Semua Bab Fixing My Bad Boy Problem : Bab 11 - Bab 20
34 Bab
While I wait for Daisy to get back, I check the email I received from Steve. It contains a quick brief of when the tour will be happening and the locations. There’s a long list of my expected responsibilities. I’ll be working under the tour manager and will be assisting whenever I’m needed, and it all looks mostly like running errands and menial tasks, nothing complicated. I look at the tour stops, and basically, if I agree to take this job, I’ll be travelling across the country and into the next and the next…I’m already getting excited even before I see my pay. It’s a per-day wage and by the time I’m done with the calculation, I’m fighting the urge to just call Steve back right away and let him know I’m in. With what I can make on this gig in the first four months and what I’ll get on the truck, I’ll be able to cover at least three-quarters of Daisy’s surgery cost. The rest shouldn’t be so hard to make up. I’ll ask Mum if there’s a payment plan we can–My thoughts grind to a stop
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I cannot remember the last time I was this excited and nervous at the same time. But then again, my life has been some kind of shit-show for the past several years. Not just that, but I haven’t felt this strongly about a guy since–well, since high school. It scares the living daylights out of me, but knowing that I’m not alone in this makes me feel that I’m not way over my head. I get off the taxi I took from the bus stop and walk into the hotel I’ll be spending the next two nights in. Tomorrow will be my first day at work, and it also happens to be the last day before the tour officially kicks off. The day after tomorrow will be the Sea City concert, and then we’ll be on the road. I go through check-in and then go up to my room, thoughts of Ben already filling my head–no surprise, really, since the guy has pretty much set up camp in my head. It’s just that at this moment, it’s really hitting home that I’m going to see him soon. Soon as in about an hour’s time. That’s when he’ll b
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By the time it’s ten o’clock, the bar has lost its restaurant-y vibe and now looks more like the drinking hole it was meant to be. My companions have also adhered to the change of atmosphere, and all dishes have been cleared from the table to make way for more drinks. When I came along, I thought this was going to simply be a dinner with maybe a little more drinking than usual, but as everyone kept asking for more drinks, it’s slowly turned into a drinking party. Nobody seems to be in a hurry to leave, and I wonder whether this is how their dinners go normally.I usually don’t mind free drinks, but there’s one problem here.I was hoping to have Ben to myself by now. The longer I sat next to him during dinner, the higher my anticipation got. Having him close to me but not being able to touch him was a stimulation of its own kind. But once the drinks started pouring in steadily and the place got louder, that spell got broken. Maybe that’s also because for the past ten minutes, he has
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“Are you sure you’re not the one who likes being manhandled in bed?” I question, remembering the accusation he made the other night.His nearly-black eyes twinkle in the light. “Not usually.” “No?”“I like how proper you are in public, but the moment we get behind closed doors, you have no problem turning the filthy on. It’s like being hit by a tornado…in my dick.”“You’re full of shit.”“Am I?” he asks, now running the back of his fingers along my hard ridge. “Keri was right, you know. You look…like a fucking angel. Angels don’t go around commanding people to suck their dicks. It’s part of your charm.”It’s my turn to arch an eyebrow. “Should I ask nicely? Is that more befitting of an angel?” “Next time,” he says. “I’m down with you pushing me around for tonight.”He hooks a thumb under my waistband and pulls my boxers down, finally setting my dick free. And free it does go, springing from its confines and stretching to its full length, hitting his face in the process. “Did I just
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I can hear him. I can. But nothing he is saying makes sense. So I ask, “What?”Ben takes a step towards me, and I step back. He rakes a hand through his hair. “I didn’t know how to tell you…” He bites down on his lip. “I didn’t want to hurt you…I don’t want to hurt you–”“What the fuck is going on?” I demand, wanting him to tell me straight away. What didn’t he know how to tell me? Why the fuck did he run away?“I told you to wait six months.”I gulp. “So you don’t want me here.”“It’s not that I don’t want you–”“I asked you,” I remind him, jabbing a finger in his direction. “That night I called to tell you about the offer, I asked whether it was okay with you and you said yes.”He scrubs his hand over his face. “I wasn’t going to tell you to not take the job, Isaac. You need it.”“Wow.” I think it’s beginning to sink in. Ben doesn’t want me to go on tour with them. But I’m here anyway, because he said he didn’t mind. And now he is saying me being here changes nothing. “You have to
