Semua Bab Stuck In Matrimony: Bab 11 - Bab 20
83 Bab
"Breakfast in bed?" I must be dreaming." I came out of the bathroom and saw him setting the food tray on the bed."You're not." He grinned."Is this a reward or something?" I grabbed a toast and bit into it."Why would you think so?"I shrugged. "Doesn't seem like you ever so anything without a profit. Typical business man." I tilted the cup of hot chocolate in a mocking cheer towards him before bringing it to my lips."What if I can prove that I can be more to you?" His question had me startled me for a second."There's no point. I like where we're at." I wasn't sure about that but I didn't want to give myself false hopes about where our relationship would go."You sure about that?" He smirked. The same annoying smirk I always wanted to wipe off with a corresponding smack."We have great chemistry in the bedroom, yes. But there's never going to be anything more to us. You said that. Stop trying to mess with my head." I got agitated in that instant.He was quiet for a few seconds and
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I paced the lobby back and forth for several painstaking minutes. The doctor was yet to come out and tell me anything and I was almost going crazy at the thought of anything happening to Hannah."Zach?"I looked up from my pacing feet and saw my parents as well Hannah's mom, hurrying to towards me with worried looks on their faces. "What happened?!""Is she alright?""What did the doctor say?"They threw questions at me one after the other and I was too overwhelmed to speak. "I came back from the party and met her laying unconscious on our bedroom floor." I explained."Weren't you supposed to attend together?""We had a fight so I didn't let her come with me." I quietly said, unable to meet her mother's eyes."What do you mean you didn't let her come with you?" Her eyes has gone wide with rapidly increasing rage. "Did you lock her in?" I kept mute. She grabbed me by the collar, "Did you lock her in?! Answer me Zachary!""Ria calm down." Dad tried to take her hands off me but her gri
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"Hello, Mr and Mrs Hawkins." "Hello doc," Zachary shook hands with the young man who was going to see to the conducting of the ultrasound."Everything alright, Mrs Hawkins?" I nodded. "Yes, just a little aches here and there." I said. He assured me I would be fine, I just needed to rest."Please lay down." He said.I did as I was told and waited until the cool gel was applied on my abdomen. I felt Zachary's strong palm hold on to mine. Hearing my child's heartbeat for the first time brought tears to my eyes. I blinked back the tears that stung at my eyeballs furiously. Zach gave my hand a squeeze and pressed his lips to my forehead."From the look of things, your baby's pretty healthy. You just have to control your stress levels. Another dangerous spike in your blood pressure could cause a miscarriage." The doctor informed us.The thought of losing my baby, scared me to no end, I couldn't even respond when the doctor spoke. Zachary spoke on my behalf while I just laid there wonderin
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My back ached so bad, I had been asleep ever since we arrived late into the night. I sleepily found my way to the bathroom to do my business and when I came out, I overheard hushed arguments."Why didn't you tell me you were coming with her?""So that you'd look for an excuse to leave the house for some work trip?""You could have at least given me a heads-up." Zara sulked. "How long is she staying for?""How's that any of your business?" I stepped out of my hiding spot to face her squarely."I'm asking because you need to go back to your billionaire husband." She retorted with a sneer."Why are you so pained?" It was childish how she exhibited such obvious jealousy."Excuse me?""You have been such a bitch ever since you found out I was going to be married to Zach instead of you." I told her. I'm older, of course I was going to marry him instead of my clueless little sister who wanted nothing to do with the family business until our father's unfortunate demise."So you're saying I'm j
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*One week later...*"No I don't drink," I dissuaded the waiter from pouring me a glass of tequila.."You don't drink?" Rajesh asked."I don't. Something soft will do." I said to the waiter and he went on his way to do the needful.I spun on my bar stool to face him squarely, "So Rajesh, what do you do for a living?""I'm an IT consultant." He said.I hummed, "Interesting job." "We all know you're a model so there's no need to ask." He chuckled. That was a sour topic but I held on to my plastered smile. "I had to quit for a while." I informed him."Oh because of your marriage?"It was for reasons like these that I hated how public my marriage was. Zach's parents and my mother turned it into a carnival and almost everyone knew about it."Yeah that." I responded, picking up my glass of juice to take a sip."Trouble in paradise?" He knowingly asked. I chuckled. "Let's just say marriage is not as rosy as it looks on the outside." "Yeah it's not." He concurred, just before downing the co
