Semua Bab Gay Billionaire's Contracted Wife: Bab 21 - Bab 30
69 Bab
Chapter 21
Xavier sipped his tea, while Amelia kept staring at him. She had been like that for some time, staring across the dining table, not eating anything. Xavier chose not to show concern because he knew that if he asked her what the problem was, she wouldn't stop talking about it, and he wasn't ready for her garrulous nature.Xavier took another sip from the cup, and he noticed how she followed him with her eyes. It was beginning to be uncomfortable and Xavier couldn't take it anymore.“What?” He asked, and Amelia blinked rapidly.“Nothing,” she said and Xavier couldn't help but scoff at her response.“You have been staring intently at me for the past 5 minutes”“I was staring blankly into space, and you just happened to be there”“Are you serious?”“Of course”“Pathetic” he responded, going back to his tea and taking a sip once more. The tea was quite hot and that was precisely what he needed.“You don't seem like the type to drink tea”“How would you know that?"“I'm your wife, remember?”
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Chapter 22
“Can we go out for a walk?” Amelia said. There was silence afterward Xavier chose to keep her quiet and that was something Amelia hated about him. His occasional casual demeanor was always unbearable. Having her wait for his reply was so annoying. It showed how less important he saw her. “That isn't necessary, Miss Wilson,” he said. Amelia knew he was doing it on purpose just to make her angry. That was the motive of the whole formality. “What happened to our former agreement?”“What agreement?”“The agreement of sticking to Ami instead of Miss Wilson” “I never agreed to such a deal” “I made myself clear. You could at least give me some benefits. This marriage is under a contract and I get to do whatever is stated in the contract. Why can't you do mine?” she asked hands akimbo. “And you think you are doing a good job in keeping to my contract rules?”“ I always try my possible best and I can vouch for that”“Vouch for what?” Xavier asked, placing both of his hands in front of him.
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Chapter 23
She didn't know why, but Martin abruptly brushed through her mind almost immediately. With the way Xavier acted that day, it was certain there was an undying tension between both of themOne look at Xavier and she noticed the tiredness, anger, and hurt his face held. The phone had already stopped ringing. She walked towards him once more, stealthily, trying not to get punctured by the broken glass.Standing in front of him, she stayed with her hand akimbo, looking at him like a mother staring down at her child. Xavier didn't look at her, he was just too angry to do so. He just sat, head bowed and fingers supporting his head.“Now, will you tell me what the problem is?”“I'm not in the mood to do so” “I have every right to know because you made this place a pig style due to your anger,” she said and a sigh escaped from his lips. He was trying his best not to lose his mind due to her stubbornness.“You have no right to show exhaustion toward me. I am just as pissed as you could probabl
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Chapter 24
The night was still quite early, and Amelia was up. Sleep was far away from her eyes. She didn't see herself getting any of it. Tilting over to the other side of the bed, she sighed in exasperation, shutting her eyes once more, hoping the sleep she craved would come.When it was certain she wasn't getting any sleep, she slipped out of her bed and made her way to the bathroom, dragging her feet against the cold floor, not even caring to search for her flip-flops.She turned on the tap and let the water flow for a while before putting her face in it. She shivered slightly, exhaling from her mouth as the water caressed her skin. It was undoubtedly what she needed. She loved the way it soothed the discomfort. She looked at the mirror in front of her and smiled at her reflection. Her appearance was more appealing. Her pale skin appeared more appealing and less patchy than she had remembered.*Could Xavier be asleep?* She thought to herself and instantly felt the need to confirm. If he was a
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Chapter 25
“Eat up.” He ordered and Amelia scoffed. “And what if I don't want to?" She decided to prove stubborn just to piss him off. “Then you would have to wait for me to eat up before I can tell you why I sent for you,” he said with casual demeanor as he ate and it caused her to scowl at him in annoyance. Her inner self had initially leaped for joy at the thought of him caring about her enough to ask her to eat up, but Xavier in his nature just had a way of ruining her everything.“Absurd,” she said out loud, not caring if he heard her or not. She reached for the bowl of salad and Xavier looked at her confusingly with cocked eyebrows.“Vegetarian?”“Partially”“Is that even possible?”“To me,” she said, but the look on his face still held confusion, and sighed. “Whenever I feel sober enough to care about animals, I exempt meat from the meal, but occasionally I forget and eat meat”“Then that doesn't make you a vegetarian, you are just confused,” he chortled and Amelia felt the need to pour
