Все главы Give You a Deep Feeling: Глава 31 - Глава 40
Chapter 31
  On the day of the court session, Joey Xiao went in a wheelchair.   However, his presence didn’t seem to make a difference.   Looking at Cora Liao sitting in the dock with a high face, Joey Xiao\'s hatred was stronger than ever.   \"Joey Xiao.\"   James Fu\'s voice was low, and his warm palm fell slowly on Joey Xiao\'s shoulder.   Joey Xiao\'s body suddenly froze. He looked up at James Fu who appeared behind him. A trace of complexity flashed through his eyes.   \"You--\"   James Fu raised his hand to stop what he wanted to say, and said firmly and seriously, \"I said, I won\'t hurt you.\"   Joey Xiao was silent for a second. He forced himself to bear the tumultuous emotion in his heart. As if nothing had happened, he brushed James Fu\'s hand off, turned his head and continued to stare at Cora Liao in the dock.   The shock on Cora Liao\'s face was no less than Joey Xiao\'s.   She was more disappointed than shocked t
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Chapter 32
  After Larry Lin was arrested, no matter how the police interrogated him, he only gave one answer. He kept saying he had done everything himself.   Cora Liao saw the opportunity and put all the blame on Larry Lin. She covered all her tracks and used him as a scapegoat..   On the day of the announcement of the trial result, Joey Xiao bought a ticket to China. Half an hour before boarding, Lawrence came to him with the decision.   \"I guess that\'s it.\" Joey Xiao whispered as he grabbed his ticket and passport.   He had a premonition about this moment when Larry Lin was arrested. At this, he was just a little disappointed.   \"Joey Xiao, I seriously ask you, do you really want to leave?\" Lawrence asked solemnly as he grabbed Joey Xiao\'s shoulder.   As a good brother for more than ten years, he could see the situation more clearly than Joey Xiao. He really wanted to give him time to calm down alone, but he knew now was not the best time to lea
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Chapter 33
  After arriving in China, Joey Xiao sought treatment for his spinal injury   Half a year later, Lawrence Chu leaned against the railing at the end of the corridor. \"I\'m relieved to see you take care of yourself.\"   He handed Joey Xiao a folded newspaper. \"Take a look at the news.\"   For a long time, he just sat there, looking at the newspaper silently. Finally, he reached out to pick it up.   Lawrence Chu saw his hesitation. \"It’s about James.\"   \"Fine.\"   Joey gingerly opened it.   A huge picture of James Fu\'s face accompanied the biggest news of the day.   Joey Xiao swept through the line at a glance, and slowly closed his eyes.   \"What happened to the Fu group?\"   Lawrence Chu glanced at the wrinkled newspaper, and saw that he wasn’t in the mood to read. He proceeded to give a brief summary of what happened to the Fu group.   \"The affair with Larry Lin completely broke the alliance between the
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Chapter 34
  When Joey Xiao said this, Lawrence Chu thought of Xiao mother who had dies on an operating table.   \"I know Aunt Cora’s affairs have caused you a lot of pain, but you have a real chance to get your life back. It’s what she would have wanted.\"   Lawrence Chu sighed.   He walked to Joey Xiao and gently patted him on the shoulder. His voice was low but full of conviction. \"Joey Xiao, you should not let them defeat you.\"   Joey Xiao remained silent. There were some things Lawrence Chu wasn’t aware of.   In fact, he had thought about it for a long time. Indefinitely suspending the operation was his decision, and it wasn’t just fear that was holding him back.   As his friend of many years, Lawrence Chu saw through his dilemma, but he could not have guessed what exactly had caused it.   “I know you don\'t want my help, so you should consider it an investment, to keep you from losing out on opportunities. The entertainment circle is messy
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Chapter 35
  James Fu was in the conference room dealing with Fu\'s board of directors. Useless bunch of old people, James thought. Other than the capital they brought in, none of them contributed anything of value to the company. James did all of the work, and they seemed to be here only to make his life difficult.   Suddenly, a notification came in on his mobile phone. It was news about Joey Xiao. He was having an operation. His heart fluttered, and he had a sudden urge to see him.   All of a sudden, he wrapped up the meeting. \"It\'s a cold winter for the film and television industry. Since we all feel that our persistence was very reasonable, we should start these two projects at the same time. That\'s the end of the meeting. \"   Once he was out of the meeting room, James Fu immediately asked Danny Cheng to book a flight to China. When he arrived at the hospital, Joey Xiao\'s operation was finished.   James Fu stood in front of Joey Xiao\'s room for a while before
