Semua Bab Bound To The Vampire Lord : Bab 11 - Bab 20
193 Bab
KHLOE“Hel-lo! Khloe ...damn. "Khloe awoke to sound of someone shaking her roughly and cussing . It took my eyes a moment to adjust to the room’s dimness. She could make out the faint cues of the room and the Sage who was now bent over the fire place . She wondered who had called her name and it didn't take too long before the Sage cussed again."Get off the bed you lazy brat ," he hissed "I need some help here.A faint glow shone from the corner where the Sage stood illuminating his not so pretty face ,it had taken awhile for Khloe to fall asleep, and now she was up so early. She had not slept well till after midnight—usually outlasting everyone else . Galvan on the other hand had slept soon after they made the herbs and had forced her to watch while it cools off.They heard a knock on the door and looked at each other puzzled at who might be knocking so early that morning.“ Who’s in here?” The voice at the other end called.Khloe knew the voice so well , it was the lad who stay
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Lucan stared at the angry welt's on Khloe beautiful skin , she had passed out cold as soon as he had lifted her and was still asleep in a corner of his room. All he had wanted to do was get the bag that contained herbs and some other things back to her quickly and so he had rushed to the cabin where he had seen her a few times . The howls from the cabin startled it was definitely that of a woman and as he stood still and his ear prickled to pick up the sounds he knew she was obviously in pain and danger as he could hear two heartbeats ,one beating in fear and the other in rage and anger.His first knock at the door had been soft and gentlemanly by then he could already hear the Sage using cuss words on Khloe and still hitting her with what sounded like a whip. It wasn't the first time of him hearing groans and someone sobbing loud from that particular cabin infact on most full moon ,when most of everyone werewolves instinct was heightened he had listened for the cries of the wo
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MELVINMelvin walked upstairs slowly and as he walked past his mother's room in the left corner nearest to the room.that had been his father's ,he stopped midway then turned to knock at her door , he didn't wait for a reply as he opened the door and peeked inside the bedroom that dimly shone with candlelight. He figured that his mother might be asleep already as the sun was already down and she hated staying up so late ,an habit she tried to talk him into on several occasions. To Katherine sleeping was a way to relax her chakras and she had tried several times to explain this to Melvin, He looked in again this time stepping into the room and saw her lying on the bed.She was on her back completely covered under a woven cotton duvet with just her head sticking out and her eyes partially closed . He wasn’t sure if he should just wake her up or watch her sleep , considering how peaceful she looked in her sleep, he felt it was a better idea to sit on the wooven chair and jus
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KHLOE Khloe clearly understood that Caleb might feel bad for her but he was something wrong she couldn't resist , a wrong that felt right at that moment , a temptation she couldn't avoid. She was doing it anyway , she was getting married to a man she didn't even know , a man who clearly had not shown the signs of knowing how to love a woman like her, how could he ? When she was clearly a mess and couldn't even love herself. Caleb’s words should have left a fear in her heart , the way he smiled , the way he gave those fake smirks and mocking chuckles ,she was a fool if she had missed those signs . However, they had the opposite effect—sinking into Khloe heart that had been shattered over the past and sending a wave through her entire body , something about Caleb mistrust felt incapable of being resisted, it felt like a force compelling her to just go with the flow of things . Caleb had definitely been rude, arrogant, and slightly charming when he had spoken to her in th
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CHRISTOPHER The silent hoofs of horses cracked against the hardened bronze floor of the Asgard towering building, as Christopher peered out of the window of his wagon that cold evening. It had been a quiet day and after staying out of everyone sight for the entire time he had stayed indoors he decided the decided the night was out there for him to over power. Chris picked out a pub at the edge of town where only the rich Vampires ventured , after tossing a coin for a boy to watch over his wagon he stepped into the pub that had dim red lights and a beautiful woman singing. His eyes fell upon her as soon as he stepped into the pub, ravaging every curves on her body with his piercing dark eyes and when the woman had caught him staring she did herself no good by letting her eye's linger in the devil himself while singing and fixing him with a sly gaze occasionally. He knew immediately she would be an easy catch and so after she had finished singing and was resting on a table n
