Semua Bab CEO's REDEMPTION: Bab 21 - Bab 30
69 Bab
"Done!" I mumble after bandaging his wounds. They are healing just fine, gladly. At least none of them looks infected or adamant about healing. In about a week he should be fine."Thank you." He asserts as I amble back to him after returning the first aid kit. I angle myself in front of him, scanning for any trace of change in him, and sure, he doesn't look dismal and dull like he has always been since I met him. The cold look on his face is still so permanent, but I think I have been with him enough to distinguish his physical features from masks. The icy demeanour is his nature. A beautiful one, I must say. It exudes both ice and fire. It exhibits boldness and authority. I am glad that the masks are not so evident right now, and I hope they fade away completely and for good."What is it?" He implores after noticing my stern gaze on him for a while."What do you want to do?" I ask. I think before I impose all the crazy childish ideas to aid his recovery on him, I should at least kn
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"I must concede that the castle is more beautiful than I surmised. It's amazing." I air my candid opinions as we halt our tracks at the swimming pool more than an hour later since Jerol started showing me around this beautiful castle. I have seen every important room in it, except for the gym. I have had a bang of that cursed room, and Jerol also seemed weirdly disinterested in going to it too. In a way, I was enthralled by his hesitation to walk in that damned gym. All the same, the huge rooms are incredible. Mental note, I need to go back to the library and steal a portrait of him. Well, not necessarily stealing, just taking, but without his knowledge.He might wonder why I need to keep a portrait of him. I am wondering too. But..."Thank you. It felt more beautiful today because I had you beside me." He states, turning to me.The rosiness on my face drags my eyes to the turquoise waters of the pool, averting his gaze for a moment. I wonder how it feels like to be in a swimming poo
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I'm humming a hymn as I finish preparing dinner for me and Jerol after that lengthy talk in the pool. We stayed in the pool for the better part of the evening chatting about everything and honestly, it was a fantastic moment. He has loosened up a lot. If this continues, he will be back to normal in no time. That would be nice. "Ma'am!"I turn to Terry, stopping the hymn. "Yes, Terry." "I just want to congratulate you, ma'am. You've done a commendable job in changing sir Jerol. We were all so scared that he might not recover." She states, helping me pack the dinner in the tray.The grilled chicken smells so sweet."Thank you, Terry." I mumble."Sir Jerol is really lucky to have you, you know." She adds.Huh? Why would a multi-billionaire like Jerol be fortuitous to have a poor soul like me?"Why do you say that?" I query."Nobody would have lasted even a minute by his side given his condition and temper, ma'am. You must love him a lot, don't you?"Huh! Love? Ahem! Ahem!"This is mar
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My face is all red as I wait for Jerol at the dining table. It's weird how I'm enthralled by a simple thing as sharing dinner together. I am at the blink of rapture with euphoria. It's our first time sitting around this beautiful dining area. I also know that I shouldn't be this enthusiastic, but I am, and I can't contain my enthusiasm. Maybe it's his compliment back in the room that is arousing me like this. All in all, I can't conceal this feeling.As I grapple between hampering the adrenaline rush and emotional catastrophes, his tall adorable frame appears from up the stairs. All my exertions to keep calm hit a hard rock. What's more fascinating is no longer the idea of us sharing dinner like a real couple that we will never be, but the grin on his lips blooming the entire cattle as he strolls downstairs. For the first time since I came here, the castle seems lively. The aura changes, and why wouldn't it with the way the knight in shining armour is twinkling? I didn't know I was
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I angle myself in front of the dressing mirror all dolled up for the meeting. The meeting I am not supposed to attend, but I have to, for the sake of Jerol. I am a nervous wreck right now. I have never been to any meetings, not to talk of a shareholders meeting of a multi-billion company. The inferiority complex is savagely surging in like a flowing river. What if I do something that will embarrass Jerol?"Are you okay?" Jerol speaks appearing from behind me in his three-piece custom-made tuxedo.He plops his strong arms on my shoulder, giving me a gentle squeeze which I relish in the hope that it will relieve the anxiety.My eyes plunge on the scars on the back of his palms on the reflection. We took off the bandages, but the scars are so conspicuous. Even with this rich makeup that he insisted on me, the scars on my forehead couldn't be hidden either. The recent one is the most conspicuous. I hope people will mind their business and not bother with our private lives."I'm just... I
