Lahat ng Kabanata ng I REINCARNATED AS THE CURSED PRINCESS: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
40 Kabanata
Chapter Thirty One
Erin Lockheart's POV Later that day, I fitted the dresses I would be wearing at the wedding, we are to wear our kingdom's colors with jewelries harvested from our land as well and I wear them with pride. I reminded myself that this is my home now and despite being an empress by contract, I have to do my duty to my people. I took a deep breathe as the thought sinks in. Only a hours later, I would see Cadmus and Luna again. This time, following their original plot, they are together. I had no idea what I would feel. Would it be envy? Happiness? Betrayal? Who knows. Kai told me about the text Zenn was able to find during his hunt. My emotions would be the trigger to set my power off. I have to be cautious that I won't hurt any innocent people. Despite all this, I can't seem to shake the dream I had of Kai. The dream where he said he loved me. No matter what I do or what I tell myself, I can't seem to get it off my mind, I must be going crazy. I'm sure I'd get hurt if I fall in love w
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Chapter Thirty Two
Cadmus Hunter's POV I received word that Erin and Kai would be attending the wedding so everything is going according to plan. We needed to buy time to concoct our newest potion, thanks to Luna's plan, it will give us an edge against the war with Raewavell. The potion will create plague in their land and leave us unaffected since we have an antidote. Weakening their forces, we could easily overtake the forest for the winter sleep. Luna entered my chambers wearing her exquisite wedding gown, she looked radiant in white with her soft features and lovely smile. She said, "Do you like it?" "I wasn't suppose to see you in your wedding dress before the wedding. It's bad luck in our belief." I reminded her. "Oh right." Luna replied, "I forgot. Then, I'll change into something else and not show you!" "Erin will be attending." I cleared my throat and continued, "As planned." "Is that so? That's good then." Luna continued, "Tonight will be a blood moon, it will be the perfect setting t
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Chapter Thirty Three
Erin Lockheart's POV I protested as he stole a kiss from me, "Hey! How dare you kiss me with my guard down?!" "You did the same thing to me, I just returned the favor." Kai smirked, "But, the next time you want to kiss me, just say the word." Flustered, I looked away, "I did not. I didn't kiss you. I couldn't have. Did... I?" "If you're going to kiss me, at least do it consciously." Kai snickered "You do have fun teasing me, do you?" "It's my earthly pleasure." He pulled up the blanket and tucked me in like I was his most prized possession but even most prized, I knew that was all I was to him. A possession. I frowned at the thought of it but the thought of it was the truth. That I was some military advantage against Lunaria and that I had to do everything in my power to be just that. Once I've done my purpose, I've played my part, destroy the kingdom I once called home, only then will I get to live safely. No. Lunaria wasn't my home. It never was. Kai's sole purpose of havin
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Chapter Thirty Four
Erin Lockheart's POV I had worn the gown representing our kingdom and rode the carriage with Kai. He still seems troubled and he hasn't spoken a word since last night when the maid had knocked. I was about to ask him but then he noticed a strand of my hair out of place and fixed it. I chuckled softly and he asked, "What?" "I just... I noticed you have a lot on your plate and you have this disposition where you look like you'd kill anyone who tried to disrupt your thoughts and yet, you noticed that strand of hair." I smiled, "You are more thoughtful than I thought." "Just towards you," Kai replied. "I'm sorry if I've been too preoccupied. I just can't help it. I have had this bad feeling ever since I received the invitation. Something's not adding up. Why now? Is it merely a strategic way to buy time and gain alliances? Why do I keep getting the feeling that there's more to it?" Kai continued, "I've known Cadmus for a long time if anything, he isn't someone who'll break tradition
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Chapter Thirty Five
Kai Griffin's POV I smiled as I gently caressed her hair, "I'll be back before you know it. I promise." "You better be." Erin joked, "Don't leave me for too long, I might end up causing a scene. I definitely will. I could feel it." "I look forward to the drama." "I'll try not to drink too much." "Please do. I look forward to seeing you drunk more than anything else." I smirked mischievously. Erin looked away, flustered, she looked nervous. I like seeing her nervous. I like thinking that I could make her nervous. She rolled her eyes as I left. I headed straight to the forest hoping I was wrong about the bad feeling I was getting. I haven't seen Luna since we arrived. It's suspicious. Zenn and I discussed the potion created that poisoned the land here but we never figured out who did it. My money is still on Luna. There's something about her but nothing conclusive could link her to the happenings in the forest. The potion is made by someone skilled, probably a witch, and from
