Semua Bab Out Foxed by Fox: Bab 51 - Bab 60
84 Bab
Fun With the Doctor
It felt like stinging bees, in her most vulnerable area, and Ella's tears leaked down into her hair as she begged him to stop.Instead, he just hit a button on the table, forcing her legs to spread even further, making her even more vulnerable to him."Stop, please no..." Ella howled as he thrust a second finger inside of her body, fucking her with the stabbing knives of his fingers.Then, just as suddenly, the sensation changed back to the popping bubbles. Pleasurable. Her pussy clenched again, and this time because it felt like his fingers were moving inside of her even though they weren't. It felt like her g-spot was vibrating. Ella cried out as his thumb pressed firmly against her clit, the little bubbles sparkling against the sensitive organ. The sudden switch from pain to pleasure had her reeling with shock, as well as relief and arousal. Anything but the pain...When Dr. Wolcott did move his fingers, the sensation made Ella shudder as pleasurable flutters went through her. The
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Ella It’s Me Ander!
A soldier came in and went directly to Fox's dais, where he was standing and conferring with some of his other officers. Ciera was there as well, idly playing with a pen and occasionally looking over at Ander. He was positioned far enough away that he couldn't hear anything they were saying, but they could all see him. For the most part, he tried not to look at them. Catching Ciera's glance was too disconcerting for him. The soldier wasn't the first to come in and go directly to Fox, but for the first time, Fox turned and looked at Ander after the soldier made his report. The first time that he'd acknowledged Ander's existence in at least an hour. "Good," Fox said, glancing back at the soldier. "Take him." Ciera looked disappointed and Ander couldn't help a little sigh of relief. He'd been nervously waiting for some kind of punishment, wracking his brain as if trying to force his memories back into his head. None of which had worked. The hours remained stubbornly blank and he couldn
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A New Day a New Trauma
They were left alone for the entire evening, and the next morning Ander woke up to find Ella still wrapped around him. He wasn't surprised. The few times during the night that they'd rolled away from each other, he'd woken up to her whimpers and thrashing at the nightmares she was having. As long as she was next to him, touching him, that seemed to keep the bad dreams at bay. And he definitely didn't mind having her pressed up against him, although his cock was aching by the time he woke up.The normal morning routine seemed to help center her too, although he made sure to stick close by her side. Fury and aggression were roiling inside of him, but he was becoming used to covering up those emotions to give Ella the gentleness and affection she needed. Especially today.Jackson didn't let Emilia anywhere near them during their exercise, which made Ander wonder if she knew anything about yesterday since normally Jackson was a little laxer about letting Emilia wander away from him while
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Toying with Toy
"Ander, no," Ella whispered behind him, shock threaded through her voice.But it was too late.Throwing a cushion was stupid. It would never hurt anyone, it couldn't even be constituted a threat, but it did what it was meant to do. Ciera's eyes locked onto him, and she raised her eyebrows, both amused and intrigued, taking her attention away from Ella. Which had been the goal. His skin crawled as both Fox and Ciera focused on him."If Toy wants to play so badly, then I think we should oblige him," Ciera said, with a smile that made Ander's fists clench, as if in preparation for a fight. Behind her, Dustin scowled and leaned down to say something in her ear. Ciera turned and patted his shoulder, saying something back to him.With another wistful look towards Ella, Dustin turned and loped off down the dais and into the crowd where two women immediately latched onto him. At the same time, Ciera and Fox both refocused their attention on Ander.Fox gestured to the soldiers nearby. "Take Pe
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Sigils and Memories
Pacing back and forth in their room, Ella rubbed her hands over her upper arms. She hated being separated from Ander, even if she was relieved that nothing awful was happening to her. Although the soldiers who had brought her back to the room had applied healing cream to her nipples, pussy and asshole - with great enthusiasm and fortunately only their fingers - her skin still felt achy and sensitive. Apparently, the cream could only do so much against the lingering effects of electricity.What was happening to Ander? Was he being punished? Pleasured? What was Ciera doing to him? It was almost worse than when she'd had to watch him with the other woman, not knowing what was being done to him made her mind go spinning in all sorts of directions. Was Fox still with them? Would he make sure that Ciera didn't break Ander?He'd seemed at least somewhat concerned that Ciera didn't break his 'toys,' although he also hadn't hesitated to hand her over to Dr. Wolcott. What had she done dammit?R
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Where Is Ella!
