Semua Bab The Alpha That Couldn't Remember: Bab 21 - Bab 30
99 Bab
21. Attack
Moon’s pov Fucking Kai. I didn’t know he had such anger issues. But I couldn’t really blame him. He lost a lot, because of me and now he had to work with me. But still, if he had just tried to do things differently today, they wouldn’t have attacked him. I felt something inside when he was attacked, like this fear and Angela told me to find Kai. She knew too, that he was in over his head. Yes, he’s an Alpha. But that were still more than ten very angry rogues that all attacked him at once. We were done for today, so I let the soldiers rest and check out the camp. Maybe it was good for everyone who came here to see the Wolvin pack. We weren’t just a bunch of rogue females, there were families here, elderly, kids. We might look different, but a lot in our pack is the same as in any other pack. “I know it’s really bad timing, but Tabitha is here for you.” Racheal said, mindlinking me. I had gone to the river to wash myself. “Tell her to meet me in my tent.” I replied. I dried off,
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22. Free
Kai’s pov I could have just sent someone else inside her tent. I should have. But she is the fucking leader, whether I like it or not. So after I spotted a lot of rogues near the border, I went inside her tent to alert Mona. I thought she would wake up right away, but she kept sleeping. She was sleeping naked, in the middle of the floor. I had overheard her talking to that witch. She had probably gone to sleep in wolf form and shifted back in her sleep. “Overheard? You were listening on purpose. You even moved closer so you could hear the entire conversation.” Ronin growled. The conversation confused me. It wasn’t uncommon for packs to use witches, mostly for healing or protection spells. But this witch was helping Mona remember. Was she really that good of a liar that she could fool a witch? Or did Mona pay off the witch to pretend to go along with her story, so anyone listening would think Mona was telling the truth. “Because Alpha Moon has nothing better to do than try and tric
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23. Land
Moon’s pov I didn’t remember much after my speech. All I hoped was that, I would hang on long enough for the rogues to leave. If they saw me collapse, it would ruin the speech. “Well, you did say you would die for your pack.” Angela said. “I didn’t mean, right then. Like after fighting some more people.” I replied jokingly. I woke up in my tent, being covered by bandages and smelling like herbs. Tabitha had made us healing potions over the years, but I had never needed it until now. Usually my healing abilities were enough, but I was injured too badly. When I saw Racheal being attacked by that feral wolf and almost losing, I told her to go back. She refused, telling me she could handle it. But I had already lost too many people in my life, I couldn’t loose her too. That fucking feral bastard took advantage of that moment and bit into my neck. A few inches to the side and he would have ripped half my neck out. I lay in my bed, feeling fucking exhausted. I wasn’t scared of someone
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24. Dead
Kai’s pov “So will you finally tell me about Mona?” Clara asked me a week after I returned from the Wolvin pack. I hadn’t paid much attention to Clara. To anyone really. I focused on my training and I hunted at night, to avoid Clara. I knew she still wanted to know about Mona, but I needed time. I was still angry at myself for actually believing Mona for a second. Actually thinking she was trying to protect me and then she came up with this elaborate lie. Why would someone use a young girl to kill Kimiko and Mona’s mom? Why use Mona to seduce men and then blackmail them? There must be better people out there to use than Mona. And what the fuck was their plan anyway, because it didn’t make any sense. Probably because the whole fucking thing was a lie. “Yet, you’re thinking about it.” Ronin growled. “And you didn’t kill her. Again.” “Don’t remind me of my weakness.” I growled back. “Raider? Are you ignoring me now?” Clara asked disappointed. I still hadn't answered her question, I
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25. The Ritual
Moon’s pov After the attack and everyone from the other packs left, we started packing up. I contacted Alpha Malcom and he let Racheal and some others visit, so they could check out the land, while I was still healing. I trusted Racheal to pick the right area and she came back really excited. Alpha Malcom had been very helpful and the area was beautiful. He had even offered us to help us build some houses in the near future. We decided to send our kids, families and elderly first. Alpha Malcom would send men over to help us move and I assigned most of the soldiers to accompany them. It was a long journey and I didn't want anything to happen to them. I would stay behind with a few others, so we could finish up clearing out the rest of the stuff and wait for the rogues that wanted to join us. We wouldn’t let them in our pack unless they would follow our rules, but they could form their own community in a small area of our land. Now all that was left to do was the fucking ritual. Tha
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26. Collateral damage.