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Chapter Thirty Six
Kai Griffin's POVErin's eyes widen as if she had just sobered up. Well, I did put some potion in her drink to remove toxins and that includes alcohol. Erin gulped hard and looked at me. She placed her hands all over my face as she asked, "You... you're really here? I'm not dreaming?""You dream of me? I'm flattered.""Definitely real. You're even more obnoxious in real life so you're real." Erin cleared her throat and asked, "What... Did I say anything embarrassing?""You told me everything- from the disgusting fancy foods to meeting Cadmus," I replied, even the mention of his name pisses me off."Right. Cadmus wanted to talk to me but I was too drunk to even look him straight in the eye.""You should've punched him and told him you belong to me." "I almost did. Well, the punching, not the..." Erin let out a laugh as she continued, "Wait. Are you actually sulking? Were you really jealous?""I am." I looked at her straight in the eye and continued, "Are you really that oblivious? Do
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Chapter Thirty Seven
Erin Lockheart's POVIs this the price to pay? I left Lunaria so Luna could still have her happy ending with Cadmus but why? Why is she being painted as the villain now? I did all I could so that I could live while affecting as little lives as I could. I wanted them to live happily despite my hatred and their betrayal.My thoughts were cut off as we heard a knock on the door. "Emperor and Empress Griffin? The wedding ceremony will start soon."My gaze fell to the windowsill and saw as the sun set into the horizon. The blood moon. It's coming and I could feel it in my bones. Fire and blood. A familiar phrase. It's the cursed princess' abilities and Luna has blood magic now so it could only be a matter of time before she could acquire fire magic too.She would be unstoppable. Kai pulled me back in bed and teased, "Must we attend, or should we just stay here? I could say you're sick or I'm sick. I call the latter."I snickered, "We can't. We have to be there.""Then let me stay for five
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Chapter Thirty Eight
Erin Lockheart's POVCadmus' grip tightened and he was already hurting me. He looked so miserable. I could tell by the dark circles under his eyes and the lack of color on his face that he barely slept. All this time, I thought he was living the best life he could with Luna but I could see it was the opposite.But why? He's with his fated mate. He's with Luna. They are meant to be together and now they are so why is he looking at me like I'm the love of his life and he knows he lost me for good? I whimpered, "You're hurting me, Cadmus, let go.""Erin-" Cadmus was cut off as Kai grabbed his hand from mine, he glared at Cadmus and said, "Take your hands off of my wife."Kai then turned to look at me, his gaze softened as he asked, "Are you okay?"I nodded. Kai threatened Cadmus as he tightened his grip, enough to bruise Cadmus, "You should understand that this is me being reasonable. I wouldn't care much about the rules, I'd kill you here right now if I wanted to so don't test me.""An
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Chapter Thirty Nine
Erin Lockheart's POVKai immediately dropped the knife and he looked at me confused, "No, no, no. You're going to be okay. No. Erin, you're fine." Kai was panicking as he tried to stop me from bleeding. Everyone was clamoring around me. Some were running away and screaming at Kai.Murderer. It echoed repeatedly but all I could hear was the fear in Kai's voice. He held me close to him as he cried out, "You're fine. You can't die, Erin, you can't leave me. Stay with me. Come on, stay with me."For a brief moment, I saw Luna's smirk. That's when everything made sense. The poison. It wasn't meant to kill Kai. It probably had traces of her blood meant to control Kai to kill me. She had it all planned out. Have Kai kill me in front of everyone to cut alliances and all the more reason to attack the Rawaevell Kingdom.We were blindsided.Because of this, no one would want to side with us. They would paint Kai as the villain and turn everyone against him. Our kingdom would be vulnerable.I was
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Chapter Forty
Erin Lockheart's POVI woke up in a familiar room to the familiar scent of powdery and fresh linens. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was back in the Lunaria Kingdom and Luna was in front of me tending to her flowers. I tried to stand up but my wounds hadn't healed yet and my arms and legs were tied up with some sort of metal."Don't bother." Luna said, "You can't escape. I made sure.""What do you want from me?""From you? Honestly? Nothing." Luna snickered, "I wanted you dead and I thought you were. Damn it. I was sure when I was controlling Kai, I aimed for your heart but somehow I missed. Why is that?""Kai is my mate. He isn't allowed to kill me."Luna chuckled as she turned to look at me, "You must be so naive. Blood magic can penetrate such petty conditions. Maybe I missed it because of Kai's strong willpower not to hurt you. What a pity. I guess he loves you so dearly but I really wanted you dead. Unfortunately, Cadmus was able to save you."I scoffed, "So that's it. You
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