The day after Ciera and Fox shared Ander, Ciera was called away for some reason that remained unknown to Ander and Ella. Both of them were relieved. Ella didn't tell Ander about Fox's visit that night; there was nothing he could have done and she knew that he would have been upset that he'd slept through her rape. Besides, she didn't think she could face the remembered shame of how much pleasure she'd received from it.Something strange was happening to her. Throughout the day, she found herself staring at the sigil that decorated the compounds' walls. It wasn't a particularly pretty sigil, just an S shape with a horizontal bar through the top curve, but when she wasn't focused on a conversation or watching something, she would blink and realize that she'd been staring at it. Sometimes for a long time. And sometimes she felt like there was something significant about it. She just couldn't remember what.Questioning Emilia might have helped; she was becoming more and more sure that Emi
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Teaching Toy a Lesson
Ella didn't realize that one of the walls was a one-way mirror. Not that she would have particularly cared if she had. She was in heaven. When Fox had told her that she was a good Pet and that she'd earned a reward, she'd been both suspicious and frightened, because he hadn't told her what the reward was. It was being pampered.Even though she was still nervous about being separated from Ander, she was having trouble holding onto that tension through the blissful massage that she was currently receiving. Fingers dug into her back, finding every knot and soothing it away, before replacing the pressure of fingers with a stone that was almost too hot to bear. It felt lovely. The heat sank into her muscles, making her feel utterly limp on the table.On the other side of the mirror, Ander was conflicted as hell. He hadn't been sure where Fox had been taking him, but he'd hoped it would be to see what was happening to Ella. But he'd honestly been expecting that it would be something horribl
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Touch Her
Ella’s pussy was aching emptily, even as her ass protested the invasion. Ella panted behind the gag, whimpering and groaning as she was stretched wide, feeling the sharp slices whenever the plug went a little bit deeper, forcing her ass a little bit wider."You can do this Ella... take a deep breath... now let it out..." As she did so, Ander pushed the plug, and Ella cried out, her teeth biting into the gag as the plug pushed fully into her body. Her anus snapped shut behind the wide bulge, clamping down on the thinner dip between the bulge and the base. It was uncomfortable, settling inside of her, as the muscles burned from the sharp pain of fully taking the large toy.But at least it was over now. She thought she felt Ander leave a soft kiss on her inner thigh as he stood back up, but she couldn't be sure.T
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Toy Explores the Darkside
Ella moaned as Ander's fingers probed her slick pussy lips, confused by the swell of emotions and sensations. She loved that he was touching her, and hated that it was in the direction of Fox. The pain in her ass and nipples mixed with the pleasure that his stroking fingers brought her, making her pussy clamp down as one long finger pushed inside of her. Her pussy felt incredibly tight with the plug taking up so much room in her other channel. She was burning, inside and out; one kind of burning felt good, the other didn't, but it was becoming harder to tell which was which. Ander's finger pumped inside of her, his thumb brushing her swollen clit, and she felt a throbbing response in her clamped nipples as the chain on her belly quivered. When her eyes fluttered open, she looked up, and for the first time, Ander was looking back at her. His gaze was hot and hungry but tinged with guilt. She tried to put her arousal into her eyes, her needy hunger for him. A presence loomed behind he
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We Have Visitors
Carrying Ella back to their room, flanked by Fox's soldiers, Ander cuddled her close even though he knew he didn't deserve to. He was consumed by guilt, even though he'd tried to make the entire experience as pleasurable for her as possible at the end. That wasn't the problem. The problem was how much he'd enjoyed himself. He'd always known that he liked control during sex. That was nothing new. Even mixing a little bit of pain and pleasure wasn't completely new, although what he'd done to Ella today had been far beyond anything he'd done with any other partner. Fox had given him a choice. Send Ella back to Doctor Wolcott, and be forced to watch whatever he did to her. Or make her into his whipping boy, at his own hands, under Fox's direction. And he hadn't been allowed to explain to her what was going on or why. It had been an easy choice; sending Ella back to the doctor would break her, and keeping her with him meant that at least he'd have some control over the situation. Too ba
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