Semua Bab RADEMOS: Bab 1 - Bab 10
13 Bab
Chapter 1
The cafeteria was buzzing with students eating at different tables. A mixture of various food smells filled the air. Everyone was seated with at least one person except Rademos, who was at the far end, alone in the booth. He paid no attention to anyone, not even the girls secretly scheming against him."We'll get it all on camera," Andis added, and two other girls, Temi and Josara, chuckled in agreement.Lora sat quietly by the corner as her predicament became an outlet for the girls to let out their bottled-up insecurities. This was not what she intended when she came confiding in them. She didn't imagine it would go this far.Lora shuddered at her cowardice. Her inability to put a stick to this accelerating wheel. The plan was simple but cruel. Temi would record Andis, the class hottie, seducing Rademos until he's aroused to a point where she ditches him. The video, once it got out, would definitely hurt Rademos' perfect reputation. It sounded like the most promising retribution aga
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Chapter 2
Temi kept searching her bag for the phone as her classmates all concentrated their gazes on her with an expression that made her feel like a dummy."It was right here; I kept it in my bag before calling for help!" Temi declared."Obviously," Ralph said, mustering every ounce of sarcasm he had in that single word.Rademos wasn't even listening to them. He was more concerned about Andis. He knew he shoved her, and she crashed against the wall. She bled, and he saw her bleed. He stared at his hands. They're Andis's blood. 'What the hell is going on?'"It's not a prank for Pete's sake; he killed her," Temi argued."Yeah, yeah," said Nick, another male student. "He killed her, and she came back like a vampire; her wounds healed up," he added, making Temi look like a fool."Don't you guys have anything else to do? Cause I have to get my dress ready for Rademos's party!" Brianna said, leaving."Okay, I'm out of here," said Nick, joining Brianna."Better luck with your prank next time, and do
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Chapter 3
Sixteen years ago.The year was 1907, December 6th. The wind howled silently as feathery snowflakes fell peacefully on everything they could. An attractive lady dressed in black leather pants and a jacket holding a baby in a golden carrier had just stepped into a road full of approaching speeding cars. A massive screeching sound ensued as several cars spawned their brakes to avoid colliding.Such reckless endangerment deserved multiple yelling, but no one voiced even a whisper at her. Something was charming about her; something simply irresistible made them chill out. She smiled knowingly. She thought of the last time she consumed a human through sex and huffed. It felt like a million years ago. Finding love had made her stop consuming humans. She crossed over to the other side, and the cars resumed their motion.Anyways, what was a demon doing in Felfili? A town meant for humans. They despised the place. Demons of all creatures hated humans, but to protect her son, Baselroth had to
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Chapter 4
Lafreya hurried to twist the door knob. She closed her fingers around the knob and pulled at it. When it didn't open, she threw her weight behind the door and rattled it violently this time, but it still didn't open. That was when she realized that Rademos must've locked the door from inside. Mideora was standing right behind her. They had both been filled with a surge of alarm when they heard Rademos' anguished scream and had fled from the kitchen to down here, abandoning their duties and bewildered guests."It's locked," Lafreya lets out. "Rademos? Are you in there? Can you hear me? If you can hear me, please say something."She placed her ear against the door, trying to listen for any sound, even if it was not Rademos' voice. But she heard nothing save for the drip-drip sound from the shower in the bathroom. Their dad has meant to fix it but never gotten around to it."Okay, I'm going to count to five, and then I'm going to let myself in. One, two, three, four, five."At the coun
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Chapter 5
Rademos puts on his suit in a rush. He sat on his bed, laced his shoes, got up, and stared in front of the mirror. He knotted his black tie, after which he stared at his hands, and his eidetic memory forced an image of him pushing Andis off him earlier into his mind. He suppressed the rest of the flashback. He stared at his reflection again, only this time, he took a while to appreciate his appearance.He turned off the light, stepped out of the room, and shut the door. He could hear the thrumming sound of the music as it came off the speakers in deep vibrations. He strolled down the corridor, his left hand casually placed in the left pocket of his trousers. He started to imagine the sight that was going to be before him when he entered the living room. The door swung in at his touch, and the full volume of the music hit him with a blast. The party lights cast fun, colorful shades on the dancers already vibrating to the music and having the times of their life. The party was clearly
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Chapter 6
