Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 51 - Chapitre 60
Chapter 50
DacreI had cut off my relationship or whatever it was with Clarissa in the worst way possible. I knew the first time I had kissed her in the pub that she was a mistake.And the second time when I kissed her in the forest while groping her small breasts that she was a drug.I could not get enough of her no matter how much I told myself that she was just another girl, an inexperienced virgin who wanted to be taught.A part of me had known that giving in to the craving would only make her more irresistible to me. But, I had thought that I would just take a taste of her and then leave her. That I would prove it to myself that I was not affected by those dove like eyes and that innocent looking face.A more evil idea had been to make her want me in such a way that she would never again crave someone else.But only now did I realize that I had not been the master planner. The brown haired girl with her gray eyes and petite figure had done that to me.She had made me want her like nothing e
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Chapter 51
ClarissaI sat back in the car as I kept forcing tears to not spill out. Why did it hurt so much?I and Dacre had not been in love, we were not dating and we were certainly not mates.Yet, I felt as if I would never want anyone else. Maybe, I needed some medication. Talia kept quiet for the entire ride, giving me some time to collect my thoughts.I tried to console myself by saying that what happened had happened for the best. I was going to go back to my home and my people so Dacre would soon become a memory of the past.The car came to a halt and I was snapped out of my thoughts.“Now come on, we have to start packing for home too.”She said with a small smile and I got out of the car after adjusting my hair and taking a few deep breaths to steady my nerves.We went in and I saw that mom had already packed most of the stuff.She looked at us and smiled, “time to go home for your birthday celebration, exciting isn’t it?”I gave her a half smile as Talia decided to cover up for me.“
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Chapter 52
ClarissaAs we all sat back in the car, I could not shake the thought of those eyes watching me. I racked my brain to recall when was the last time I had seen them.If my memory was not failing me, it had been back at home, when we were in the study and mom had made us draw runes.Then again, I saw those eyes from the window of my room. All these days everything had been silent.With a jolt, I realized that I had also not dreamt of the handsome man burning up in flames ever since I had left home.Instead, another sinful young man had taken his place. But I quashed the thought of Dacre faster than it could take up space in my head again.I viciously buried it and began to think about the events and how they had unfolded over the past few weeks.The eyes that had been tailing me, the dreams about the young man, then meeting Dacre, Miranda being chased by a demon, her pointing her finger at me before her death, then the visions that I saw.Was it really my mind that had been hallucinatin
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Chapter 53
Clarissa“What do you want?”I asked him the question I always asked him.And as usual, he did not tense or show any indication of me being around or him listening to me.However, this time he took a long time to reply.I knew trying to find out a way from the fire maze was pointless so I just waited for him to speak. The runes that were being etched on his back were finally completed and he spoke.“Your drawing skills are horrific”I was taken aback by his comment. After the fire etching on his skin died down, it left behind a glowing set of sloppily drawn runes on his back.“Different from your mother’s or your sister’s. You are weak”He said and I felt rage boiling within me. “You show up uninvited in my dreams every single night and you have the audacity to call me weak?”I said in a seething voice.He turned his head from left to right and loosened his back muscles before answering.“I thought you didn’t miss me when you were ogling boys and letting him ravish you the way he wan
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Chapter 54
ClarissaShe said before finally opening her eyes. “So the runes being etched on the demon’s back were the ones you drew on the notebook? That is interesting.”I bit my lip nervously, feeling anything but interested in the discussion.“Come on, we have to go draw the runes”I said as I gobbled up a sandwich and gulped down the juice. I skipped bathing for today as I was not in the mood.Talia hopped towards the bathroom as I finished my share of food and headed straight to the study.As expected mom was waiting for us with a book in her hand and our notebooks were lying open.She had not drawn a rune on the board like usual.I walked in and greeted her.“Good morning, Mom”“Good morning, birthday girl”She said and I blinked, “The birthday is tomorrow not today”“Doesn't make you 'not' a birthday girl”She smiled and I smiled in return.“Where is your sister?” She asked as she lifted a marker fro mthe table.“She went to shower, She will be here any minute”“So, I was thinking of a b
