Semua Bab Dark Paradise : Bab 11 - Bab 20
53 Bab
Chapter 10
POV - GIOVANNI CARSON "Bellissima?" I call out my fiancé and shut the door behind me.I just came back from work and right now I just wanna cuddle with my baby. Today was a long day, the new members that were in training pissed me off and right now I'm not in the mood to be played with.Esmée doesn't reply which is strange, she's always ready when I come back from work. We never spend time together because I'm always busy with the gang, but this week I'm free. Which means I have my beautiful fiancé all to myself."Bellissima?" I call out again and she still doesn't reply. Where could she be?Is she sleeping?I head to the kitchen and she's not there, Plus there's no food on the stove. I rush to the living room and there's no sight of her. I quickly rush to the backyard, still no sight of her.I search the whole of downstairs and I can't find her anyway. Panic, that's all I'm feeling right now.What if she got kidnaped, or someone killed her. Or she-"Fuck." I shout banging my fist ag
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Chapter 11
POV - GIOVANNI CARSON We both slammed our lips together, she gasps as my body rises in rhythm with hers. Her hand traveled in my hair, gently pulling it. she moaned in my mouth, without pulling away my hands glided down her thighs and I picked her up.She wraps her legs around my torso. Then deepened the kiss as our lips slowly moved against each other with love and rage.The kiss we share is beautiful but painful. I haven't felt like this in a long time and it's so foolish of me that I'm giving in.But I'm running back because she was my first love, everything I've done was because of her. When she left me I became more ruthless, cold and emotionless.And with that people feared me, but it was because of her.Everything I've done, I was heartbroken and I still am but yet,I break the kiss and place my forehead on top of Esmée. We both breathe heavily as we gaze into each other's view."Pourquoi es-tu ici." [ translation: "Why are you here?" ]The room is silent, all you could hear w
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Chapter 12
POV - GIOVANNI CARSON It's been three weeks and I haven't heard or found Gabriella.Today is Annah's funeral and I don't want to attend it because half of my fucked up family will be there. "Don't stress," Esmée reassures me while she does my tie.My parents weren't even at the hospital and they had the audacity to attend her funeral.For the past two weeks, Esmée has been assisting me to find that woman. The Leone d'Oro gang themselves are quiet, they haven't sabotaged any of the gangs nor vandalized our properties, like they always do. I haven't spoken to Ms. Regio for a while. The last time we talked was when she filled me in on the details a month back about Gabriella attending the event I hosted at the club."I'm not stressed. I just don't want to go." I scoff rolling my eyes. "But, your family will be there. I know you guys aren't on the right terms but think about your mother." She softly replies.I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. It's been a while since I saw Mama. We h
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Chapter 13
POV - ESMEE BADEAUX "Stop it!" I scream, putting all my strength into removing Giovanni from Antonio."Fuck you!" Giovanni barks at Antonio. He grips onto Antonio's collar and aggressively draws him up then smashes his head on the ground. Gasp and cries are heard across the church as people witness the outrageous scene. "Giovanni, Antonio!" Arial cries to both of her sons. "Boys!" Giovanni's father Diego bellowsMy eyes widen when Giovanni stands up and draws out his gun. "Dear Lord." I hear a female voice over my shoulder. "You bastard!" Giovanni snaps and the sound of a gun cocking makes everyone scream, some are running out of the church and some are hiding for protection. "You don't deserve to breathe after what you did to Annah." He says, tears stroking down his face.I haven't seen Giovanni cry, especially when it comes to grief. It's really painful to see a loved one tear up, all because of your selfish mistakes, but you can't do a damn thing about it.Four weeks ago"Amore?"