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I looked through my window and spotted a familiar car approaching the house. I stood up and took a closer look. "That's Rajesh's car for sure." I thought aloud.I decided to not get my hopes up and sit still, waiting for my mother's call in case he was actually the one.I paced the room for minutes, waiting for her to call my name. A slow knock eventually came through. An unusually slow knock that reminded me of the several horror movies I had seen. I stealthily walked towards the door and gradually pulled it open to be met with the shock of my life.My breaths quickened in that instant as my eyes met his scary blue ones. "Zach?" I whispered, not wanting to believe that he was right in front of me. He took a step further in and my heart raced at the realization. He was here, in the flesh."What are you..., how did you,...when?" I didn't know what I was saying but that simply showed how utterly confused I was to see him here."Been a while wifey." His back was turned to me as his eyes
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She hadn't said anything to me since we left her mother's house. I glanced at her eyes that had gotten swollen due to how hard she had been crying. She didn't want to leave. I knew, but not having her near me was making me go crazy. I had to treat her with an iron fist to make her listen. Of course I didn't mean any of those things I threatened her with but her believing otherwise was a good thing.I had missed her despite how much I didn't want to admit it to anyone, even myself. I adjusted the blanket over her once again, been doing that nonstop since she fell asleep. I truly hoped there would be a form of normalcy in our relationship dynamics when we got back to the US. But with how much she hated me at the moment, I had doubts about that thought.I reached for her phone and unlocked it. It was surprising how predictable her password was- her middle name. I scrolled through her contacts and had Rajesh's number permanently blocked and deleted. I blocked him on her social media accou
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"I don't even know what to say sis." Marv was bewildered.I laughed. "I knew you'd be shocked.""Is he bipolar or something? Because I do not understand these switches." She said."I'm as confused as you are, girl." "Anywho, how's my goddaughter doing?" She grinned."Who says I'm having a girl?" I chuckled."I read somewhere that when you hit it once and you get pregnant it's a boy. But it you hit it frequently, you'll have a girl." She was actually serious.To say I was shocked was an understatement. Where the hell did people get these theories from."It takes one to get pregnant so what the hell are you talking about?" I rhetorically asked."You know exactly what I mean." She wiggled her brows."Don't be ridiculous Marv." I shook my head just before I reached into my bag for my phone that had been buzzing non-stop. "Hey Zach," I said as soon as I picked up."Where are you?" He asked. No ' Hey, how are you?' Okay... That was unexpected."I'm at Marv's. Are you home already?" I asked
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"Why are you so quiet?" He asked me at dinner that night."Oh uhm, nothing.""How was your day?" "It was good." I said playing around with the food on my plate."We're going over to my parent's house for dinner tomorrow." He announced."Oh." I took a sip of water. "Is there a specific reason why?""It's their anniversary." "Wow, I actually didn't know that." I said thoughtfully.He hummed, "Mom says you two have been drifting apart." I shut my eyes. I had been waiting for this query. "I haven't been in town, you of all people should know that.""But since you came back you two haven't spoken to each other." He said."I'm not sure I want to go anywhere." I wasn't in the right state of mind to dress fancy and smile over a three course meal. "Why?" He asked."I need bed rest remember?" I gave him an excuse and he saw through it."That's an excuse. What's wrong with you?" He probed."Nothing.""There's obviously something up with you and I need to know what it is, Hannah." He insisted.
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"Why did you threaten her?!" I growled into my phone."It was simply a piece of advice." His mockingly calm tone irked me to no end."Stay away from my wife. I don't need any more drama in my life right now, Hex." I warned him.He let out a dark chuckle. "Funny how the drama's just about to begin.""What the fuck do you want?!" I yelled."Oh nothing. Just revenge," he hummed. "An eye for an eye." He ominously completed. I shut my eyes, "Hex leave Hannah out of this, please." I couldn't believe I was pleading with this asshole."I'll do whatever I want." The line went dead after that.I paced my home office in panic. "What do I do?" I groaned in frustration. I would lose it if anything happened to Hannah because of me. I would go crazy.I called for more security around the house. I needed a personal bodyguard for her and I had to be around more often. I couldn't take any chances. It was way past midnight, Hannah was fast asleep but I couldn't get any shut eye.I reached over and adju
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