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Chapter 26
“Good for you then,” he said, taking a sip from his glass and Amelia just stared at him too stunned to speak. Just when Xavier had finished speaking, an old man raised his bidding card and the tension began building up inside her.“I million dollars,” he said“For a 20-carat ruby?” Xavier asked with a scoff, while Amelia looked at him confused“1.5 million dollars” a lady not too far from them shouted, raising her bidding card. Her sharp red lipstick was quite evident. It gave her a 1960 look.“Yes, 1.5 million dollars, anyone else?” the auctioneer asked and Amelia shuddered. The thought of raising her card, declaring a prize that she had never thought of having for a lifetime made her shake. “1.650 million dollars,” the aged lady in front of them said.“Yes, let's keep it going” the auctioneer yelled. Amelia began to raise her bidding card slowly, but someone else spoke.“2 million dollars,” A Brunette woman yelled. Amelia gasped. That was too much. She couldn't see herself bidding
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Chapter 27
“Good for you then,” he said, taking a sip from his glass and Amelia just stared at him too stunned to speak. Just when Xavier had finished speaking, an old man raised his bidding card and the tension began building up inside her.“I million dollars,” he said“For a 20-carat ruby?” Xavier asked with a scoff, while Amelia looked at him confused“1.5 million dollars” a lady not too far from them shouted, raising her bidding card. Her sharp red lipstick was quite evident. It gave her a 1960 look.“Yes 1.5 million dollars, anyone else?” the auctioneer asked and Amelia shuddered. The thought of raising her card, declaring a prize that she had never thought of having for a lifetime made her shake. “1.650 million dollars,” the aged lady in front of them said.“Yes, let's keep it going” the auctioneer yelled. Amelia began to raise her bidding card slowly, but someone else spoke.“2 million dollars,” A Brunette woman yelled. Amelia gasped. That was too much. She couldn't see herself bidding h
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Chapter 28
The deal was sealed, and Amelia couldn't keep herself still. The place suddenly became too stuffy, difficult for her to breathe. At first, she thought she could bear it, but when she could no longer do that, she ran away, not caring about the eyes that followed her as she ran.Hurling her heels aside, she made her way out. When she was finally out, she rushed to a conducive area to vomit every content in her stomach, but that wasn't successful. The fear she felt in her was so great, she shivered physically. After a moment, her hair was tucked beneath her ear. She immediately knew it was Xavier. His scent filled the whole place as he held her a hair.She stood up straight and a whimper escaped from her mouth. She had no idea she had been crying, but the reason was clear. Fear was the main thing, and she couldn't get rid of it.“Amelia” she heard him say softly, but the tears just kept flowing with reckless abandon.“Don't touch me” she snapped, raising her head as she walked away from
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Chapter 29
"CAD" he announced and her eyes in shock"You mean?""Coronary artery disorder" he completed with a smile emerging on his face and it was just so odd deeming the gravity of what he said."Oh my God". She exclaimed as her eyes widened in shock"You don't need to react that way. I have gotten enough already""How long?""For the past 2 years""I'm so sorry you had to go through all that" the main reason she felt bad was that she acted so rude to him at first and poured out her anger on him, not knowing he had to go through a lot. "You don't need to be," he said and silence followed afterward.The car ride tarried for a while and after some time it came to a halt at a white duplex. It wasn't so big, but it sure looked luxurious. Truthfully, this house was the kind she preferred. It was an average-sized house and very convenient for her unlike the numerous mansion, Xavier had quelled her to leave in. The door was opened by her and she alighted the car, looking around and inhaling the cool
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Chapter 30
Her heartbeat was increased as nervousness set in. She wondered why she felt that way. The silence in the car gave her more room to think, and that was the least she wanted to do.All of a sudden, everything suddenly looked and felt irritating to her. The scent of the deodorizer produced from the car made her feel nauseous, and the fact the car was moving at an incredibly slow pace made her feel the need to fly out of the window and walk to the goddamn estate.“Are you okay ma'am?” she heard from the front. She tore her eyes from the window view and looked at Jordan, flashing him a quick smile. A glare was earlier visible in her face, and she had no idea it was that visible to the extent of the driver noticing.“I'm fine,” Amelia said, but it was apparent she didn't mean it. * Fuck it*“Can you not drive so slowly” she spat out and Jordan's eyes partially widened on realization?“I'm sorry ma'am, My boss clarified you get home as safe as possible, and I want to make sure of that”“My n
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