Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 11 - Chapitre 20
“What the hell was that?” Jamie told Perry about her awkward meeting. “I mean … what the hell? Was it harassment? Was he mocking me? He was upset that I lied about my name and accused me of luring him into some kind of a sex trap … and then he had the audacity to offer me ‘assistance’ for … and he refers to it as a biological urge cycle in a mating season! Who does that??” she paced up and down the living room.Perry held his amusement after listening to the whole story. “He’s a single 44-year-old billionaire, good looking … very … I might add … and single … have I mentioned that already? Even if he’s not a billionaire it would be weird for someone like him to be single … I’m sure his strangeness had a lot to do with that,” her judgemental hat was talking.“I mean … Can you believe that a guy like that had never had a ‘no-strings-attached’ sexual intercourse? Can you? I can’t … he knew his way around the bed, I can assure you that … he probably had sex slaves tied up somewhere in his
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Jamie Knox hated working in an office, she tried it once when she graduated from the University and it almost gave her a mental breakdown. She came home crying every day after a 9 to 5 job as a Public Relation Officer at her father’s company and was laughed at by her family because they thought she was being a princess.She grew up privileged even though she didn’t ask for it, and she was always told to be grateful because of how easy her life was. She was never ungrateful, it’s just not the life she preferred and her family didn’t know the difference.She held onto the job for two months before she quit cold turkey on it. She took up online courses to develop her writing skills and started taking freelance jobs to do small campaigns and PR work for small businesses.In a couple of years, she managed to compile quite a variable portfolio and her dad offered her another chance to do PR work for his companies. She gave it another try. That was when she learned the dark side of the busin
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One week after the meeting, Jamie was halfway finished preparing everything she needed before leaving for Bhorma for a year. She finished all her pending work in the city and informed all her ongoing clients that she will be residing on the island of Bhorma.Work wasn’t going to be an issue because she’d been doing most of it long distance or from home. She handed over pending events to Perry to handle all the operational details on location.She had renewed her passport for another 5 years because it was required before she started working. She organized her bank accounts to automatically debited her account for all her monthly payments in Lancaster, and all other tedious details she didn’t really enjoy.“Ooh … do you think I’m doing the right thing? It already feels like a commitment and I’m starting to doubt if it’s even worth it?” she sighed.“Of course, it’s worth it, think of how many turtles you can save through this program and how much more you can do with the facilities he’s
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Being in a car like that reminded her of the days when she was married to Eduard. There was a set of alcoholic beverages, complete with crystal glasses, if she pushed out the middle compartment, she was sure she would find an ice dispenser.The screen in front of her was the internal cinema experience, the speakers planted in the corners of the interior would be the surround sound if she decided to watch a movie or listen to music of her choice.It’s always nice to enjoy luxury, she just didn’t enjoy the things that came along with it. Especially the fake people, with fake love, fake smiles, and leeches that posed as friends. Somehow, she understood Gabriel’s strange behavior and lack of trust. He too must’ve gone through a lot worse than she ever did.“Jamie?” a deep soothing voice came from the speakers and pulled her out of her daydream.She had been in the car for almost 20 minutes. “Gabriel?” she looked around, not sure what she was looking for. “Yes … I’m sorry to interrupt … h
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He threw himself on the tall chair across from her, she could smell a hint of his perfume.“Well … Jamie … as we discussed earlier, there are some papers I need you to sign,” he took out a folder from his drawer and pushed it toward her. “Since you will be working in my close circle, there will be a lot of information I need to keep to yourself in regards to my company, its operation, and of course my private information.”She took the folder and opened it, “By private information, are there any specifics?”He sighed, “Let’s just say … you are not allowed to talk about me, my company, and how it operates … even with Perry.”She skimmed through the agreement, “Hmm … Perry … so you have him checked too? What else do you know about me and Perry?”“Everything there is to know,” he answered simply with a faint smile. “I always check the backgrounds of everyone I will be working with, including the people they are closely associated with, no offense … information is a currency Jamie, that’s
