-alcoholic were dispensed of and replaced instantly. Unsure of who the perpetrator could've been, Sawyer had each staff member searched for any traces of the poison, which was unsuccessful. As Waverly regenerated and recuperated, Sawyer often came to visit her and once she was fully recovered from both attacks, which thanks to her shifting abilities, was only a few days, they moved their search to either the grand room or Sawyer's office. During their meetings, they would overlook documents and convolute with Christopher, Katia and the rest of the advisory to hear their opinions, as well as any odd behaviour they observed in either the town or the house. "I haven't seen anything, Sawyer," Christopher stated, his hands rested on the table of the great room. "Nothing's any different than it was two days ago." "So, what're you
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Chapter 29: World of Danger
After spending her afternoon in the town, Waverly entered through the front door of the house, her hair consisting of pieces of dirt, which she shook out on the shoe mat. She pulled the hair tie on her wrist off and grabbed her curls, setting them in a quick bun. A few pieces fell from the elastic, framing her face. Waverly took off her shoes and jogged up the entryway stairs to her room, where she grabbed a book and blanket before heading back down to the living room. The sun was setting over the mountain view outside of the large, wall-sized window that decorated the sitting area, generating an orange and yellow haze across the hardwood flooring. Waverly spread the throw length-way across the couch facing the window and laid underneath it, curling her legs up to her chest. She flipped open the page to where her bookmark was placed and set the book on her lap, but not long later, she caught herself gazing at the mountainside, while the sun swept over it. "Enjoying the view?" a voi
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Chapter 30: The Connection
For the next three hours, Waverly sat curled on the couch, absorbed in her novel about a World War II couple writing letters back and forth to one another during the height of the event. Even though Waverly had never given much consideration until late about finding her match, she still was passionate about reading stories surrounding the idea of fantastical love found in the most conventional and trope-like characters. She scanned every page, flicking through them faster than she imagined she would, completely captivated by the characters she was studying, until the front door of the house bust open. Waverly looked up from her book and noticed Sawyer walking through the entry, heading through the dining room. She quickly shut her book and threw off her blanket, racing behind him. "Sawyer," she called out, attempting to grab his attention. He kept walking forward, through the doors that led to the kitchen, and then out the other side, to the other end of the hallways leading from h
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