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Breathe, Tessa. Just breathe! I mentally murmur to myself for the fifth time.Calming myself down doesn't seem to work no matter how much I try, but there is no choice for me either. We are seated in front of these opulent affluent men in the boardroom. Their eyes are blinking at us like we are aliens as Jerol prepares to inaugurate the meeting. I can tell they are afraid of their boss, but they are angry as much and more confused with my presence too."Greetings, gentlemen!" Jerol's voice echoes in the room, summoning everyone's attention.A faint chorus echoes in the room in response to his greetings."First, I would like to introduce to you all my wife, Mrs O'Brian McCall!" Jerol says, interlocking our fingers together under the table.That calms me down a bit, and I stress on his hand, acknowledging how much I appreciate this gesture.I flash a glance around, voyaging my smile around all the individuals in this room, finally resting on my husband. He trades a small genuine smile
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I put on my night dress and climb onto the bed beside my husband. My husband for the next one month or so. He helps me get under the duvet with ease, coming so close to me as I rest on the soft mattress. So close that his sweet whiff is nuzzling my nostrils, or better still, I'm breathing in his warm pheromones, and my fears out.Our faces are flawlessly in alignment, and our features are sweetly outlined under the illuminations of the orange and red lamps. I can feel his eyes digging through the delicate skin of my face, but I evade his gaze. For the first time since I came into his life, I am scared of meeting his eyes. I feel a weird kind of fear since his announcement in the meeting this morning. This is odd. And baffling.I start closing my eyes, to try and sleep over this new feeling, and also because I have nowhere else to conceal my trepidations. I am sure by now he knows I am averting his gaze. I am that obvious. I know."Are you mad at me?" His sweet cold voice rings so lou
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"You still haven't told me what surprise you are preparing for me." I air my anxiety to Jerol as we settle into his car this bright morning of Friday, a bright smile noticeable between my ears.It gives me so much euphoria to see this version of him. Happy and composed. He is no longer the "about to burst" bomb he was. He has changed a great deal, especially in the past one week.He has resumed work and taking care of his company has now become his priority and life in general. I can see just how much work enthrals him. Now I feel like an idiot for laughing at him that day when he said work was his hobby. It indeed is. We leave the castle for the office early in the morning and return at night, and he still spends hours buried in his computer after. All these times, I have not left his side. How can I when I am part of the board? There is nothing much I do, though. Actually, all I do is just sit beside him as he gives directions about his company. He never leaves me behind despite my
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The whole of the day has been awkward. Totally awkward! I didn't know, and I still don't know, how to behave around him since that fervent moment in the car this morning. Every time our eyes meet, I am reminded of the fire I saw in them this morning. His closure is a reminiscence of that scene in the car. His touches, his sweet savage kisses, they are all freshly stuck in my mind like they happened the past second. It's been hours, yet I feel the redness of his touches on my cheeks. The electrical sparks of his caresses are still tickling my sensitive skin. His beautiful words are still echoing in my ears. "YOU. ARE. MY. WIFE"! He said, and disregard the last part to complete that statement. " ON. PAPER". Whether he did it on purpose or whether that important part slipped out of his mind is something I haven't been able to figure out the whole day."Are you okay?" I snap at his voice as he halts before me with a small package in his hand.He doesn't seem bothered by the morning esc
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We park ourselves at the table as we wait for our dinner to be served. Tonight feels phenomenal. Everything about today feels so special. And of course, perplexing. I don't understand why he is circumventing talking about that contract, but I think I will go with this flow even though I know it's all wrong. I am getting the vibes of being his real wife, and I am getting a kick out of it.The feeling is incredibly sweet. Then again, when has him being like this ever not been sweet? Never!My misconceptions are cut short by the memory of the first time we sat around the table like this with his family and friends. I really embarrassed him that day. "What's wrong?" Jerol asks after noticing my sad face, leaning across the table and his face coming so close to mine. "Do I really suck this much?" He adds, earning a confused look from me."What? Why do you say that?" I implore."I brought my wife out for dinner for the first time but I haven't seen a smile flicker on her face. I must be a
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