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Chapter 14
POV - GABRIELLA SANGRIENTO I shut my eyes as tight as possible against the agitation that tried to intervene upon my black personal madness."Everything alright?" Abelard queries worriedly.I open my eyes and sigh, placing the teacup back on the coffee table. Standing up from my seat, I stressfully drag my body to the balcony, when I lean my body against the black railings I take in the beautiful night sky view of Paris. "Gabriella?" Abelard's soft voice calls out my name."I'm okay." I simply say."You're my cousin, I know you better than anyone. Now tell me what's bothering you?"My mind keeps traveling back to Italy, the events and activities are stressing me out. It's been three whole weeks since I escaped from Giovanni and last heard from Esmée and AntonioOscar and Chiara are back home taking care of the gang while I'm gone. Amelia and Francesco are in charge of the shipping and training.Usually, when I take a break from all this illegal bullshit, I come here to France and vis
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Chapter 15
POV - GABRIELLA SANGRIENTO I rubbed my eyes as I entered the kitchen. The smell of fresh croissants caused my mouth to water."Morning." Abelard chirped."Morning." I replied and sat on a stool near the island.Abelard turned around with a plate full of fresh fruits and two croissants, she placed the plate in front of me then a glass full of orange juice. I thanked her before eating."How did you sleep?" She questioned, leaning on the island as she took a sip of tea.I picked up a croissant then bit into it as Abelard waited for me to respond. After chewing I sighed. "Good." I lied.I barely slept last night, even if I tried nothing worked, the only thing I could do was think about him."That's good." She beamed, blowing on her tea before drinking."Oh! Almost forgot."Abelard set her cup on the island before walking out the kitchen, she returned with a small blue box in her hands."This is for you." She said, handing me the box.I narrowed my eyes. "Who is it from?""Not, sure but I
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Chapter 16
POV - GABRIELLA SANGRIENTO 9 years ago"I'm scared." My baby brother Théodore whines as he holds the gun."Seriously Théodore." I tease rolling my eyes."Relax, I'm here aren't I?""Yeah." He sighs.I love Théodore but sometimes he acts like a baby chick that fell out of its nest. "Why do I have to do this? I hate guns.""Well, when I was sixteen I already knew how to work a gun." I knew how to work a gun when I was five. Growing up with my grandparents was tough, especially with nonna, they would wake me up early in the morning to start training then go to school and come back to train again. But since I started at a young age I was familiar with how to balance both.I still remember the first kill. I was six at the time when these two boys bullied me every day, I toldnonna but she said as a female everyone will take granted the power you hold so I should show them what my capabilities are and make sure no man ever walks on me.And I still take her advice to this day.So I killed t
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Chapter 17
POV - GABRIELLA SANGRIENTO "Giovanni Carson is dead."I don't say a word. I completely froze on the spot. How could he be dead? How is it possible? It doesn't make sense.I completely claimed Giovanni which means he's untouchable. Or maybe..."How?" I simply question. "He was shot by a female named Esmee Badeaux at his sister's funeral. She was last seen with a man that was wounded as well, he goes by the name Antonio Carson. Giovanni's brother" Chiara explains.My mood shifts as I feel my blood boil from anger as a small smirk creeps its way onto my lips. "That little bitch." I whisper to myself. "Where is she?" I ask Chiara. I hear fidgeting in the background, I quietly and patiently wait for her to respond. "Uh, we don't know." She nervously speaks, swallowing her words."Five hours." I simply say that she has five hours to find her location. I drop the call and shift my attention to Theo."Uh-oh, who are we going to kill?" Théodore teased."There is no we." I pointed out, he roll
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Chapter 18
POV - GABRIELLA SANGRIENTOI tied my hair into a high ponytail and cracked my knuckles."3...""2...""1."Theo and I both sprinted toward the guy and knocked him over. The gun tossed across the room.Theo throws a punch and the Russian assassin yanks Theo off him, his body slams against the rotten wood causing a hole on the floor.Holy shit.The buff guy stood up and his 6'3 figure hovered over my 5'6 frame.He pulled out a pocket knife and tried to slit my neck open but I blocked it with my forearm, I gasped at the pain as warm blood caressed down my arm and stained my clothes and floor.I glared at him and kicked him in the gut, then punched him in the face. I slid on the wooden floor and kicked him in the balls.He groaned in pain and fell to his knees."Theéodore are you alive?" I yelled, "Yeah, fuck. I'm alright but I think he broke my ribs." He mumbled. "Well, get your ass up and help me out."I picked up an old piece of wood and hit the guy in the face, blood splattered all ov
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Chapter 19
POV - GABRIELLA SANGRIENTO "Don't hurt him," I whisper to myself.Being weak towards someone is so powerful, it will break you just by the thought of them being hurt.Théodore is all I have.I -I love him, I'd do anything to keep my little brother safe.My head facing the ground hung low, my body was numb and painful, head pounding, mouth dry, lips chapped. I'm weak.It's been two days since I was locked up down here, they cleaned my gunshot wound and fed me.I haven't bathed in a day, I feel dirty.I fucking hate being weak. It makes me feel disgusted. I hear footsteps from afar, suddenly coming to an end.Seconds later I hear keys shuffle together creating a crackling bell sound. The person enters the key into the keyhole and they twist it letting it lead to a click sound. They push the door open and I hear footsteps once again heading towards my direction."Wake up." A male voice calls out. "Rise and shine princess." They call out again, hitting my leg with their boot.It's silen
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