Semua Bab Naughty #teXXXt: Bab 31 - Bab 40
195 Bab
Oh my God, the craziest thing happened, and I couldn’t get over it. Archie was offering a chance for me to be part of a threesome, no, a foursome. The whole idea of it sounded nuts.He thought that this was some kind of game.A joke.Just like all the others who were sending me messages and playing with my mind, they didn’t realize what was at stake, or rather they didn’t care. They just thought that I was after someone because I was some kind of perv. They didn’t care that I needed this to save the paper the one thing that meant probably more to me than life itself.Well maybe, not quite. But for sure, part of me would die if I didn't get what I needed to keep it alive.I was headed to class and feeling as if I had the weight of the world on my shoulders when my phone rang. I didn’t even look at Caller ID. Something that I’d been doing lately in case someone else felt the need to call me up and insult me or offer me the chance to star in their home-made movie. Who does that?“Yes!”
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It was a rainy Tuesday morning and I glared out of the window at the clouds that dripped silver drops all over the world outside. Stupid rain. I hated walking in the rain, but I’d have to in order to get to class in a little while.“Pete,” Archie called with a happy smile on his face as he came into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee from the pot I’d made. “How are you, brother?” “I’m good, Archie. What has you so happy this morning?” I asked and sipped at my own cup of coffee. Milk, no sugar, thank you.Archie added a single spoon of sugar and then a little milk before he turned to me, his smile even broader now.“I’ve got Tessa on the line and I’m going to reel her in when I get to class, later.” That grin oozed cocky certainty. I could reproduce it if I wanted to, but it wasn’t me. That was Archie’s role, the confident, boastful guy who got his way. Me? I played second string to his first string on the football team. Our brother Ron was on the college’s team as well, but neither
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I wasn’t as anxious as Archie or Pete over this new girl who may or may not enter our lives. Archie positively glowed with anticipation as he left the house yesterday morning while Pete was all but giddy. I frowned as I walked down the wet sidewalk to the hall where my class was held, annoyed that it was still raining. The sound of the rubber soles of my shoes made me wince every now and then as the rubber squeaked against a wet patch.I readjusted my bag against my shoulder and pushed hair off my forehead. I needed to say calm, I reminded myself, my brothers need me. It was something I’d reminded myself of often throughout our lives together. Archie was the daredevil, Pete was eager to measure up, though he was more careful than Archie ever dreamed about being.It was up to me to be the sensible one, to keep us from harm, and I took that job seriously. Our parents worked hard, and we’d often stayed with our grandparents, our dad’s parents, while our parents worked long hours in their
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“Hey Carlos, you got twenty bucks I can borrow until tomorrow?” My friend Jason’s voice intruded into my thoughts and I looked up from the autobiography of a WWII pilot that I’d been reading in the library. It was Thursday so that meant he wanted to pay me back tomorrow. It was Jason, though, I knew I’d never see that $20 ever again. Not from him, the kid was broke, at school on a scholarship and without a job to support himself. He’d blown through his financial aid already, but I didn’t care. He would spend the money on food, go back to his room, and dive back into the world of creating online games. He was a brilliant guy and he’d already created one game that was gaining popularity. He’d pay me back one day, somehow, in one way or another.“Yeah, sure, Jas,” I dug in my pocket, took out the cash he’d asked for and handed it over before I went back to reading.“Thanks, man, you’re a lifesaver.” Jason grinned, but I didn’t care, it was only money and my dad had loads of it. That mea
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“Tessa.” Kim bent down and pecked my cheek as she came in with Cheryl. Cheryl followed to peck my cheek and I waved them both off. “Stop it,” I muttered as I typed into my phone. “Coffee?” Cheryl asked and headed to the bar without waiting for me to answer. She knew I wanted some. “Still texting?” Kim asked, and I just glanced at her. “Of course, you are.” “They won’t stop,” I finally answered, with a sigh. “But it is fun. Some of them are very…imaginative and besides, I’ve thought about what Dad said, about being part of the action…” “Oh?” Kim leaned over as if to look at my phone. I snatched my phone away from the table and frowned at her. “Yes,” I hissed at her and turned the phone over. We were at the Old Barrel again, and I was busy with a bunch of guys on my phone. “So, you’re going to be the Carrie Bradshaw of CU?” Kim asked. I looked at her for a second, wondering if this was the road that I was headed down, so I winked at her. I hadn’t decided myself, when I did the
