Все главы Girlfriend for Hire: Глава 11 - Глава 16
So from the hotel, we visited my mother’s clinic, and Bain talked to the doctor about the procedures and the financial aspect of my mother’s care. I was dazed after we left the clinic, as I was now in possession of a check worth twice the amount the doctor surmised was going to be the approximate cost of my mother’s treatment. My mother and Nana Maria had just been told that a pharmaceutical company had chosen my mother to be a part of the study program for a chemotherapy procedure she was already undergoing. All of her treatment expenses and medicine would be paid because of it.Although I was grateful after we’d left the hospital that my mother’s treatments would continue without fail and that she wouldn’t have to secretly scrimp on her pills, I felt anxious as the day went on, waiting for the shoe to drop. I was secretly attacked by misgivings. I shouldn’t have slept with him this morning. No, that was wrong. As he’d said, it was mutual consent to practice.But I shouldn’t be
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I always enjoyed my visits to Central Park. I loved the feeling of being in the open air, surrounded by nature, with other people enjoying the same thing I did, so even if I wasn’t talking to them, I felt connected. It was always calm here, and it was easier to think—or not think—and to plan about what I’d like things to be in a few years. In ten years, I wanted my own business, a comfortable home with a yard, and my healthy mother and Nana Maria grandmothering my kids. I could sometimes even smell cookies baking in the oven. Of course, there was going to be a husband there, too. I just always couldn’t picture him, because I wasn’t sure I could find the ideal man to trust my life with this early. That was a dream I just couldn’t visualize, even if my life depended on it, which it didn’t. So there was no incentive to try very hard at this at present. So, it was a testament to say I had never walked here in the park with a man holding my hand before, enjoying the sunshine and the c
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I looked over at him and smiled. “I think I’m okay.” He was watching me closely but was quiet, as if he knew intuitively that I was wrestling with personal boulders and needed time to organize their placements inside my head. Alone. “You are?” he asked as if confirming. I nodded. “I am.” I looked down at our pizza and suddenly, I was hungrier. I put the last piece of the sliced pizza he’d cut for me in my mouth and chewed cheerfully. I thought this was the first time I admitted to myself that I was really having fun and it was alright to feel this way. Since my mother’s sickness, it’s been tough to feel even remotely happy about anything. And being a gloomy idiot was not going to help my cause. I felt him pulling at me. I slid towards him and leaned on him as we ate companionably. He pinched my cheek a little when I was biting on my second slice of pizza. Then I smiled as I thought about how we both liked pineapples on our pizzas. Again, I was reminded of how lucky I was to be doi
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I pushed back and faced him, arranging my thighs and legs on the mat as I looked at him. “Can I ask some more questions about you?” “Ask away,” he replied casually, but his eyes were curious about my questions. “What else do you want to know?” “These just occurred to me. So, before Brooke, how many girlfriends have you had?” A smile slipped over his lips. He was clearly remembering happy memories. “I can’t say they were girlfriends, but I dated a lot during college and later, before I got serious about building up my companies. I had a lot of… casual… encounters. I can’t say anything about serious ones.” “Ooohhh… I feel jealous. I barely have time to date… or notice guys that I might like. But you’ve never felt any inclinations to turn your arrangement with Brooke around?” He shook his head. “Don’t get me wrong. She’s a beautiful woman. She’s not bad as a brat. She’s spoiled, but she’s that good kind of spoiled. She can be unselfish and she treats people she’s really close to ver
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“What do you think?” I asked after I, smilingly, made a turn in front of him. “Passable?” “Passable? Are you kidding me?” he said slowly. His eyes were glazed and he looked like he was in a trance. “I saw this color on an online dress I was looking through this morning and I knew I wanted to see you in this color.” His eyes went back up her face. “You’re breathtaking. I knew it.” I giggled nervously. And nodded. “I did like how I looked in the mirror. I’m glad you like it, too. So…” I shifted to a more serious note. “Is this how I’m expected to dress when I get there?” His hand reached out and caressed my cheek. “Don’t worry about the wardrobe. I’ve already got you booked with an agency and they’re going to take care of everything. I got something for you tonight, though.” And he produced a box of jewelry which, when opened, produced a set of diamond earrings, a necklace, and a delicate bracelet all in gold. “Oh, these are beautiful.” I bit on my lower lip as he made me turn so he
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THE dinner went as romantic as how Bain planned it to be. He warned me before they left the car that he was so sure about her now it could be possible we would show on some socmed posts, just in case, so make sure to act in character. That part had become easier, since I mostly followed his lead. I thought it would be daunting when he started ordering fancy-sounding food names, but as we ate and he told me what he expected I would enjoy in each dish, I relaxed and really started enjoying the meal in his company. I didn’t know how the restaurant ranked among the city’s best-ranking fine dining restaurants, I just left that to him. He told me on the aside that should my trainer suggest I learn places in the city that a well-rounded young college woman like me should know, just relax and enjoy the experience because I would need it later. I didn’t tell him I already expected that whatever happens to me during my time of training, I would know to use later. I planned to read more boo
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