Все главы Forced Marriage: Loving The Beast: Глава 11 - Глава 20
Chapter 10
Lucas and Hannah weren't there when she came down. She continued on with her regular day, which included making her own meals, tidying up the house, and even cleaning the pool. Behind their house, next to the garden, is a rectangular pool. However, their front yard is centered around a circular road that leads to a lawn and fountain.The size of their house was impressive. Only the guard at the subdivision's main entrance is armed, and no maids or security guards are provided. She had worked out how to do everything that needed to be done inside and outside of their home. She spends a lot of time on YouTube watching instructional videos. Some were unique to her previous residence, while others were recurring themes throughout her life.She let out a long sigh as she finished sweeping the carpeted floor. Since moving in, her parents haven't contacted her, but that's her own responsibility since she told them she'd be the one to contact them. In addition, she should let her parents beli
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Chapter 11
Ryleigh attempted to remove her hand from Lucas's grasp, but his developing madness keeps him strong."Luke, I didn't do anything wrong—""Shut up!" Lucas yelled as he shoved her into the playroom.When Lucas shut the door, he released her.She shook her head. "I don't get you. It seems I've never done anything right—""Because you didn't!" he yelled at her as he stared. "You have never done what was right, Bela. Never! And I despise what I witnessed," he continued.She shook her head and wiped her cheeks as tears flowed down them. "I no longer know what to think, Luke. Why not attempt to make this marriage work? Why do you refuse to give me a chance? Why don't you let me love you—""Because I really hate you, Rye. I loathe you. I detest you. You don't deserve a chance. I dislike the sight of you being happy and flashing smiles to another individual. I do not want you to appear as though you are not suffering beside me. I despise it when you're feeling happy, but I was the one initia
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Chapter 12
While Luke showered, Ryleigh waited for him to finish so she could clean up, too. When she heard him turn the knob, she rose up without regard for her nakedness. She wants a wash since her body feels so sticky; she groaned when she touched Luke's dried, sticky saliva, which always spits on her back when he cums.Luke grimaced at observing her gait. She simply averted her gaze and continued walking. The man still stood with his arms crossed beside the restroom door, observing her.She regarded him. “What?” she questioned upon meeting his emerald eyes."Why are you not walking straight?"She halted in front of him and chuckled mockingly. "Are you kidding me? After what have you done? You have no idea how painful—"He responded, "Whatever," and then walked away. When he caught her eye, she diverted her sight and retreated to the restroom.When a twitching pain heightened her sensitivity, she cursed. Damn! She enjoyed herself but is now suffering the consequences. And Luke... she could no
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Chapter 13
On his way home, Lucas received a phone call from Hannah. The woman informed him that she cannot go home tonight because she had a photoshoot till 3 a.m. He promised to pick her up at 8 a.m. tomorrow because he has something to do with Ryleigh. When he arrived home, the entire residence was silent. He glanced at his wristwatch while ascending the stairs. It is currently quarter past eight. And the game will begin at eleven o'clock. He probably needs to nap beforehand. When he reached the second level, he paused and sighed deeply as he surveyed the west side of the floor, where Rye's room was located. He wonders if she's regaining her happiness now that she has him, or if she's suffering just as much as he is. He gave a head shake. She never merits a second chance. The woman was aware that their marriage was doomed from the start. When Ryleigh was brushing her hair in front of the mirror, her phone vibrated in front of her. She glanced at the caller and saw that it was Abby requesti
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Chapter 14
Then, Ryleigh exited her room and proceeded towards the east. She waited till Luke arrived and unlocked the door. As she anticipated experiencing a new game with Luke, the tension between them increased, and she wondered where this Nibbling game would lead her sanity.When he turned to face her, she gasped when their eyes connected. The man diverted their attention as he examined her from head to toe. She felt uneasy and looked down at her clothing, which consisted of cotton shorts and a sleeveless top. Back in the day, she used to wear plain clothing.She observed how he gasped at seeing the two big piles in front of her. She then coughed to alleviate the feeling of unease.“Strip—”Luke's brow wrinkled as he regarded her while she responded, "I know." She took one step back to prepare herself in case the man struck her again, but he went by and sat on the bed instead. She breathed a sigh of relief as she continued to undress."Keep your shorts on because you're on your period," he u