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My ringing phone wakes me up at the crack of dawn. I left my curtains open last night–after standing at the window listlessly staring at the city lights outside for a long time, unable to sleep once I emerged from the bathroom and found Ben gone. The light coming in through the window tells me it couldn’t be later than six o’clock. I reach for my phone quickly, afraid that it’s a call from home and maybe something happened to Daisy. A call at this hour can’t be– I pause my thought when I see Teddy’s name on the screen. Steve gave me his number and told me that he would look for me. I clear my throat and sit up in bed. I receive the call and press the phone to my ear. “Hello?” “Are you at the lobby?” a masculine voice asks from the other side. My eyebrows draw together. “What?” Was I supposed to be at the lobby? “Didn’t I tell you that you should be at the lobby at thirty past five, ready for the run?” Run? What run? “No, you didn’t.” “I didn’t call you yesterday?” “No, you did
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Hey. I can do hey. Hey is what casual, platonic friends, do.“Hey,” I reply, my eyes flitting past him and towards the back of the stage, where Keri and Ray are bound to be. “I gotta g–”“How’s your first day going?” he asks, not-so-subtly stepping into my path and lifting an eyebrow. “Fine,” I tell him. And fight the urge to give him a once-over. I already know he looks good. Just because I’ve been avoiding any contact with him doesn’t mean I haven’t been watching him. Today, he looks absolutely mouthwatering in black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt–like always. His long hair is loose, strands blowing into his face every now and then. Making me want to push them away, sink my fingers at their roots, pull him–I clear my throat and fix my gaze somewhere above his shoulder. My eyes fall on Ashton. He is standing with Jack, who’s flipping a pair of drumsticks in the air. He’s fiddling with his guitar strings–other than being the lead vocalist, he also plays the rhythm guitar. And his
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“You’re coming to dinner with us, right?” Keri asks as we step back from the truck where we just loaded the last of the equipment cases. I cast a look towards the backdoor of the venue. I haven’t seen Ben leave yet. It’s been a while since rehearsal ended. Maybe he left through the front while the rest of us were loading equipment.“Don’t worry, it’ll be pretty tame tonight. We’ll all have to be up at the crack of dawn tomorrow. No drinking,” she promises.“Sure,” I tell her. And then, as casually as I can, I ask, “is Ben coming?”She shrugs. “I’m not sure.” She produces her phone. “Let me see.”We walk back into the building to get our stuff from inside before leaving. When we get backstage, Keri gives me a head shake. “He’s not replying. He’s probably still in the dressing room.”“Send me the address of the restaurant. I’ll meet you there.”If Ben is still around, I want to see him. If I leave now and he doesn’t show up to dinner, I don’t know when else I’ll be able to catch him al
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He climbs down from the couch, and I get into a sitting position. Does he really think I’m interested in Adam?He moves to one of the chairs along the dressing table. There’s a bag lying there, and he rummages through it. When he turns back to me, my gaze zeroes in on the condom in his hand.Wait.Is that…Is that what he meant?“I don’t have lube,” he says, his hands going to his fly, “but we can improvise.”He wants to fuck here?“I don’t think this is a good idea,” I say.“Why not?” he asks, walking forward. He brings down his zipper and shoves his jeans down to his hips. My breath gets caught somewhere in my throat when I see the bulge in his boxers. “This is what you want, right?”Yes I do, but I came here to talk, and I don’t like the fact that you’re doing this because of some baseless jealousy, and I also don’t really want to do it in some dressing room–He pushes his boxers out of the way, and his semi-hard cock is suddenly in my face. “Cat got your tongue?” His hand sinks in
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“Trust me, you don’t wanna miss the after-party. It’s the only thing that can make up for all the shit you’ve been running around doing all day–and that you’ll be running around doing tomorrow.”“I just wanna sleep,” I tell Keri. “I feel like I’m going to fall off my feet.”I’ve been awake since five in the morning, and I can’t remember sitting down for more than five minutes at a time since then. The day has been crazy busy. It started with Ashton’s morning run, proceeded to three radio interviews in the morning, a sound check, meet and greet, and finally, the concert. Oh, I also spent some time at the merch stand. Every time I thought I was catching a breath, my phone would blare and Terry would be on the other side, listing instructions. I had thought that the wage I was being offered was too generous for an inexperienced crew member like me. It took one day on the job to start feeling underpaid.She tsks and shakes her head at me. “Twenty minutes. Just come with me for twenty m
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