Semua Bab Blood Bound To The Vampire King: Bab 41 - Bab 50
71 Bab
41. Creating Division
-Gabriel-If there’s one thing I hate, it’s the way Kazimir looked at Katherine; as if she was the most appetizing thing he’s ever seen. It pissed me off because not only could I not protect her, but if I made a move, it would have meant my death.Then Katherine would be alone in these mountains with Kazimir as her captor.“I couldn’t fucking do anything!” I cry out, punching the castle wall of the bedroom they made us stay in. “He stood there, leering over you and I couldn’t do a damn thing!”Katherine runs over to me and takes my face in her hands. “Babe, if you did anything in retaliation, you would be dead right now. I understand and don’t think any less of you,” she says, stroking my cheek. I shake my head, placing my hands over hers. “You’re my woman, my Fated; if anyone threatens you, I should be the one to defend you-!”“Gabriel, I am not some fragile princess who needs protecting!” she exclaims, her eyes shifting to crimson. “I don’t see you as weak in front of all those Pur
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42. In Flight Conversations
-Gabriel-“Are you sure you’re okay, love?” I ask Katherine for the fifth time since we left Blutholz Castle. She’s been quiet, and if there’s one thing I know about Katherine, it’s that she’s not a quiet person. Ever.“I’m okay, I promise. She sighs and hugs her coat closer to her body as she says, "I just want to get out of this country." “I don’t ever want to come back here.”“We won’t have to after you gave the coordinates and codes to Kazimir this morning. I doubt we’ll see the council any time soon.” I say, noticing how she flinches when I mention the Pureblood cunt’s name.I get it. Most vampires would cower at Kazimir’s feet, but she stood her ground yesterday. Katherine is not weak, I know this, but I still want to protect her at all costs; even if she thinks she doesn’t need it. Taking her hand in mine, I kiss the back of it and bring the car to a stop on the tarmac. “Let's go home,” I say, opening the door and leading her to the waiting jet.We left the castle about three
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43. The Art Of War
-Gabriel-The anger has simmered down; now all that’s left is vengeance and a pain in my heart knowing I slept soundly next to Katherine while Kazimir violated her. Pain knowing that someone harmed my Fated and tried to protect me from someone who could easily have killed her. The broken look in her eyes shouldn’t be there; they should be filled with love and happiness knowing we have our forever together. But our happiness was stolen - and her pain only fuels my vendetta.I hold her hand and walk out toward the SUV, where Valentine is waiting for us. He’s wearing a relieved expression, but it slips away when he sees the look on my face.“Welcome home, Pres; Kitty Kat,” he says, nodding to both of us before I open the door for Katherine to get in. I look up at Valentine before following her in. “Meet me in my study the second we arrive at the estate. There’s a war coming.” His eyes narrow when I say this, but he nods anyway.When I get inside the SUV, I pull her into my arms and we
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44. Blood Showers and Bathroom Conversations
-Katherine-It’s been three days and I can still feel Kazimir’s hands all over my body. I try to brush it off when everyone asks how I’m doing, try to make it seem like it’s not affecting me; when in all honesty it feels like I’m slowly being eaten alive.Gabriel has been nothing but sweet and caring; taking care of me and loving me right through it all. I wake up and he’s holding me; I go to sleep, and he's holding me… all this love and I still feel Kazimir’s touch.My bedroom door opens and Xenia walks in with the same concerned expression as before. She blames everything on Gabriel, even though I told her it's not his fault at all. When a vampire sleeps, nothing will wake him until the sun goes down - it’s like a literal hibernation.“Kat, please talk to me,” she says, walking over to where I’m standing at the window. “You haven’t left this room since you came back from Germany, and you keep saying you’re fine when we all can see you’re not.”I sigh. “You guys have been talking abo
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45. More Ammunition
-Katherine-I walk downstairs the following evening and see a flash of blonde hair and a tight red dress whipping past me. She stops in her tracks when she sees me and I can literally see the blood draining from her face.How can anyone be this beautiful without even trying? I feel like a trash goblin next to this flawless woman.“You’re Gabriel’s Fated,” she says, all perfect poise and not a hair out of place. “And you’re his fake wife. Nice to finally meet you, I’m Katherine.” Oh my God, why am I sounding so petty? This woman has the ability to turn me into a raging jealousy-fuelled piece of shit and all she has to do is breathe.Her lips are a thin line and she nods. “Amara,” she says and is about to turn around when I call out to her, feeling like a massive asshole for being rude for no reason.“Wait, sorry, I didn’t mean for that to come out as harsh as it did,” I say, walking the last few steps down and coming to a stop in front of her. “Newborn emotions and pregnancy hormones.