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Chapter 55
Dacre"That is a freaking achievement and a historical feat. You and dad should be worshipped by the werewolves.”Talia began rambling but mom quieted her down.“Calm down, sweetie. Your father and I don’t want to be haunted by the past life demon. We prefer to live the quite life with you both. Plus, the topic of demons is scary for even grown-up werewolves let alone pups. So we rather not mention it.”I watched the rune that mom had drawn and recalled my dream, the recent one where the rune was being etched on the demon’s back.“But, why do you think we should learn drawing runes? Do you think a demon would come back ever again? After all, you said the Goddess herself killed him.”Mom gave a frown and thought about the answer for a bit.She only replied, “It is always better to be prepared.”I and Talia exchanged confused looks but then mom shooed us away.“Enough of this serious talk. Now go out and get some fresh air. Your father would want you to train a bit.”Mom said and Talia
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Chapter 56
ClarissaTalia was naturally a magnet who attracted guys to herself. I, despite being her replica, failed at it, quite miserably at that.Jake got down and placed her foot on his knee and rolled up her pants as he ruffled for a pain reliever spray from the first aid kit lying nearby.When he was done, he gingerly placed her foot back on the ground and said,“I guess, you should rest for a while. Join us when you feel that you can walk.”He said with a smile as then he turned his attention to me.I had been staring at him with squinted eyes and the way he had been so careful with her.I somehow imagined Dacre and the rough way he had handled me, pushed me back on the tree, and kissed me until my lips were sore.How would it feel to be loved and kissed gently? Would it be as exciting?I was dragged out of my thoughts as Jake snapped his fingers in front of my face.“Where are you lost?”He asked and I answered, “I was just…never mind. What are we going to do now?”“Let us do some stretc
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Chapter 57
ClarissaI giggled and asked the same question to her in return.“What do you want for your birthday from me?”Talia took a sip of water from the bottle and wiped off the sweat on her forehead.“I want you to be happy. You seem lost ever since we came back from Jundra. You are trying so hard to forget Dacre but it looks like that ugly ass left a mark on you.”She said and my wide smile disappeared. She had been right.I was focussing on training and Jake thought my thoughts kept slipping to Dacre occasionally. I had to get over him.“I will be happy, I am happy. Being home feels nice and tomorrow when we awaken our wolves, we will be even happier.”I answered in a much more confident voice and Talia patted my back“That is like my little sister.”Then she lowered her voice and added, “you still don't want to tell mom anything? Today was the first time she opened up about the demon. I think you should tell her about your dreams.”Talia said and I shook my head.“Not now. She took so mu
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Chapter 58
ClarissaThe room was quiet except for the sound of our moans and labored breathing as his hand began roaming all over my body.He was being so sweet and careful that I had to stop kissing and add,“I am not a glass vase to break that you are being so careful”Jake furrowed his eyebrows and I was about to kiss him back again but he stopped me.“What is wrong, Clary?”He asked and I tried to not snap at him.However, my face did a poor job of hiding my frustration.“Nothing is wrong. We are kissing each other, that’s it.”I said and leaned in towards him again, my hand reaching for his belt buckle but he stopped me. Again.“Clary, this is not you. I have known you all my life. Can you please tell me what is going on?”He asked.I searched his face for a hint of sarcasm but he was genuinely curious.“I would have answered you, but I don't know that myself.”I spoke in all honesty.Jake’s hand left my ass and he gently lowered me to the ground.He then adjusted my hair and smoothed it do
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Chapter 59
ClarissaThe night of the day before my birthday passed in a blur. If the demon who haunted my dreams had visited me and said something, I did not recall it.I only remembered being dragged to bed and then being woken up by a group of people who just stormed into our room singing ‘Happy Birthday'Sleepy eyed, I nodded as my pack members, and my family greeted us both. I noticed that though everybody else was present, Jake was absent.I bit my lip nervously and decided to look for him.Talia and everybody else was busy talking so I just slinked out of the room, pretending that I needed to get fresh air.It was early morning so the first thing I did was walk toward the training ground but Jake was not there. I asked a few trainees who were doing some exercises, but they had not seen Jake either.Feeling confused, I decided to give him a call while roaming all around the territory, thinking of the places I could find him.His phone was ringing but he did not pick up either. A certain gui
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