Moon’s pov I didn’t have time to think about what I saw during the ritual. What I remembered. If I would, I would break. I could already feel some cracks in my foundation. I needed to focus on something else, because I’d be no fucking use to my pack if I broke down now. I didn't need to mindlink the people at our new location. I knew if we were attacked it would have to be here. Our pack was vulnerable. We didn’t have enough people there and there was no magical border while the witches were working on me. It had to be our old packground that was attacked. When I got the confirmation that it was indeed our pack, I wondered who’s link I felt break. There wasn’t just one, there were several people dead. What the hell had happened?! “Don’t blame yourself.” Angela tried to say, but she knew it was already too late. This was my fault. I was their Alpha and I put my own needs first. Racheal and I shifted and the witches followed behind us. I had asked Tabitha if she would ride on my ba
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27. Doubts
Kai’s povWe were getting everyone ready to travel to the rogue territory. Beta Norman was coming too, plus a fuck load of workers to help us dig.I still didn’t trust Beta Norman, but mom was right. He would have been really fucked up in the head, if he would use his own daughter like that. But he knew more than he was telling me. And he had responded to the name Helena. I didn’t know what was going on. Everything Mona had told me could be a lie and there was no way for me to ask Mona any more questions, because she was gone.Ronin hadn’t said a word to me in over a week. He refused to come out and was clearly mourning. I hoped that if a problem arose I would still be able to shift. I wasn’t mourning, but confused. I had mourned Mona five years ago or more like I mourned the life we could have had. Okay, now Ronin would have probably told me I was full of shit, because I didn’t mourn her. I was pissed off and the rest I buried deep down.I missed Ronin’s remarks, even if they were i
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28. Hide
Moon’s pov Tabitha and I left the packground before Mary woke up. I held myself together until we reached the caves. I broke down crying and I didn’t stop until I was too tired and weak. I fell asleep, my face felt swollen from all the tears. The next day I woke up, hoping everything was a bad dream. Hoping that the man I thought was my dad, hadn’t used me to do unimaginable things. That he hadn't used me as an assassin, a whore, a liar, a spy? I hoped I’d feel better when I got confirmation that it wasn’t my fault. That I’d feel like maybe I was a good person after all. It wasn’t my choice to do all these bad things. But all I felt was dirty and weak. If I had been stronger? Maybe then I could have stopped myself from killing my mom, killing Kimiko. “You are the strongest person I know,” Angela tried to reassure me, but there was no point. I once again had cost the lives of others. This time I hadn’t killed them myself, but I had been responsible. Lukas, Elisha and the others had
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29. Angry
Kai’s pov I think I’m going fucking crazy. I kept smelling Mona’s scent. It was hidden behind a disgusting smell, but it was there, very faintly. It must be something from her here in this fucking tent. Maybe Beta Norman kept something from Mona here to fuck with me. I could barely sleep here, knowing this was where she died. At least she spent her last night fucking some guy. I had wanted her dead, yet I couldn’t do it. But now that she was actually gone, I realized that was a bunch of bullshit. It was never about me not being able to kill her. It was that I didn’t want her to fucking die at all. Even if she was a liar, a monster. I didn’t want her to die. I had grew up with her. I thought I knew her. And then, when everything went to shit, I thought she was a monster. But now? Now I didn’t know what to think. Something was off. In the morning I woke up and decided to greet the soldiers from Alpha Malcom. I just needed a fucking excuse to get out of here. I smelled that scent ag
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30. X
Moon's pov I watched Beta Norman day and night, barely getting any sleep. I didn’t understand why he wasn’t visiting the caves. He only ever went to the dig site, which wasn’t anywhere near the caves. After five days I was tired, hungry and sick of hiding and climbing up into trees smelling worse than shit. Couldn’t Tabitha have made a better smelling potion?! The more I was by myself the more I remembered and the worse I felt. There were some good memories too, a lot of them. But it made me feel like crap everything even more. I could have had a good life with Kai, if all this hadn’t happened. I was focused on my revenge, but it went too fucking slow. I needed Beta Norman by himself, so I could attack him and stop whatever else he was planning. I tried to keep my eye on Beta Norman, but it was Kai that drew my attention. He walked out of the campsite and went into the opposite direction of the dig site. He kept walking and I followed him. It was obvious he was trying to reach me.
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