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46. Plans Within Plans Within Plans
-Gabriel-By the look Katherine gave me before storming out, I can safely say that I am in a world of trouble. I didn’t mention our visitors to her before knowing what he had planned, but now they’ve surprised me by arriving earlier than expected.“She looks peeved off, mate,” Aaron comments when Katherine leaves. “Perhaps we should plan this better, yeah?”“I didn’t expect you until later on this evening,” I say, before turning to Valentine. “Please see to Amara before joining us in the office.”He nods, then heads towards her and I gesture for the rest of the men to follow me. The things I discovered about Amara and her family have not only added to my fury, but now I have guilt coiling in my gut as well.She was exactly what I asked for and the council found her, ripped her from her family, killed her husband, and now holds her daughter captive. Her misery is all because of me, now it’s up to me to make it right.“So, what is this about using the Fae woman to get Kazimir here?” Gus
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47. Eternity Isn't Long Enough
-Katherine-I watch over the New York skyline and the realization hits me that I’ve never truly had a moment to just step back and appreciate something as simple as a sunset. After years of living my life in survival mode, I’m always wondering if I should take this breather or if there’s something else to worry about.But Gabriel promised no work or outside life for the next two days; just us spending some much-needed time together in an expensive hotel suite. The idiot, paranoid part of me thinks it’s something else, while the exhausted part of me is thankful for the break. Gosh, I need to stop worrying so much.Taking a deep breath, I mentally decide to shrug off the nasty feeling and enjoy my time with only Gabriel. It hasn’t just been us since he had me locked up back in Las Vegas, and somehow that seems like forever ago. Speaking of the devil, he walks up behind me and slips his arms around my waist, and rests his chin on my shoulder.“Deep in thought there, little lamb,” he say
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48. Proximity Torture
-Church-“They’ve just crossed the halfway mark and should be landing soon,”“I’ll be there before they arrive; let the others know,”“Yes, Pres,”I kill the call, and my hands fall to my sides, slowly balling into fists. This is the worst fucking thing that could ever happen; the entire council will be in town because of what Pres did. They’re all confident about this plan, but if there’s one thing that I’ve learned, it’s that once you get a slimy feeling about someone, no amount of sob stories will take it away.This Amara bitch is lying about something.Leaning over the stone balustrade, I watch as Valentine walks with her to his car and opens the door for her. There’s some hectic sexual tension between the two of them, and it fucking pisses me off. He’s tasted her blood, so he trusts her word, but I know a soul sucker when I see one. Christ, why won’t anyone listen to me about this?!“Deep in thought there, Beast,” Xenia’s voice comes up behind me just as Valentine drives off and
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49. Two Can Play That Game
-Gabriel-I’m laying with Katherine in between my legs, holding up her hand and adoring the way my mother’s ring perfectly fits on her finger. As if it was always meant to be there. She’s naked while I’m only wearing boxers, so the ring isn’t the only thing I’m admiring.“Katherine Priest - who would have thought,” she says and I can tell she’s smiling, but she’s got something wrong.“Katherine Preutescu. Priest is just a last name my father took on when we moved here.” We all hated the name, but my father insisted on it since we had to hide from the council. It stuck even after they found us, though.“Oh, I wondered why your family tomb had that name and why Eirisse called you that. Well, either way, I’ll be happy to take your name and get rid of my own which means Death,” she says while twirling the ring around her finger.Katherine Preutescu; fuck, I love the sound of it.“What was your mother’s name?” she suddenly asks, snapping me out of my thoughts and threading her fingers with
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50. Lies Lead To Death
-Gabriel-I bring the Harley to a stop outside of the designated meeting point, but even as excitement courses through my veins, something feels off. Church should be here along with Valentine, but I only see Church’s bike along with the others’ vehicles. After Church’s apprehension about Amara, I decided not to let her in on this meeting so she’s not aware of the hidden Vasile. “Priest,” the twins greet me when I walk inside the abandoned warehouse. They both look pumped and ready for what’s about to happen, knowing that they will finally get their revenge. I nod in greeting, then see Gustav standing off to the side with a tall, blonde man - a fucking spitting image of Kazimir.“Gustav,” I call and walk over to them. Gustav nods, and the blonde gives me a once over, then takes a step towards me. “Gabriel Preutescu, the man who would have been my brother-in-law,” he says casually, dropping my heart right into my feet with ease at those words.“What? Brother-in-law?” I ask, shaking
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