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CALEBNoting but silence filled the entire room , the quietness eating deeply into Caleb subconsciousness till it left in it a decay , noting can fill and no hunger or lust can satisfy. The last few days had been the most boring day's of his life and the only fun Caleb had was when he had gone hunting and teased his mate and supposed sweet heart Khloe . He had then spent the rest of the next few days sitting within the four parameters of his quarters doing absolutely nothing than attending to his father wishes and listening to him brag to others about his son's forthcoming wedding. Cassie had been quiet too , she had totally ignored him whenever they crossed path at the court which happens frequently and when ever he had tried to murmur or say a word to her he find his words cluttered in a blank space of his mind . His Mother was speaking to Cassie, when he had come later that evening dressed for dinner , he had greeted the two women talking and most probably g
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MELVINThe half moon shrouded the sky as it shone faintly in the early morning that was still dark and obscured, Edmund and Melvin sat waiting for the rest of the council as a small wind meandered down the room lifting his hair and letting it fall again to his broad shoulders.Edmund stood nestled between Melvin and the next seat , the meeting had been long over due with Melvin postponing it on many occasion. Melvin caught the whiff of blood as the man next to him lifted his goblet to his lips and as he dropped it back to the table Melvin looked down at his chest, where blood had stained his shirt. Melvin motioned to the man who tried wiping it off with his handkerchief. Christopher was running late as was his custom, Melvin thought about how he shouldn't had been in the meeting in the first , if his father had not insisted in love between his two sons and most importantly a sit for Chris at the table. " The idiot don't just worth it ." Melvin thought in his mind as he pee
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MELVIN Melvin gasped as he woke from his short coma and instinctively he looked around the room with his fluttering eyes that made the things blur he was looking at blur, his Mother was saying Something he couldn't quite figure out to his sister. Claire was the first to see him and so called the attention of her mother who looked obviously worried as they both ran toward the bed where he had been laying. he felt a sharp pain around head and guessed he must had hit his head hard while falling . He felt unusually strange with extra calories burning inside of hiim . "Did I pass out again?" He asked Claire . "Of course you did and this time you fell really hard and looked so white," Claire replied. "I had to feed you with blood to revive you " "Oh , alright ... " He paused " Wait a minute what type of blood did you feed me with?" He asked knowing his sister had a flare for human blood. "That shouldn't be the question here ." His mother cuts in . "You took a risk go
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MELVIN " You two stop and show yourselves." One of the werewolves guard barked out at them . The two kept in walking without looking back , they were aware that it was a werewolf territory and looking back would spell doom for them as they will surely be out numbered. "What should we do ?" Edmund asked as they walked slowly, pretending not to hear the men screaming at the top of their lungs . "What should we my Lord ." Edmund asked again this time Melvin could sense the tension in Edmund mind he could hear his thoughts and read the fear in them. "Dont stop ,just keep walking ." Melvin whispered. "Stop!" one of the men screamed again this time with a bit of gnarl . "When I run ,just hit it." Melvin whispered to Edmund. "Run and don't look back just run ,we should be able to beat them our speed." "RUN!" Melvin screamed. Melvin ran first ,with Edmund behind him and the other werewolves in hot pursuit , one of the werewolves stopped in his track and throwing hi
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KHLOEThey say we are no designer of fate we just model its apparel on the runway of life, for Khloe fate reminded her of being created differently ,it reminded her of her uniqueness in a different way . It pointed in a regards that she was a mirror from life chemical reactions, a mirror every one saw there flaws in ,their mistakes , their lost hopes and everything other distorted things about themselves ,a mirror everyone had forgotten to see beauty in. Khloe felt this way ,she was treated this way day by day by the whole of the blood moon pack. As the day of the crescent moon dance neared everyone had looked upon her differently. Not with respect ,not to pay an over due loyalty , not with expectation but as sacrificial lamb , a sacrificial lamb to wash away the moon goddess wrath that had been upon them. Khloe rarely looked forward to this day for her it was was a day of ridicule and shame but it was something she couldn't avoid, her fate and she was no designer if it.
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