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Get to know each other. What the hell did he mean by that? He practically had her whole life history printed out on paper and read them all overnight. He already knew more than she did, he knew about Eduard. What else could he possibly want to know more about? And what for?And that offer of fulfilling sexual needs? What the hell is wrong with that guy? Is it some kind of strategy to get her to bed without making it look like harassment? Not that she was even thinking about sleeping with him again at that point. As handsome as he was, Gabriel Love was as weird as it gets.Maybe all that money and power had gotten into his head for too long. She knew how controlling billionaires can get, she was raised by one, and married one too. And now she’s dealing with another one who was going to invest in her good cause. Her stomach clenched as she processed the thought of letting another billionaire control her life once more.“Fuck!” she muttered to herself. After all her roller coaster of run
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Eduard Payne loved marbles, his whole mansion was made of it. White pillars propped up the entire structure, and the painted ceiling gave the place an ancient greek nuance. He also liked gold, all of the door handles were plated in gold. Not Gabriel’s taste, he was more of a wood kind of person.Gabriel sat in Eduard’s private office, he insisted on holding the meeting at Eduard’s home so he was willing to wait for him to get home. It didn’t take long until he arrived. To be asked for a one-on-one meeting with Gabriel Love was a rare occasion one would miss.“Gabriel? What brings you out of your cave?” Eduard jokes.They shook hands, Eduard offered him a drink, and closed the door.“Thank you for meeting me on such short notice, I hope I wasn’t dragging you out from an important affair,” he was being polite.“Oh not at all … I was at The Q actually, didn’t expect you to choose my home for a meeting … what can I help you with?”They’re not friends, nor they knew each other on a persona
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It was the same routine as the first time. The same car, the same driver, and the same instructions were repeated to her before they left. She sat in the quiet interior of the dark car and wondered if Gabriel was watching her through the lens.They were 15 minutes on the road and there was no Gabriel. She was curious, “Gabriel?” she called. No answer. She hesitated. Maybe it was a one-time thing because it was her first time in the car when he called her. So she didn’t call again.Just when she got comfortable, “Yes, Jamie?” his deep voice greeted her.She felt a strange delight come over her, “Gabriel … you’re there?”“I’m here … I’m sorry I couldn’t come and pick you up today either, I just got back from a meeting.”“That’s okay … I was just … it felt awfully quiet in here.”“I know,” he said.Now that he was there, she lost thoughts of what she wanted to say to him. “Do you always do this to your future employees? Pick them up in a soundproof car, limit their visions and talk to th
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“Are those your parents?” she pointed to the painting of a lovely couple in their forties posed in their best clothes. Both were very good-looking, but Gabriel seemed to take upon his mother’s light brown eyes and her immaculate beauty.Harold glanced at her and then at Gabriel, he had never met anyone who dared to ask a personal question to Gabriel. He nodded at Harold to dismiss him.“Yes, those are my parents … they died not long after this portrait was made.”Harold lingered in the room, he was protective of his master who never spoke of his personal life with any of his guests.“That’ll be all, H., thank you,” Gabriel said.It was a sign for him to go, Gabriel can handle this.“What happened?” Jamie asked.“We were on a small aircraft going to a remote island my father just bought … we have done it hundreds of times before, my parents … they travel a lot in small aircraft because they like exploring remote areas … but that day … the plane crashed when it was about to take off.”T
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He was too clever, she thought. He always managed to lure her to the direction he wanted her to go and put her in a position where she couldn’t get out of. He had succeeded in getting her to sign all those agreements and now she was legally bound to oblige to the contract. It was like making a pact with the devil.She found herself in a spot where she will have to go through a series of health tests as part of her work agreement with his company and in the tests she had to be tested for a kidney match with the devil himself. Which was not against the law, but she can’t tell anyone about it.What if her kidney is a match? What then? Is he going to kill her? Make it look like an accident and get her kidney? No one is going to know about it. It would be a breach of contract if she backed out from the agreement.“Shit!” she rubbed her face with both hands, sitting in a cold hospital bed in a hospital gown. She told Perry it was just a regular check-up, a standard requirement to be part of
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