Semua Bab My Gangster Babysitter: Bab 11 - Bab 20
96 Bab
11|A Request
~KAI~They say that we’d meet someone we’d follow blindly to the pits of hell every once in a while. Burn for them, take a bullet for them without thinking twice. For me, that’s Klaus Martinelli. I trust that man’s judgment without needing to ask questions.He told me I could infiltrate the Russian mafia and make it out alive, and I did. His trust in my abilities was more than I have for myself. But what fucking qualifies me as a babysitter? Only Klaus knows.He refused to relieve me of babysitting duties. He kept repeating how perfect I was for this job.In my opinion, Ro would do an excellent job in taking care of someone like Berenice. He was made to lead an army and take care of a family at the same time. He has bottomless patience for kids, while me... I hate brats! I am one second away from gagging Berenice or knocking her unconscious just so I can continue doing this job.My clothes were soaking. My mind was fogged with anger and irritation. There’s a brat I need to deal with,
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12|Like Her
~Kai~I know it’s not a good idea. It was the worst idea since my cock was still as stiff as a pole; a banner could be attached to its tip. Red flags waves in my line of vision, tunneling my mind on a one-track path.Her body against mine, her feminine scent surrounding me… my mind swirled with different ways I could make her forget about her anxiety.Doesn’t she realize what she’s asking from me? I am a full-blooded man, and she’s a fragile lamb I could easily devour if I wanted. We’d be already in one bed, far from any disturbance.“... please,” she added when I kept my silence.My shoulders went rigid. Her voice was rough and heavy with fatigue.How can I possibly resist her begging like that?Despite my better judgment, I scrambled up the floor and sat on the bed, stretching my body parallel beside her.I don’t dare look her way. If I do, I don’t think I can control this rage bubbling inside me.“Thank you,” she sighed in relief, taking my breath away when she tucked her body into
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13|His Pain
~Benny~The sudden shift of the yacht woke me up from my slumber. I sat up, my heart drumming wildly when I couldn’t find Kai in the cabin.Daylight spills through the rectangular panel beside the bunker, blinding me as I turn to stare outside. The sight of extensive water and gigantic waves outside overturns my equilibrium.Gnawing at my lip, I fought to succumb to my anxiety, ready to search for Kai. I don’t know when it started, but I feel safe around him. Without my sleeping pills, it would have been impossible for me to fall asleep.But he held me.Chills suddenly blanketed my skin. My hands instinctively came up, providing warmth to my bare arms. Pulling my knees tight to my chest, I closed my eyes, remembering how Kai held me. His body was so warm against mine while I curled like a feline searching for comfort. He drew me closer with a hand on my shoulder. The gesture was surprisingly gentle for a gangster like him.I still remember how easy it was to open up to him. At some po
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14|Nice and Naughty
~Benny~ Kai smiled down at me, sadness enveloping his eyes as memories flooded his thoughts. “It’s all in the past,” he said, looking straight at the ceiling. “We all go through challenges in life that change our perspective. After she died, I searched for the truth behind that mission. I found out that the man we rescued wasn’t a businessman but an agent of the CIA black ops. The government used our team because we were dispensable. They don’t value our lives.” “Kai…” I whispered, feeling his resentment. He glanced at me. “It’s okay to be mad, Benny.” My name rolled off his tongue like honey. “But don’t let the pain rule your life.” Somehow, his words seemed to touch me where no one had ever done before. I stared at my hand on his chest. “I… I don’t know how not to be mad at the world, Kai.” Rough fingers skimmed my chin, forcing me to look into those tantalizing gray eyes. “You’ll find a way,” he said and the surprising part was, I believe him. ~~ Like Kai said, Skipper, the
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~Benny~We spent the drive in extremely uncomfortable silence. Well, I am uncomfortable, my companion though, he wore that knowing tilt of his lips throughout the drive.The windows were open, letting the salty and warm Florida air slip inside the car. Morning sun rays bounce off the hood of our rental car. The ocean glistened as sunlight struck down on it. It was beautiful out here.Kai took a turn on a narrow dirt path, leaving the seaside and open road. Trees danced with the ocean breeze, and the silhouette shadowed the road we were driving through.Like a piece of hidden paradise, a bungalow slowly became larger as we got closer. Freshly trimmed shrubbery line the clearing surrounding the house.Kai pulled to a complete stop, stepping out while I studied the house, admiring its aesthetic. It was a cross between a cabin and a beach house, made of huge logs and stones. Two large windows were on each side of the wooden double doors, cream-colored drapes provide cover for what was ins
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16|Our Fears
