Semua Bab Miss Nobody: The Worthless Projected Wife is Trillion-Dollar: Bab 41 - Bab 50
140 Bab
In Love Again
Massimo cussed out seeing Bryce with Fabe and Cali. Their car was covered with bullets and Cali got shot on his arm. “What the heck happened?” Stephen immediately helped Bryce with Cali. Putting him in bed, “Ava, get some wine and knife!” Fabe went to the kitchen and gathered the things they need to treat Cali. Massimo alarmed all his men to be alert for a possible attack. “Are you going to remove the bullets using that? That’s a lot of pain!” Bryce blurted out seeing the wine and knife. Stephen ask him to hold Cali, while Fabe gagged his mouth with a towel. “Hold him tight,” Stephen instructed Bryce.Stephen lit the candle and heat the knife. Then use it to dig out the bullet in his arm. Afterward, he pour the wine directly to the wound and stitch it. Cali scream and thrash in pain. Fabe made him drink antibiotic capsule while Stephen continued stitching. After a few minutes, Cali drift off. “Check on him every thirty minutes and dress his wounds. If he started to have f
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Fabe fleeted to the hospital. Cali got a high fever and were convulsing. The doctor said that he got some infection and needed a higher dose of antibiotic, injected to his fluids. “Will he be alright?” Fabe held Cali’s hand asking Stephen. “He will be. Dad assigned nurses to watched over him exclusively, and our men are scattered in the hospital. His doctor was also informed. No one can get near him aside from the assigned health care.”“That’s good to know. We are not taking any chances with Eerie,” Fabe kissed Cali’s forehead and left. Her connection with them must stay hidden at the moment.At home, Fabe put on her spandex suit and mask. She was about to head out, but Massimo caught her.“Where are you going, Ava?” “Search for Eerie.”“Stop! You will only make things worst. Cali is now in the hospital, do you want to go next? Think of Liam.”“Dad, what are you afraid off?”“Nothing. But they know you and I’m sure they know about your son. Think about it.”Fabe ponders
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The Heiress of The Donovan
Bryce felt unsettled knowing Fabe hurt Jonathan and could possibly retaliate again. Cali saw it on his face.“Don’t worry, Bryce. Jonathan is still alive. For now. If he ever do anything stupid, my sister will definitely kill him.”“It’s so weird hearing that. The Fabe I knew was submissive and….”“Weak?” Cali cut him, “She was trying to change that time. You should have seen her in the field. She was unstoppable.”“Well, you trained her hard.”“Dad did, and with constant training and exposure. She became the best. But only love can distract her like that.”Fabe came back with the doctor and check on Cali. It was also time for his medicine. Then Cali fell asleep again because of the medicines administered in him.“Are you going home?” Bryce asked Fabe. “No. I’ll stay here and watch Cali.”“Then I’ll accompany you. But dinner?” “Sure.”The two decided to go at the nearest restaurant from the hospital. Bryce ordered steak and veggie salad for them and while waiting, he open
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Massimo's Pain
While in the spotlight, Fabe caught a glimpse of Eerie in the crowd and whispered to Stephen. He radioed the security and told them to keep an eye on her. Fabe excuse herself and went back stage searching for Eerie. She check at the corridor and offices, but didn’t find her. She was gone. “Fabe,” Bryce showed up, seeing her leave the party and followed her.“What are doing here? Get back in there!” “You saw her. Is she here?” “What? Bryce let’s go,” Fabe pulled Bryce’s hand, and suddenly, Eerie came out blocking their way. “Love birds,” Eerie uttered and point her gun at them, “You know I always thought Hamilton guy will end up with the other woman he replaced you.”“I didn’t know you are nosy. Seems like you are updated with my life. Are you that fan?” Fabe answered keeping an eye on Eerie’s gun. “Hmm, mock all you wish. Soon, your life will fall apart right in front of you.”“What do you want? This chasing is getting old. Let’s finish this. You and me!” Fabe said firm
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Being Reckless
“What! Dad, you can’t do that to, Ava! Jonathan kidnapped Bryce, she will not….”“I don’t care if she loves him! He cannot protect her and Liam!” Massimo cut in Cali’s sentiment, “My decision is final. It will be done.”Massimo set a meeting with Leo Stanley over dinner to discuss about the wedding. Jonathan already agreed. Their union will be a great asset to their businesses and to the triad.Meanwhile, Fabe and Liam went out with Bryce secretly. Watching movies and visit the playground. Enjoying the day of being a complete family.Ding!Fabe got a text message from Massimo about their client meeting over dinner. She was supposed to have dinner with Bryce’s family, and canceled it after receiving the text. “Well set it some other time. You know how strict dad when it comes to our client.”“Is it only a meeting or you will be out on a mission again? Because I’m telling you how dangerous your job is,” Bryce talked about! being Nova and urges her to stop. “I’m tied to the tri
