Semua Bab Fated To The CEO Brothers: Bab 41 - Bab 50
75 Bab
Lets get you back to land.
She didn't want weakness in her blood and her eyes already spoke exactly what she needed. Brianna observed the environment as she sprinted forward. She made sure to jump higher than expected to balance her body in the air. Brianna stretched her legs forward as she pushed forward toward the door of the jet which was now open. Her mind knew what she wanted and they both were working towards that aim. Brianna had to make sure to get this suicide jump, she would feel thrilled if she was to accomplish this and it would be more satisfying than any other achievements she has. She saw herself falling from such a height she didn't even know if she could breathe. She admitted it at this point she was scared one mistake and she would be gone by the time the next minute arrives. Delvin looking at Brianna jump from the jet didn't know if he needed a change before he goes and sin, but now seeing her take that jump it was like he was taking a sip of poison down his thr
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His slim slender fingers. (I thought he was a murderer)
"Siiii, Brianna sighed as she held her breath". The injury was deep and Brianna just couldn't bear the pain but she couldn't show that she was in pain. She turned to the side as she didn't want to look at the ointment being placed on that spot. When they were done the doctor headed for her forehead, Brianna just knew she would cry this time around. She slowly closed her eye as she braised herself for the sharp pain that was going to arouse from the contact of the ointment. " I'll take it from here". A voice was heard from the door as Brianna slowly opened her eyes still nonchalant about the person's voice. She bent her head as she tried to see the person who was at the door but Brianna couldn't see properly as the doctor stood right in front of her. She decided not to bother but the doctor looked very distracted. Brianna tapped on him for him to come back to his senses. Brianna's brows creased as she pushed the doctor to get a better view.
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Ill make you mine in this life and in the next life to come. Do you understand?
Ayden stared at Brianna for a while as he took in a sharp breath, walking into the run he ushered the doctor out in the nicest possible way he could. "I'll take it from here". He said as the doctor quickly put down his tools. Brianna adjusted on the bed as she protested." The doctor has already started treating me" She said only for Ayden to look at her with a sharp gaze. "It's only complimentary if you let him do his job, besides you haven't even thanked him yet". She said as a matter of fact. Brianna was always known for her sharp tongue, especially when it came to Ayden. But as always Ayden never took it to heart because of his soft spot for her. Sigh. Ayden sighed as he placed his hand on his bridge pressing it hard to relieve his stress. " Do you know what you have put me through" Brianna almost rolled her eyes as she bit on her tongue. ''What I've put you through''. She chuckled. "Do you know what I have been through since today"? She uttered as she pointed to her ch
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Im not gonna let you walk out of my life like you did a few years ago.
Brianna had heard what Ayden had said and for some reason, her brain didn't sit right with it. She drew closer to him as she whispered to him. "That statement feels like a challenge, do you know what you're up for? I think it's very wrong for you to declare something like that. First of all, I'm not just any girl, and lastly..." She laughed. "My name is Brianna Zachary". Ayden looked at her intensely her words dropped into his ears. Slowly pulling away from her Ayden observed and watched her for a few moments. A sudden smile crept on his face as he put his hands into his pockets. "I know very well who you are Brianna and it was wrong of me to try and challenge you. But that was not a challenge... it's just the future ahead" "You know you're not safe on your own which is why I need to keep you close" "That's your fault" She whispered. "Do you think that I don't know the reason behind all the chaos that happened today not stupi
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Do you think a specialist can save him? He has been abducted and cant be found talk more of saving him.
"Where have you been I have been worried sick about you" "You didn't need to worry much, I'm fine" "No, you're not look at you. You don't look like the brianna with the clearest skin you look like brianna with an injured face!!" Melissa screamed at the top of her voice without even realizing it. Brianna raised her hand to cover her dignity a little bit causing Melissa to realize what she did. She quickly placed her hands on her mouth causing brianna to look around. "Ayden said that we're not safe for now so it's best if we keep everything low-key. Understand?" Melissa was so nervous all she could do was nod her has vigorously. Brianna nodded back as she pressed a button on the table to call a waiter.-- "Yes boss. She's in good condition". A man covered in black received a call from Ayden to inform him about Brianna's whereabouts. The man was assigned to make sure brianna doesn't get abducted like last time. On the other end of
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Why would Delvin lock me up in a room with a loose rope. I've heard of the shackles.