~Benny~Her name was Justine, Kai’s childhood friend. This place was where Kai grew up. The portraits hanging on the wall were proof of their claim.“God, I miss cooking with you,” she nudged Kai’s shoulder. They had their backs on me, busy preparing dinner by the kitchen counter while I sat quietly on the sectional, glancing at them from time to time.It took me a while to understand why I felt this strange pinching sensation when I saw them at the beach.I’m jealous of how she could make Kai smile so easily. He looked cool and relaxed around her. When he’s with me, he’s either on edge, annoyed, or worried to death. I cannot compare to her, anyway. Who was I kidding? I am his job and she is his friend.It was obvious that Justine had a thing for Kai. I’m a girl and I know those little telltales of silently flirting with your crush. Kai introduced her as a friend, but she corrected him by telling me they’re best of friends.Who could blame Justine, really? Kai looked so good. He shave
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17|Not Her Keeper
~Benny~ I can see it now, his anxiety. I’m learning a thing or more about Kai each time we spend together. It’s like treading in shallow waters. I’m never sure how deep it is or if it’s rocky or smooth underneath. I wonder if he’s talking about his fiancee and best friend or another chapter from his past. Either way, I could feel the weight of his words. There was more to that rugged look of a mobster than that he portrays, I’m sure of that now, and I’d like to peel off those layers one by one and see what Kai was truly made of. My heart did an odd thump thump thump, the same beat it did from the yacht. I bite down a smile, relishing the fact that Kai is letting me see another layer of his personality. I opened my mouth, ready to squeeze him for more, but my stomach growled, as though there was a monster caged inside me. Kai tilted his head in my direction, eyes narrowing with amusement, the tips of his lips lifted into a teasing smirk. My cheeks reddened as I kept my gaze on the
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18|You’re Safe Now
~Kai~“It’s up to her. I’m not her keeper,” I said detachedly.By definition and my job description, I was her keeper. Her brother asked me to protect her, but whenever I am around Benny, my mouth and brain coordination are always in a plight that has proven hard to fight.I would’ve chosen another place if I had known Liam was in town. It’s not that Liam would have a negative effect on Benny’s welfare; it’s quite the opposite. Liam is one of the good guys, and the fact that Benny was looking at him with googly eyes annoyed me more than it should have .Benny whipped her attention in my direction, and an emotion I couldn’t assess crossed her face. She tipped her chin, defiance twinkling in her eyes.“Sure,” she said without taking her eyes off me. “A party sounds cool.”Liam smiled victoriously, biting down on his lip. “Kai knows where. Just head there anytime you’re ready.”When I took Benny here, I prepared myself for the surge of nostalgia that would hit me once I dwelled on the fa
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19|Keep Me Forever
~Kai~Benny’s hand fits perfectly in my grasp. It was delicate and small, a stark contrast to my coarse and huge one. It felt like I was holding a child’s hand.While walking back home, our steps turned from slow to measured ones, as though we both didn’t want this night to end yet. Maybe it was just me, and Benny was only following my lead; either way, I didn’t hear or sense any protest from her end.Eventually, I had to let her go to open the door once we stepped on the threshold. Benny stood beside me while I pulled out my keys. She hugged herself as if the humid temperature outside suddenly plummeted.She followed me inside and trailed behind me as I headed to the wet bar, grabbing the bottle of bourbon.This day had been a whirlwind of nostalgia in my head. I might look calm and collected outside, but inside I am truly questioning my decision to come back here.“Want a drink?” I offered, filling a rock glass with golden brown liquid.“Uhm, sure…” she said, shifting from one foot
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20|About Last Night
~Benny~ I squinted my eyes, the bright light blinding me as my consciousness slowly awakened. It seems that I had been dead tired from having forgotten to close the curtains before going to sleep. Still with my eyes closed, I shifted, stretching my dozed-off limbs. I froze when I felt heavy arms restraining me. Dread washed over me, realizing a man’s arm fettered me from moving. Heart beating wildly, I tried to recall the events from last night. Dinner. Liam’s invitation to a party. Kai and I walked back home, hand in hand, the two of us drinking. Fuck. I had never drunk anything stronger than fruity cocktails and beer. The moment I saw the bottle of bourbon, I knew I should’ve said no to Kai’s offer for a drink. Even the bottle has a label saying it’s for the bad boys. Even without opening my eyes, I knew it was Kai holding me. It’s funny how quickly I got acquainted with his scent. It’s spicy, yet not the kind that’s stingy on the nose or painful in the eyes, but the kind tha
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