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Chapter 36
  \"Does it hurt?\"   James Fu\'s voice pierced the silence. Joey Xiao pursed her lips and answered calmly, \"No, it doesn\'t hurt.\"   He wanted to pull his hand back but James Fu held it tighter.   \"Don\'t move.\" James Fu frowned slightly, pressed his voice and said in a low voice, \"Let me hold it for a while.\"   Joey Xiao\'s fingers, which were struggling, froze.   Aware of his cooperation, James Fu slowly relaxed his strength and apologized again, \"sorry, I\'m late.\"   Joey Xiao was silent.   \"This half year, I’ve missed you very much.\" James Fu added.   Joey Xiao did not answer, but instead pulled back his hand.   His hand now empty, all of James Fu’s words seemed to shrink back down his throat.   At Joey Xiao\'s rejection, James was reminded how much Joey had depended on him, and how he had let Joey down. James left, and Lawrence came in.   Lawrence Chu had strongly condemned James Fu\'s behavior
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Chapter 37
  Throughout Joey\'s recovery period after surgery and rehabilitation, James Fu stayed with him in China.   Apart from occasionally return home to preside over meetings, he spent most of his time here.   \"Don\'t waste your time on me. Anyway, we can\'t go back to how we were. My decision won\'t change.\"   Joey Xiao rejected James Fu 108 times.   \"How do you know? You’re absolutely sure you won\'t change your mind?\"   James Fu tried again and again to get him back.   Joey Xiao was getting impatient.   Seeing this, James Fu sighed in his heart and said in a deep voice, \"Joey Xiao, you can think slowly. I won\'t force you this time.\"   Joey\'s eyes flashed when he heard the words, looking at the rare gentleness on James Fu\'s face, his mood was very complicated.   One day, he\'ll give up.   Joey stopped responding to him, in hopes that he would give up and leave.   It was an embarrassing situation, and thou
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Chapter 38
  \"Joey Xiao, I will miss you,\" James Fu whispered.   Lawrence Chu was secretly looking at Joey Xiao as he was taken away by James Fu. When he came back, his lips were red and swollen.   They both spoke at the same time.   \"What\'s the matter with your mouth?\"   \"When does the movie start?\"   Joey Xiao ignored his question and repeated.when will the movie start?\"   Lawrence Chu coughed a few times and saw that he didn\'t want to answer his question, so he had to follow his words.Next Tuesday.\"   Joey Xiao nodded. \"I\'ll go back home in two days.\"   \"Back home?\"   Lawrence Chu was shocked.   Joey Xiao seemed to have forgotten how people had hurt him and ridiculed him. Now he wanted to go back.   \"You have nothing to do there. Why do you want to go back?\"   Joey Xiao warms up and explains seriously.I want to go back to collect my inheritance. I had left in such a hurry, and I didn\'t have ti
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Chapter 39
  \"Manager Fu, are you telling me that I will make irrational decisions for personal reasons?\"   James Fu questioned him with a calm face and cold voice.   Corey Fu returned his noncommittal smile.   James Fu pulled the corners of his mouth, ignoring his brother’s provocation. He looked around at the rest of the executives. \"Do you think so?\"   All the high-level officials were silent.   \"Manager Fu may not know that the investment in Lawrence Chu\'s new film was discussed three years ago. Everyone agreed that although there were certain risks, the chance of success is very high, and the profits will be immeasurably high given his reputation as a director.\"   The words hit Corey Fu like a blow to the face.   He glared at the manager of the planning department, but retreated out of self-preservation. “Very well, thank you for enlightening me. I didn’t mean to cause any disruption.”   James Fu smiled at him. \"Of course your i
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Chapter 40
  The reporters’ aggressive questions ended up distressing James, and he signaled for the staff to put an end to it.   After the press conference, James Fu disappeared, and did not come back until the opening banquet in the evening.   Joey Xiao had a few glasses of wine, and came home in a daze. As soon as he took out the key to open the door, a figure came out from behind him and held him tightly.   Joey Xiao stopped short of screaming for help, as he was able to smell who it was.   He raised his hand and said angrily. \"Can’t you just say something like a normal person?”   James Fu\'s head was buried in Joey Xiao\'s neck.   Speechless, Joey continued to open the door.   When James Fu came here, he had made up his mind to go inside, whether he was invited or not.   He clasped Joey Xiao\'s waist with his hands and pushed them both through the door.   Joey Xiao\'s hand was still holding the doorknob when James darted into th
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