Semua Bab How Our Paths Crossed : Bab 1 - Bab 10
66 Bab
Dahlia’s POVI was hoping today will be different, it was indeed a bright and sunny day. The birds were chirping outside my little one room living space (with a toilet) which made me feel more at ease with myself. Even though my two wealthy friends offered me a place at their mansions but I turned it down due to my overbearing pride which has me feeling like I need to go down the path of success on my own!.My name is Dahlia Harrison Garcia and I’m a struggling 24year old graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Information technology and Communication Engineering . Graduated a month ago amongst the very best in my class but still struggling to get a decent job with my brilliant degree in this charming city of Tokyo. I moved to Japan 4years ago from the United States of America when I was given a life changing scholarship during my high school graduation ceremony for being a straight A’s student and the best student in my batch. The scholarship was an offer to cover the tuition fees a
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Chapter one
Dahlia’s POV I have a job interview today at one of the largest Tech start-ups here in Tokyo, it’s well known for it’s welcoming nature and hardwork by all the employees. I’m praying hard I get the job so I can clear off my student loans and start a promising career. I get pulled out of my thoughts with the sound of my ringtone filling my little space, “a video call from my girls!” I squeal “hello Ladies” I call out as I answer the call and Hana says “ Holla bitch” same time as Sara says “Yo babes” and we all laugh while I scold Hana for using cuss words. “ yes mama, I won’t swear till you get the job and I know you will!” Hana says with so much excitement, “ how do you feel about the interview girly?” Sara enquires, “girlllllll I won’t lie but I’m so nervous, I’ve got just my internship experience as backup hoping to get in as a junior developer” I speak out so fast that I’m out of breath but Sara the optimist had to throw in a few heart warming support “Lia we believe in yo
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Chapter Two
Dai’s POV My parents have been persistent with throwing a success party in my honour but I know they only want to attract more investors to the Electronic Japana Group even though my job has nothing to do with the electronics the company produces. My return trip from London to Japan from a business conference wasn’t revealed to anyone but my parents still managed to know and set a lunch dinner the next day which I declined. It’s been one week of ignoring my family but they’re very persistent with the party. Dad just had to use my older brother Daichi Japana to talk me into their fancy dinner which truly wasn’t going to be only in my honour but for their company’s sake. Knowing both Daichi and Daiki are my best friends they invited me for lunch at our favourite Mexican restaurant owned by my best friend Akira Abe Mūn. Finishing my work for the day, I head out for our planned dinner and as I’m about to press the elevator door open, it opens immediately revealing a very beautiful y
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Chapter three
Dahlia's POVIt's been two days since the interview with the Tech company and no response from them yet, I'm only hanging on to the little hope my girls positive energy is bringing me. They've been the best of my little Tokyo family, always here to support me just like today my girls arrived my little space at 6am to spend all day and night with me and we are currently bing watching kdramas which is one of the many things we have in common. Thinking back at how an African American lady became best friends with two awesome Japanese ladies amazes many of our acquaintance till date.**********************flashback***********************It was my second semester of my first year at Tokyo Institute of Technology and I only knew the student dorms, the cafeteria and the park beside the University. I was at the park reviewing my notes from the previous class when a girl around my age settle beside me on the bench sniffing, it seems she has been crying alot. I looked at her realising she
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Chapter four
Dahlia's POVMy girls and I are on packing mode listening to music and stuffing my clothes, shoes, perfumes and jewelry which took up half of my little space, I hardly bought clothes for myself due to my girls being so generous that they'll buy me things at random even when I'm not shopping with them.They are shopping addicts if I must say. Hana turns the music off and connects her phone to the TV and places a video call to my Mum. Hana got me that TV in my third year as an 'entering the third year of studies present' while I could only afford a discounted spar day to both my girls for their graduation gift that next year since they both were on a three year program. "Mama!" Hana screams as mum's face surfaces on the TV screen while Sara and I cover our poor eyes before they get damage. "Hana dear, how are you?" mum ask "I'm well Mama, how have you been?" Hana talks to my Mum like Sara and I are invisible but I had to interrupt their sweet moment. "Greetings Mama" I say smiling w
