Semua Bab Happiness Takes Time : Bab 11 - Bab 20
53 Bab
Locked up
I woke up tied to a chair with a massive headache and some dried blood dripping from the side where the blow to the head took place. There was a dirty rag placed and taped to my mouth and this muffled my screams to absolutely nothing. Nobody would be hearing me scream and this had panic flooding my system. I know I am a scary trained agent and that I was not supposed to still get scared or panicked no matter how much you have been trained you will still have a little fear or panic set in when you find yourself in such a situation. I tried wiggling to see if I couldn't get my hands a little loose so I could try and get out of the chair when I heard footsteps coming from outside the door of the room. I decided at that moment that I would close my eyes and just pretend to still be knocked out. I heard the door creak open and the footsteps of the person coming towards me until they stopped right in front of me. I didn't think my plan was failing un
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Friends at last
After he had left, locking the door on his way out again, I tried getting up and just sitting with my back against the bed frame until the dizziness from the bump would pass when I felt Teresa trying to help me to sit up a little more. Once I was as comfortable as I was going to get I thanked her for her help. She looked as if she wanted to talk to me so I beckoned her closer and when she actually came I patted the spot on the floor next to me where she could sit. She hesitated for a second before deciding and coming over and sitting down in the spot that I had shown her. "He is totally obsessed with you. Before you came he would come and sit with me and he would tell me all about you and what he had seen when he was following you before you put him away, telling me everything that he had wanted to do to you." She started crying but she was still talking so I didn't want to interrupt her."He thanked me because I would be helping him get you. I didn't want to help him get you but t
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Being Rescued by a Handsome Stranger
We woke up hearing sirens, gunshots, and wood breaking. It could mean one of two things. Either we were being rescued and they were the ones doing the shooting and hopefully winning or John had become involved with some other low lives while in prison and they were coming for him because he didn't hold up his end of some sort of bargain or whatever they call their dealings these days. I was hoping for the first option really hard when it went quiet. You could have heard a pin drop. The torturing silence didn't last long before someone was at the door trying to break it down. I stood up and hid Teresa behind me for what it was worth. If it was option 1 we would just leave the room with the rescuers and if it was option 2 then they would have to get through me first before they could get to her. Not a very smart thing to say because judging by the sound of the weapons it's not small play things and in one shot I would be dead anyways. Finally, after a while, the person on the other en
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Testing the dating waters
Two weeks laterJack and I had become friends fast. It really felt like he was my best friend but this definitely felt different than the relationship that I had with Kyle and he was for the longest time not only my best friend but also my only friend. We went out and I really enjoyed his company and he was surely going on as if he was enjoying mine. It was a great way to switch off from everything happening at work. It was Tuesday and that means we will be going ice skating at the local rink. I went at least once a week, sometimes more when there was time for it. I loved being out on the ice and just enjoying myself being free and gliding around and around the rink. When he suggested we go skating I warned him that I had my own skates and that I am somewhat experienced in skating. He, like the gentleman he is came and met me at the door of my house, and opened the car door for me both to get in and out. We walked in hand in hand. He had to go to the
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Back to the grind
After I entered the office and sat down in one of the chairs in front of Jack's desk I was scared to death. If I were to lose this job I had no backup plan, and nowhere to go and I guess that is also my own fault because of my poor grades. "I just spoke with the bosses. I told them that I had you on some top-secret, off-book mission that no one knew of that I had not given you a choice to do it or not, and that it was my fault that you had missed the meeting. I think they bought it. The meeting will be moved to another time and date in due course. I'm really sorry. I know how seriously you take this job and that you wouldn't want to have anything happen to your position here." "At least you had gotten me out of the mess and that was the best I could have hoped for. Now we just have to get through all the gossip from our co-workers for everything to be perfectly fine again."  A little while later "Everyone, plea
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Exchanging my life for others
As soon as I had moved away from the door and further into the room I heard the door swing shut, closing me into the room. I spun around to see a man standing there with a girl in his arms and a gun pointed at her head. She looked scared to death as I would imagine anyone in her shoes would. She wasn't Leandry though but some other girl about the same age and with the same physical features. Nothing was said by anyone in the room, to say that it was an awkward silence was not needed because we just stood and stared at each other. The man finally decided to break the silence."Good afternoon Miss Blake, you really were foolish coming here alone. It seems that you do not learn from your past mistakes." His gun was still pointed at the girl's head and mine was pointed at him. Neither of us planning on letting the other win this stand-off that we had going on. "What makes you so sure that I came here alone just because I am alon
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The cat is out of the bag
"Well, well, well what do we have here?"He uttered the words that I didn't want to hear and that I had warned Jack would happen if he had continued looking at me the way he had when we entered the basement. Now we would be in trouble because he will be using either of us as blackmail material against the other one. "Banging the boss now are we? Did he promise you some big promotion or something if you slept with him or..." He laughed before uttering the rest of the sentence. "Don't tell me that it is actually for love?" The best option here was to just stay quiet and hope that this de-escalates the situation and that I can get everyone out of here safely still as that has always been the goal. I looked over to Jack and thought where had all his training gone because at this moment he was helping the enemy and giving him, even more, ammunition that he could use against us. After quite the awkward silence, he decided that it was probably time to say or do something because he fire
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Breaking free
Once I was certain he would not be returning until tomorrow morning as he had promised I started getting to work on my escape plan. The window would have to work for me to squeeze through after I clear the crates and boxes and get it open or broken. I would have to look out and see what is below the window so that if the glass does fall outside it doesn't create too much of a noise to alert him of what I was doing. Retrieving the key from my pocket, I unlocked the cuff and made my way to the window to start removing the blockages in front of it. Most of them were empty so it didn't take as long as I thought it would. This fits into the plan great and meant that I would possibly be out of here sooner than expected if everything else went according to plan. I finally managed to get everything away and a clear path to the window. Now for the moment of truth to see if it would open or if my whole plan would fall apart. I unlatched the window and pu
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Safely in his arms again
I woke up with a slight headache. Looking around I was extremely glad to see that I was not in a hospital room but that I was still in Jack's house, on his bed, and in his arms. I did feel that my arm felt heavy and I saw that there was an iv in my arm but other than that I felt fine. When I looked over I saw that Jack was awake and staring at me, I saw that he was smiling and not looking as worried as he had when I had arrived at his door. "What exactly happened to me?" "Well after you broke my door down, you fainted from blood loss from the large cut on your arm. I took you to the hospital where they gave you the needed stitches, cleaned you up, and said that I could bring you home as long as you finished this drip and the next bag as soon as this one is done. What happened to you and how did you manage to get out of there and away from him?""After he chased you guys out of there he took me down to another secret part of the basement
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I'm back baby
After the phone call, I decided that I should probably go and get something to eat before I end up passing out from hunger. I wasn't gone that long, and when I returned to my desk there was a massive bunch of red roses waiting on my desk. I thought they were from Jack and that he wanted to spoil me on my first day back. How wrong was I?When I was finished smelling them I took the card wanting to see what he wrote me. They were not from Jack but from John. I didn't know how because he was sent to maximum security and from there you have no contact with the outside world unless he was moved again without my knowledge. Maybe he had someone send them to try and mess with my head and have me panic and looking over my shoulder because he was back again. Either way, I took the card and ran to Jack's office to get his advice and also hide away until the tears of fear have disappeared from my system. I entered the office before I started crying,
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