"Rademos, please wait," Andis called after him for the fourth time. Still, he continued to walk determinedly towards the back of the house, his footsteps slapping hard against the concrete and echoing in her ears as they got farther and farther away from her. She ran after him, deciding to call out to him one last time before she gave up."Rademos, please wait up. Please."But Rademos kept going. Andis was quite frustrated at this point. She paused in her tracks and ceased to go after him. She scoffed, stamped her feet, and threw her hands in the air in a dramatically aggrieved gesture. He could keep going if he wanted.Rademos sensed that Andis had stopped coming after him. She seemed to have tired and had finally given up. He stopped and glanced over his shoulder. He was right; she was standing still in the center of the road, her hands folded into fists by her sides while she stared presumably at his retreating back."What do you want?" he asked her in a flat monotone while he wari
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Chapter 7
Confusion had barely just begun. A cacophony of screams had erupted from within the house, accompanied by the sounds of things crashing down and plain pandemonium. It was just as if the people inside were trying to run outside all at once and pushing down things blocking their paths while they attempted to do so.Rademos and Andis exchanged a startled glance, and each wondered in their minds just what the heck was going on inside. Andis, who has always held a fascination for dragons since her younger days, suddenly wonders if one had made an appearance at the party. She shook her head at herself, feeling quite ridiculous about the thought."What the hell was that about?" Rademos asked, throwing the question more to the atmosphere than to Andis.They looked at each one more time in curiosity before they both sprinted away, each headed for the house at full speed. Rademos effortlessly gained momentum on Andis. He had always been the fastest runner in their school. He tore silently past
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Chapter 8
The partygoers finally trickled out altogether, leaving just Lafreya, Mideora, Rademos, Lora, and Andis as the only ones left in the living room. Lora was sitting on the floor with her arms carefully positioned in her lap while she turned them to look at her wrists all over again.Mideora looked at Lafreya expectantly, and Lafreya realized that she was yet to answer her daughter's question about Lycans."Well, the truth is that I had a friend of mine do it. I only just had to say the words.""A friend of yours?" Mideora asked again, glancing around to do a quick headcount to see if there was anybody she had initially missed."Ah, kind of like an invisible friend. My friend is as quick as a flash of lightning." Lafreya shared a conspiratorial wink with Mideora.Lora manages to pull herself from the shock long enough to thank Lafreya."Thank you, ma'am. Thank your friend too. I am indebted to both of you.""It's nothing, child. I know that life would not always be rosy, but remember you
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Chapter 9
Rademos clung to his chest with his right hand feeling as if he had just been hit with a charged up defibrillator. His environment suddenly seemed to expand and he found himself lost in a void. Momentarily, reality faded into oblivion, causing him to be unable to do anything concerning the man he had just sent crashing through the glass window of the coffee shop across the street. He couldn't see anything, not even himself. Also, suddenly, all the things that go bump—or hoot—in the night went quiet. Goosebumps immediately popped up all over Rademos's skin. Adrenaline triggered his body flight or fight response, but there was nothing to fight, and he also didn't know which direction he should run in the darkness, so he froze. His fist curled and he gritted his teeth angrily as he wondered if he'd just been teleported again, though, nothing about the way he felt seemed to suggest he had."What the heck? Where am I?" he questioned inwardly."Hello," Rademos called into the darkness, bu
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Chapter 10
Sixteen years ago.Abaddon had just sent one of his demons, Momodaeus, to fetch his daughter for him. Baselroth, having received her father's summon, decided to head straight to Oxlock. It was in her best interest not to keep her father waiting, for he was an impatient man. Momodaeus accompanied her to a secluded area. With nobody watching, they took the only route that led to Oxlock by magically sinking into the ground. The floor which they descended through didn't have any holes, yet they just passed through it as if it was a normal thing.They'd both sunk waist deep into the snowflakes covered ground when Momodaeus said, "Hey, Baselroth.""What is it?" Baselroth asked, shooting him a glance before she was buried neck deep."You still haven't told me what you were doing in the backyard of that couple's house.""I told you before, it's none of your business!""I will find out sooner than later," Momodaeus said calmly, and Baselroth gritted her teeth.Suddenly they appeared in a shado
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