Semua Bab A Tribian Star: Bab 21 - Bab 30
52 Bab
Chapter 20. Hunting and Foraging
We give off sparks whenever we come into contact. The stars begin to shine upon us. All of us share a common thread... For whatever reason, you've decided to put your faith in me. You should avoid going into the scary woods. Chase's words kept playing in my mind. Even though he left me stunned at the opening of the cottage garden of the camp deadlock.What can I do to get over the effects of that tense discussion quickly? It's causing me some confusion.It was a good few minutes before I was able to collect myself.I calmed myself down and made my way to the pavilion, where I could overhear the conversations of my fellow deadlocks. Before going up to them, I gave myself a few moments to collect my thoughts. The group I was going to be doing the hunting and foraging with, led by Sir Fernando Aragon, was getting ready when I arrived, so I joined Myra and the others.What happened there altered my mood significantly. That was especiall
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Chapter 21. Mount Noah
In just a few minutes, the big rig reached the bridge that leads from the Tribus mainland to the base of the island's namesake mountain. After nearly twenty minutes down the road, the camp crew finally caught sight of the mass of the unnamed peak, and the truck finally stopped. Here, a jumbled white cloud bank appeared to rise. I was both anxious and eager to get started. I could see the mysterious mountain that had been part of the folk stories since we were in Samaria. This is where the gods once called home. My thoughts were muffled as I relived my dad's tales. As seen from above, Mt. Noah resembled a massive inverted boat. Perhaps it was named after Noah's ark, which provided safety for countless species before the Day of Judgment. All Tribians held the site in the highest regard. Because of this, logging and mining were not allowed there. "The place is not open to all. Only a few are given access to hunt and camp here. We are here with the blessing of the hunter's moon." It w
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Chapter 22. Running Star
The ground seemed to quake beneath my feet. My toes were numb from the cold. As my nerves and restlessness increased, I almost stopped noticing the soil's roughness against my bare feet. Terror filled my mind and body.For a while, I considered fleeing. I was so anxious to escape the shadowy sorcerer that I almost ran. I had only walked a short distance when I saw what looked like a comet encased in light crashing toward me. An object that seemed like a stone but was actually coated in thorns and fire smacked me in the face. When I stood up, the pain in my right leg was so bad that I almost started wheezing.I overheard a young voice remark, "You can't get away from a black sorcerer, Stella." The assurance in his voice suggested that he believed what he was saying. Behind me, I could sense his body.I knelt and cried. After missing the first time, he struck me in the left leg with another flaming ball of darkness. I grunted in pain, almost shattering my teeth. O
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Chapter 23. Luminous
Every part of our body radiates light constantly. A dazzling brightness overwhelmed the eyes. He gasped for air repeatedly. His chest was so close to my face that I could feel it rise and fall. When he held me, he squeezed me hard. I could feel his body heat and his sweat on my flesh. His snarl was deep and menacing. Because of the agony and rage that had built up in his chest, I thought. Even though he was in constant anguish, his grip on me never loosened. He said, "Go hide somewhere safe." He puffed up his chest, which was perfectly sculpted. It took a moment, but I finally managed to swallow. I just took a fleeting peek at his countenance. His face stared back at me, all glowing and handsome. I saw the terror in his eyes, despite his best efforts to disguise it behind fluttering lids. What was behind him seemed scary, but I couldn't guess his specific worry. Asked, "Are you going to be secure?" To answer, I inhaled deeply of the hazy air and inquired. He clenched his jaw. "I
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Chapter 24. Three
That guy—Sandro, he's Aragon, right?" I just couldn't fathom it. So, I carefully got to my feet. Both of my hands were up to cover my lips. As it all mingled in my lungs, the air became thicker.Nobody would be surprised if the missing student were to show up here. Here he comes, looking for the one person he's always wanted to abduct: me.The abrupt arrival of young Aragon even caught Chase off guard. He just stood there, waiting for whatever would happen next. He had no desire to cause harm to or take the life of Trinity.Sandro just smiled wickedly as he stood there. We were concerned that he had gone missing. It just vanished into thin air. A moment later, he stood before us. Alive. He looked at us blankly, as if he didn't recognize the name. Her crimson-purple gaze shifted from Chase to me."Shifter Santi, this is not some forced get-together. I've come to get my portion of Stella's power."Chase shortly apprehended me. He walked over to where I was while his knuckles were white
