67 Bab
Thirty One
"Are you hiding?" She rolled her eyes "Hide from what? You, who keeps on pestering me all day long? Seriously, Mason, I didn't think you had a nagging streak in you" "Well, I'm trying to keep you here so I have to check in on you every hour to make sure you're not across Europe or Africa" a week had passed since they met his parents and since he'd dropped the three big words. Eva hadn't said it back, which was fine with him because he wasn't trying to force her to do something she wasn't ready to do but he'd had to keep an eye on her. Make sure she didn't bolt. Back at his parent's house, he'd seen the panic in her eyes. And Mason was sure that she would slip through his fingers if he wasn't careful. He'd called his mother and they'd confessed they weren't happy because of the article that had made him out to be a cheater. They weren't angry at Eva but they thought she could have handled it better. He told them the same thing and they apologized. Promising to make it up to her. E
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Thirty Two
*Flashback* "Lincoln, can we talk?" "What's up?" Sabrina wrung her hands. She was afraid to speak up but this needed to be said. If they didn't take action soon, it would only get worse. To the point of no return. She was also aware of how protective Lincoln was of the twins. He never wanted them to feel like they were alone so he went out of his way to give them whatever they wanted. There was nothing wrong with that. However, she thought the first thing he should have considered was to take them to counseling. The crash they were in might have left them traumatized, especially Eva. She wasn't herself. According to Rossy, she'd changed and they thought it was just a phase. Given time, it would pass. But how much time? It had already been two years. "Have you noticed Eva's change?" "Change? How?" She took a deep breath "She's acting strange" "How strange? I don't understand what you're saying, Sabrina" "Just hear me out first, please" she begged.
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Thirty Three
"Fuck! Of course, he called you too" "Why are you here?" Mason asked narrowing his eyes at Alden "Are you following me?" "Fuck no. I'm not that idle" "Then?" Before he could answer, Jensen came from the back of the restaurant and strode toward their table. "Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to see you. Thank you for keeping my business afloat" "Why did you call him?" Alden accused, a flash of anger passing through his eyes. "To save myself time" he pulled a chair from the next table and sat down. It was midmorning and the restaurant was almost empty. When he got the call, Mason had almost cancelled this meeting. Digging into Eva's past without her knowledge was wrong. He trusted what she told him. But then Jensen had insisted he go and there he was. What he didn't understand was why Alden had shown up too "You both asked me to look into Evangeline Becker" Mason swung his eyes to Alden "You did what?" "Why would you look into her? Is because you don't trust her?" He accused ba
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Thirty Four
"Hey, where are you? You left early" "I needed to see someone. I'll call you later?" The line went dead. Mason looked at the black screen of his phone, the lines on his forehead crinkling in puzzlement. He'd woken up to find Eva gone. At first he thought she was in her apartment but there was no one there so he called her. Only for his calls to go to voicemail. She'd only answered it three hours later to give him a once sentence reply before hanging up. That feeling of apprehension was back, crawling up his spine inch by inch. They hadn't talked about the guy at the restaurant because he didn't want to set her off. That alone was enough to tell him something was wrong. If he couldn't even ask her simple questions without being afraid of driving her away or setting her off, then they had serious problems. The envelope was tucked away in the safe at the apartment and suddenly, he had this urge to look inside. Get it over with so he'd stop being so anxious. But i
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Thirty Five
(Did you like my surprise?)Eva stared at the message wondering what it meant. A minute later, another one popped up. (I mean Gregory. Did you two catch up?)She quickly sat up and then glanced at Mason to make sure she hadn't woken him up. That fucking bitch! How dare she? Getting out of bed, she left the bedroom and went downstairs where she wouldn't disturb Mason and he wouldn't accidentally hear her conversation. She pressed the call icon and tapped her foot nervously as the phone rang. What was taking her so long to answer? Hadn't she sent the text not more than a minute ago? "Eva, good morning" "You sent Gregory?" Sabrina's throaty laugh sounded in her ears then she heard Lincoln's voice in the background "Bye babe. Be good" "Bye. Love you" then "Sorry, you were saying?" "Cut the crap, Sabrina" "Right. Gregory. I thought maybe I should give you a taste of your own medicine" Her blood ran cold "What do you mean?" "I mean what you did to me all those years ag
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Thirty Six