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New Hope
Massimo was worried about Fabe and decided to talk to her. He just announced Fabe as her daughter, and the last thing he would like to hear is her being scrutinized by the public, especially by the Golden Circle, because of her recklessness."What were you thinking? What if you got into an accident?" Massimo paces in front of them worriedly. After receiving the call from the police, he immediately sent Frank and Stephen to collect them at the police station."So you are worried now? But giving me to a man I don't love doesn't worry you at all," Fabe answered back."I stated my reasons. You know better than allowing that Hamilton to be part of your life!" Massimo snapped, holding his anger back."But I don't love, Jonathan!" Fabe exclaimed in tears."Love? Does it matter? Bryce cannot protect you! And don't drag him into the mess you created because of your love. Nova has been compromised! Do you want him dead?"Fabe went mute. She knows better not to contradict Massimo. He got some poi
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Selfish Love
Stanley Corporation was one of the closest business partners of Donovan Corporation. It rooted from their family history being members of Uno triad through generations. Jonathan and Fabe grew up and trained together. Unlike Fabe, Jonathan admired her. He was vocal about his feelings and it was not a secret to the triad and their families.“Someday, I will marry you,” ten years old Jonathan swear in front of Fabe. Raising his right hand and confessing his feelings towards her.“Eww! You’re like my brother. Siblings don’t get married. You should know that!” Fabe scorned, knitting her eyebrows. “But I am not your brother! We are not siblings!”“For me, we are! So forget about your dream because I am not going to marry you!” Fabe folded her arms and gave him a cold shoulder.Jonathan was overprotective when it comes to Fabe. Every mission, he would always by her side and no one gets in his way. He would crushed those who dares to hurt her. When she was captured in Russia, Jonath
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Fighting for Her
Beaten, Bryce was kneeled and restrain by Massimo’s men. Fabe rustle to him and struggled defending him. Fighting her father’s guards.“Dad! Stop it, please!” she begged, hugging Bryce.“He got all the balls to come here and questioned my decision!” Massimo yelled.“I’ll talk to him, just stop this!” Fabe cried, shivering in fear for Bryce’s life. Massimo stormed away, leaving them. Fabe immediately helped Bryce up and led him to his car. She took his key and drove off. “Where are you taking me?” Bryce asked faintly.“Home,” Fabe answered while driving fast. “No. Don’t take me home. Turn around. Take me to my favorite hotel. I don’t want them to see me like this.”Fabe quickly drifted around and took him to the hotel. She called his investigator friend and informed him about his condition. “Fabe, please. Don’t marry Jonathan.”“Why the hell did you face my dad? What were you thinking? He could have killed you without a trace do you know that!” she scorned, pacing in the
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It was Bryce’s picture with Nova. The day she retrieved the stolen luxury cars and the day she killed Sunny Liang. Bryce passed out that day and woke up with the garbage collector watching over him. “This is what I’m telling you about! You’re busted and so is Nova. Dammit, Bryce! You two are being reckless!” Jim throw the pictures in bed. Bryce scanned it and remembered every picture. “Who would send this?” “It was clearly taken from the video camera. Shit! You’re going to get yourself killed one of these days, men.”Jim took out his phone and called someone. Informing about the pictures. “Who are you talking to?” “Frank. Stephen’s trusted friend. He needs to know about this before it blows off and reach Massimo.”Bryce also texted Fabe, but didn’t get any reply. He was thinking it could be her nemesis Eerie that was behind it. Other than that, he can’t think of any enemies that knew about his encounter with Nova.Moments later, Frank arrived at the hotel. He checked all
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Goodbye Bryce
“Bombs!”Jim throw the basket out of the window and duck, covering his ears. Bryce crawled on the floor and took cover beside the bed. But after a few seconds, nothing happens. “Jim? Are you sure it was a bomb?” “I heard a ticking!” “But you didn’t saw what’s inside that basket? You just assumed it was a bomb.”Jim nodded and together they look out the window to check the basket. The flowers and a vintage alarm clock were scattered on the ground. “It wasn’t a bomb,” Jim clasp his chest, “False alarm.”“It was a warning for me,” Bryce uttered nervously and thought of the anonymous call. He can’t figure out the voice since the caller used a voice changer to mask the sound.Jim thought the same thing. But concluded that the next time, it will be a real bomb or a bullet in Bryce’s head or maybe in their heads.After the incident, Jim suggested to checked out of the hotel and transfer to his place. Bryce cannot go home yet with his beaten face and Fabe specifically asked Jim t
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14 Protection Status