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Chapter 25. A Sudden Gathering
The holy trinity was cloaked in a smoky energy of many colors. As a group, the three of them were imposing in stature. They crowded all around Chase and me.The dashing man in pajamas exclaimed, "I'm about to sleep! I had already brushed my teeth, and here we are!" His intense blue eyes blinked at me, and he grinned devilishly. He shook his head and refocused on the rivals.The man in the leather jacket who looked like Chase said, "Take her to my place, Chase. We'll take care of it." He looked directly in front of him at the two shadowy sorcerers.The guy sitting next to me remained silent the entire time. His godlike features stared at me, and his silvery eyes showed no emotion.I still can't believe I'm this close to them. In this most inconvenient of situations, the gods of Tribus were with us. The cause of my family and I being in Tribus.The time spent staring up at the Tribus gods was brief. Chase's arms tightened around my waist, and I felt his weight. After bending over slight
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Chapter 26. Dead Luck
For a few moments, I was motionless in my seat and almost missed Sir Strike and Chase's argument. My spirit quickly returned to reality when the mansion's large lobby door opened.Sir Fernando and the rest of the deadlocks were revealed when the door was opened. Each wore a different expression. Some were astounded by the structure and interior of the house, while others wondered and questioned why they were there."Stella! Stella!" Myra yelled from the door. When I turned around, she was already running towards where I was sitting. Angela and the deadlocks' children were following her."Is she all right?" Sir Fernando inquired, concerned. He was staring at me as he spoke to the sitting Sir Dane."She's fine! So far, no missing parts.""All right, then.""Isn't it the perfect time for a hug?" Dane asked as he opened his arms wide to embrace Sir Fernando.Sir Ferns shifted his gaze away from his cousin as if he was caught in an awkward situation."Is he gay, Cheese?" Myra asked, huggin
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Chapter 27. On Guard
Back at the school, everything appeared to be operating normally. We continued our regular classes as if there were no danger. Nothing out of the ordinary has occurred. Top teams only conduct occasional scouting missions.Sandro was still a secret to the deadlocks. The Trinity told them that keeping quiet about where Aragon went was best. This was a terrible secret to keep from them, but I knew that I had to ensure their safety. Innocence, I hoped, would be enough to protect them.Our foraging training has come to an end. Ed Vega taught his students about edible wild plants like mushrooms, moss, and berries. The fact that we could put what we learned to use in the real world made the lesson all the more engaging. The training sessions they've been giving us seemed more like practice for an eventuality in which these abilities would be crucial after reading this.It was almost precisely nine o'clock, and we were still outside. While the deadlock children were ten
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Chapter 28. Doubts and Puzzles
A pair of quick, fiery feet moved towards the shock point just before the electric ball could hit Mira. Glor Fina's unique countermove to the strong force was like something out of a jaw-dropping circus as she jumped and dashed.She quickly kicked the electricity upward, thanks to her long arms' ability to build up rotational forces as they approached the ball. It clumped together like a little comet and shot back into space.After being rescued by her sister, Mira was left gasping. The eyes slowly opened as she did. She looked shocked and disbelieving in her eyes as they landed on me. What my hands had done even shocked me.The counterattack was unexpected. Leaving the surprise felt like my wrists moved in tandem with the cosmos. Somewhere within me, I discovered a pleasant surprise.Being underestimated worked to my benefit, I thought. What I did wasn't something I felt any remorse about. The way the other students treat the deadlocks, whether they iden
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Chapter 29. Snow Dust
"No one's going to be an abyssal demon, kid."Simultaneously, we looked over to where Sir Ferns had been standing, at the garden's wooden gate. His calm, almost startled expression moved from me to Oswin. I could see the rising irritation in his eyes and hear the shallowness of his breath as he attempted to keep the power above his shoulders from crashing.Everyone in the camp rose to greet the camp leader."Sir Ferns," Mauvi, Regina, Martha, and Lux all ran to him. Before returning to us, the camp's leader ruffled Mauvi's hair.We were all gathered inside the cottage garden, waiting for The Drift beyond the rectangle railing. Perhaps they were waiting for Sir Ferns' approval before splitting us into three groups.Our camp's commander cleared his throat. "There will be a still hour today," he said, "and no one knows the precise time save Lyka Millar, who is currently being kept captive by the black sorcerers.""Is she the girl who was colore
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