In a dark room at the Blade district, the clan head sat on a seat that wasn't so comfortable as he kept adjusting himself. The place was awkwardly silent but he didn't want to have a thought that'll scare him further. He didn't want to believe that Delvin would leave him alone in this dark place without having an eye on him. His face was covered when he arrived so he wasn't sure what lurked in the darkness. "Hello, is someone there?". " Hello!!" His voice echoed that was when he could feel the emptiness of the space. He took in fast breaths as he started hearing movements on the ground. A thought came into his head. 'You can't tell me that Delvin is so brutal to leave me in a room with a wild animal'. He quickly started adjusting the chair even though it was a stressful activity that had no progress as he didn't move much. There was rustling and suddenly a gasp was heard. The clan heard suddenly started panicking. He screamed out of frustratio
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Maybe im not threatening after all.
Looking at her nails Brianna couldn't help but notice her flawless nails. "Brianna Zachary". The chief executive pointed out making it more obvious to the clan head. " It's an honor to meet you. We've heard a lot about you" 'We?'. Brianna's brows creased as she stood up in the next second and walk toward a table which the both of them never noticed because of the dark room. Approaching it she dragged down an axe and pulled it across the table. Delvin stood on his feet as he watched her in awe. "I have always had the thought to visit you in person but I was never given an appointment". Brianna was still walking towards him with the axe in her hands. She bent her neck in thought. 'Maybe I'm not threatening after all '. She clicked her tongue. " It would be an honor if the Elusive clan Aahhhhahh". Brianna had chopped off his left hand before he could portray it any further. "That's for my life that was about to be taken". She said. " And this is for my crazy stunts". Sh
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Taking permission to protect her.
"We were given a call late evening in the middle of June. I was shocked at the caller ID because it had no ID at all. That was the first time I didn't know who went through with a call to my line". " I was terrified at the moment". "But then again I had to sit up and pick up the call after all". He said as he looked around at the three most terrifying people he has met in this lifetime. Looking at his hands which started shaking as he looked at Brianna's hands. Ayden understood his predicament and reached out for her right hand. Pulling her closer to himself, Ayden held onto her arm which didn't seem like she was about to let go of the gun. She looked at him with an eye that said. Are you kidding me? Ayden nodded at her as she turned to look at the clan head. " I don't like you you know". Her words came out curt and crisp, she wasn't the type to pretend to like something or overlook something that bothered her. "Can you wait outside with De
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I'm human afterall
"So what do you mean by wanting to see your brother. You were the one who asked me to wait outside that Delvin would come out with me". She raised her hand to point at the door. " No Delvin". Ayden turned around to look and indeed there was no Delvin he immediately regretted asking her to wait outside with Delvin knowing full well that would be burdensome for him. "I'm sorry". Brianna glances at him as though she was heartless. Turning around she made her way to one of their vehicles while Ayden followed behind her. " Christopher will take you home I hope you don't mind". "If you give me the car keys and let me drive myself I wouldn't mind?" She asked him knowing fully well that he would never agree to that. "I thought so" She concluded as she turned to look away. "I hope you know I'm doing all this for you. I'm not a devil or an angel but at least im trying to be what you can call your own because you know what, I have a different DNA" Brianna unwillingly looked in his direct
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Battle through my thoughts.
Yes, Ayden says he's human but brianna is human too. She might throw some crazy stunts or say some harsh words. But who knows if she does all that to cover up her soft delicate heart which Ayden fell in love with years back. "It was an experience I can never let go of or forget. And even she wouldn't make me lose interest in her" "I just want you to stop saying those words. Don't make me feel like I'm a bad person" "You know I'm doing this for your good" "You know full well I don't want to give in, why are you making me decide" "Brianna I need you to listen to your heart" "I just want to say goodbye" "Listen to your heart before you say goodbye" "No, I don't want to listen to anyone" A soft yet light voice was suddenly heard and brianna turned to look at the person with such an aura. Everywhere was quiet. The lady stood in a white gown as her surroundings lit up with rosy light. "You love him brianna why are you refusing me"
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