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I couldn’t believe it was Monday already. I got up out of bed and put on a robe to walk into the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. I decided on toaster waffles and microwaveable link sausage and got the maple syrup from the fridge. Once my plate was ready, I looked down at my phone to see my message box was heaving with messages again. I swiped through each one while I ate, telling each guy good morning. I had three new ones to talk with. The twins, Jess and Ted, and a new guy named Rich. The twins were baseball players and played for CU’s team. “And how is Mr. Monday today?” Kim asked as she came into the kitchen. I’d told my roommates and the guys over the weekend how I’d decided to name each man after a day of the week, and Archie was Mr. Monday. Otherwise, I wouldn’t give them the attention that they needed, if I had them all talking to me, every single day of the week. This way I could give them my full attention on a specific day. This really could work!“He’s awake and has
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Tuesday was Pete’s day, and he’d asked me to meet him that evening. I really wanted to meet one of them in person, so I agreed. I’d hoped to meet them in order, just to have something like a timeline for them, I was systematically thinking about how I was going to sleep with all of them. Before, it would have seen crazy, thinking about such things, now it felt normal and I was excited about my fantasy becoming my reality.I went home and followed the beauty routine that Kim had shown me over the weekend. I showered got rid of all those unwanted hairs from under my armpit to down my legs, then I straightened my hair once it was dry. I decided to try something new, after all if I played my cards right, I would be losing my v-card tonight. Something that I’d never thought about how I was going to lose it, till now. Then, I put on makeup the way Kim showed me to apply it. I put on the outfit I’d bought at a consignment shop, a long sweater dress, a pair of black leggings, and black leath
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I could see why people would mistake the triplets for each other, I thought as I stared up at Ron the next day. I’d agreed to meet him at a casual diner and we’d both had burgers and were now walking through the park. It was chilly out, but worth it to spend time with him. He was as interesting as Pete, as handsome, as attentive, and I couldn’t help but feel like I wanted to finish that kiss with him. Even if he wasn’t Pete. I knew he wasn’t Pete. That wasn’t it; it was just that I kind of felt like I’d already spent time with him. Maybe it was just the texts and not that I’d been on a date with his brother the night before? “Do you want to see where we live?” he asked. I quickly agreed. I texted Kim on the way over, so she’d know where I was, and promised I’d text her in the next couple of hours. We walked over quietly, and I knew he wasn’t as talkative as Pete was. He’d asked me questions over dinner, appeared to be fascinated, but he was quieter, more sensible than sensitive as
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It was Thursday, Carlos’s day, I thought as I stretched in my bed the next morning. I’d let Ron drive me home in the early hours of the morning. We’d had another session of agonizingly slow sex soon after the first time, and it had opened my eyes to what I’d been missing out on. I’d had no idea sex could be so much fun, or that you could crave it that way. I also had no idea how sore you could be the next day. I winced, but grinned as I did it. At least I’d had fun earning that soreness, I decided as I got out of bed and headed to the shower. A nice, long shower fixed most of the soreness. I went out to the kitchen to see my two best friends waiting for me, both with expressions on their faces that screamed ‘tell us everything now’. “Hi,” I said, shyly. “Don’t give us that ‘hi’ lady, how was it?” Kim demanded and pushed a cup of coffee toward me across the table where they sat. I took a chair opposite them and took a sip of the coffee. It tasted so good I sighed. “Tessa,” Cheryl
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I texted Tessa later that evening, around nine p.m. I knew she wasn’t the kind to go to bed too early, so I didn’t worry about the time. I just wanted to say hi to her. That was all.I hadn’t spent the day thinking about what she’d taste like, or feel like, or how she’d sigh my name. Not at all. But, I had.“Hey, how’s it going?” Seemed lame, but all I had at the moment.“Good, finished my classwork and now, just watching a movie.” “Oh, do you want me to shut up then?” I didn’t want to interrupt her movie. “No, I paused it. It’s more fun talking to you. It was starting to bore me.” “I see.” More lame so I wrote more. “I’d keep you occupied if I was there.” “Hmm. How?” “What are you wearing?” So much lame it made me cringe, but I needed to know.“A pair of flannel pajamas. Super sexy, I know, but it’s cold in this apartment.” With the emojis she sent I knew she was laughing at herself and I couldn’t help but laugh with her. “That’s hot actually. Sexy isn’t always about lace and
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