"Hi, welcome" "Hello Sabrina. We brought some wine" Mason said handing her the bottle. She took it, forcing a smile as her eyes darted to Eva. The look on her face was different. Normally, she was either pretending to be happy or she let her dislike at being there show. Family dinners weren't her thing. "You didn't have to but thank you" stepping aside she motioned for them to go in "The food is almost ready. I hope you like..." "Did you make lasagna again?" Eva cut in. To someone who didn't know her, they'd think she was just joking "Sabrina, you need to learn how to cook something else" Ah, there she was. "Says the person who can't even fry an egg without burning it" there was a few seconds of silence where they challenged each other. Sabrina wanted to see if Eva could say anything in front of Mason. He wasn't Linc. He wouldn't assume they were joking with each other. "Ouch" she said then laughed awkwardly "I'll stop taking jabs at your lasagna" "Thank you, that's very n
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Thirty Seven
The moment she turned on her phone, it vibrated with messages, calls, and voice calls. Eva scrolled through them. Noting that most of them were from Lincoln and Pippa but none from him. She didn't expect him to still want her in any way just as she didn't want him. Not anymore. Settling on the white leather couch in her dressing room, she dialed Lincoln's number and waited as it rang. Her mind drifting off to the day she'd gotten married. "What does off the market mean?" Lincoln bellowed the second he answered. "Hi, uncle Linc. How are you? I'm doing great. Thanks for asking" she said sarcastically. Whenever she added uncle before his name, it kind of calmed him down. Reminding him he was just that. An uncle. She appreciated everything he'd done for them but there were aspects of her life he wasn't allowed to judge or interfere with. Besides he hadn't done anything when Rossy got married and moved to another country. "Why didn't you tell me you were engaged
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Thirty Eight
"If it isn't the great Mason Adler and his bitch. Howdy folks" "Walk away Lauder. Or I'll make you" Alden hissed from beside him. "You really do go above and beyond for your bestie. Don't you Greaves?" Mason kept his eyes on her. Observing her every move and reaction. He couldn't believe she was high or that she'd come out like that. Since when did Eva start using drugs? He'd never seen her do it when they were together and if she has, he would have noticed. He wasn't that blind. What happened to her after she'd left? Where had she gone and most importantly why would she marry this asshole? Shit, it was none of his business what she did or didn't do. They weren't together anymore. If something was wrong with her, Lauder should be the one to worry. Without a second thought, he spun around and went to the bathroom. He could be civil with business rivals, even have a drink or two with them but never with Remington Lauder. Mason couldn't stand being in his presence and he didn't mind
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Thirty Nine
"Mason? Hi. Uh... Come in" Sabrina stammered, shocked that he had gone to visit them. Surely, he had to know that Eva had gotten married. Whatever happened to them? Hadn't Eva said he was the one? "Thank you and I'm sorry for showing up unannounced" "No, no, no, it's fine. You're welcome here anytime. What can I get you? Tea? Coffee? Something stronger?" "Coffee's fine. Thank you" "Okay, make yourself comfortable," She said heading to the kitchen "It's been a while. How are you?" "Fine. I've just been busy with work" Why was he there? Could it be about Eva or something else? They were all shocked by her revelation but there was nothing they could do. Last they heard from her, she'd given them the same excuse she always gave them whenever she didn't want to see them. She was busy with a new project. Sometimes it was true, other times, it was a lie. She hadn't told anyone she was engaged or married. As usual, Lincoln had been pissed but it was too late. He couldn't change any
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⚠️ Trigger warning⚠️ Mentions of suicidal thoughts. "You can go without them today" Eva told the reflection in the vanity mirror. She wasn't some drug junkie. She could do it. And she would. Picking up the lipstick, she spread it over her lips and smacked them together. Telling herself she was beautiful "Smile. You're beautiful when you smile. Smile Evangeline" but it was so damn hard. How much longer could she hold the smile this time? She was exhausted and all she wanted to do was get back in bed and close her eyes. For a long time. Minus the nightmares. But Remington expected her to go down for breakfast. It would be fine if it was just the two of them since they wouldn't even bother talking to each other. He could say everything he wanted and all she needed to do was just ignore him. But with Florence there, not only did she have to keep up a lovely conversation with her so called husband, but she also had to let him touch her. With his hands and lips.
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