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Chapter 15
The following day, Ryleigh awoke early and completed her morning ritual before leaving her room. Today was her laundry day, so she walked to the laundry room and retrieved the empty clothes basket.Since it is still five in the morning and the first day of the weekend, Lucas may or may not go to work; she does not know his regular routine, as he has only gone to work three times since they moved into the same house. And according to her mother, Luke's company is returning to the market; her Aunt Charlotte is quickly recuperating; and despite the suffering, she's through with Luke's hand; she's delighted because of the news, and she hoped Luke could see and appreciate it. And hopes her father's insanity will cease. Despite her desire to release Luke, she is scared of her father.She ascended the stairs and proceeded to the east side, where she knocked on Luke's door. She bites her bottom lip since she is unsure if she is doing the proper thing. However, she must do the wash today becau
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Chapter 16
When she finishes the laundry, it is nearly quarter to eleven, and Lucas and Hannah are still not home. And the food she prepared for them is now cold, causing her to weep once more at the waste. Luke did not leave for breakfast, lunch, or supper, and it is her fault that she did not ask when.Her back is throbbing and she appears to be on the verge of collapsing at any minute. But when Abby informed her that she is on her way to their house, she was astonished and unsure of what to do. She decided at that moment to place the dried garments in a huge basket, take them upstairs to her bedroom, and fold them later.She also puts cream on her back, and she weeps again when she sees the location on her back where the cup hit when Luke threw it turning red, for fear that it would leave a bruise. After applying it, she descended to prepare lunch for her companion. And she simply reheated the meals she made for the whore.She does not know what Abby desires, and her friend stated that they w
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Chapter 17
"You told me a lie, Ryleigh," Abby uttered this as soon as they entered Rye's kitchen, her tone nearly imploring as she met her gaze. “Abby…”"Why did you lie to me? Why?” Due to her irritation with what she saw and heard, Abby's voice became increasingly louder."Why did you permit Luke to bring a prostitute?"Rye ran towards her and placed her hand over Abby's lips to silence her. "Can we discuss this later?" she said, almost pleading, as she approached the living room, fearing that Luke may overhear her.Abby withdrew and lowered her hand as she stared at Rye.Rye expelled a heavy sigh. "I know what you're thinking, let's discuss it later, and could you just be nice to Hannah this one time?"Abby has her arms crossed and her left eyebrow is raised."Why should I be kind to her? I don't like snakes," Abby stated in disdain.Rye understood that she could not always handle Abby's haughty demeanor, but she had faith that her buddy will carry out her requests. "Even if just for the pres
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Chapter 18
Abby told Ryleigh, much to her surprise, that she would be extending her stay.Rye is currently folding her and Luke's clothing. "Why?" she inquired."I wish to teach that whore a lesson—" Rye hurled her towel in Abby's face. She moaned, "Hell, Rye!" as she threw back her shirt."Two days is sufficient, and I do not wish to be a hindrance—"Excuse me?" Abby spoke and motioned as if she were writing in the air. " If I wish, I can stay here for a week.""Luke won't agree—""Why then?" Abby interrupted her as she continued to assist her in folding their things."Didn't you see nor feel? He did not welcome you or Keith, his friend. Now, how are you going to convince him that you should remain?“Pardon? Do—me?” Abby pointed to herself and asked, "Do I need his consent if this property is also yours?" Abby slammed her forehead and exclaimed, "Oh, Rye! Wait... I don't know what's wrong with you, but it appears like you're terrified of something happening. Luke is causing you harm, right? Tel
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Chapter 19
Abby and Rye went to the kitchen at five o'clock in the afternoon to prepare food. The two agreed to throw a BBQ party beside the pool.When they got to the kitchen, Rye took all the remaining meat from the refrigerator; it was pork meat that had been marinated and cut into squares; all they had to do was poke it with a barbecue stick.Abby was shocked that she received whole items, and she did reveal that she had prepared them prior to their departure.Therefore, she does not need to go grocery shopping each week. So, food and such issues will not be a problem for them—for her, since she is sometimes the only one who cooks and eats them.When Keith asked for cold water in the kitchen, they were swapping discussions about anything.Abby, who is attentive and vivacious, offered the man a glass of water."What are you planning to do?" Keith inquired as Rye placed the pork slices in a large bowl."We'll be having a barbeque mini-party later, so you're welcome to stay if you'd like?" Abb
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