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Chapter five
Dai's POVMonday came in a flash and I've not been able to get adequate sleep due my busy schedule, preparing to train my junior developer with whom I can work with cause the last one almost leaked the source code for a program we were building for a security firm to an anonymous competitor. This has given me serious trust issues with the employees in the company which myself and Mr. Denzel my partner built from scratch. As senior Software Programmer and the company's lawyer my work load requires me to have a junior developer.I suggested for my new assistant to be fresh out of the University and luckily our best applicant just graduated so I'm required to train this applicant for 6months before we dive into major projects. Work isn't the only thing taking my sleep away but a certain greyish blue eyes beauty which has been giving me frequent Hard-ons, I tried the strip clubs with Akira but I couldn't get to the end of a fucking session without seeing her face. So I gave up and fue
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Chapter six
Dahlia's POVThe awaited Monday is here and I feel so excited and nervous at the same time, I've got a roller coaster of emotions what if I mess up on my first day or the Boss isn't happy with me. The email sent by Miss Clara states clearly that I'll undertake a six months training by Mr. Dai Japana himself, he's the most good looking billionaire bachelor in Tokyo according to vogue magazine and my girls always read the gossip section on those magazines but I'm never interested in knowing or seeing the pictures or articles. Thinking back at the Handsome Hercules I encountered at the elevator doors, I don't think that Mr. Japana can compare to his masculinity, the man's aura screams 'sex god on the loose'. Just thinking about him makes me feel strange and I need to get rid of all these thoughts so I can focus on my first day. I arrive the lobby where the kind receptionist is stationed to collect my employee badge and proceed to the 5th floor "Good morning Madam, I'm Dahlia the new
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Chapter seven
Dai's POVI think the universe decided to torture me for the rest of my years on earth, of all the women in the world Miss Dahlia Harrison Garcia had to be the greyish blue eyes beauty who has been plaguing my dreams and the reason why I devoted my entire attention to working without thinking. I froze when she stepped into my office and introduced herself. My member down there kept twitching at the sound of her voice, this felt like pure torture to my being. I was brought back from my trance when she cleared her throat. Asking her to sit down with out taking my gaze off her felt creepy but I needed some assurance that I wasn't imagining her being in my office.She was amazed when I told her I was the legal representative of the company which made me proud of my achievements so far, for someone I don't know yet I feel like our souls can connect on a serious level. I'm not a believer in Love connections and zodiac signs but this lady makes me question the universe more.She had fin
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Chapter eight
Dahlia's POVMy girls were right, Mr. Japana is a 'sex on man walking in a suit!' I'm not a horny women but this man makes my body feel strange things, just his presence around me is tormenting my body. I've been so professional through out our interactions to keep a cool head while we work or I might slip up. He's so smart and knows what to do with the applications. I've seen most of the apps built by the Bright Tech Corporation and they're are very good, you rarely see bad reviews on the apps they create and I'm honoured to be working alongside the head of the mobile and PC development team. Who knew sexy bachelor was an excellent developer and Business lawyer in one combo, I bet he's excellent in bed. No more thinking about my Boss in the ways I've been dreaming since the first time I saw him at the elevator. Since he left me at the office I've been very distracted, I think I need to take a course on 'how to focus at work with a handsome Boss?' cuz I don't think I can survive
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Chapter nine
Dai's POVAfter my short message to Miss Harrison, I had a feeling she was still going to be at the office after 5pm even though the closing time for all employees is 5pm, some still stay behind to finish their work or do overtime if it's required.I'm currently sitting in my car at a corner of the office building when I spot a black SUV stopping by the entrance and a few minutes later Miss Harrison emerges from the entrance and enters the passenger side of the car.I'm filled with so many questions as to who this woman is or if she's dating a rich man cuz I believe her beauty can charm any living man.I take out my phone and dial my private investigator "Hello Minks, I have a job for you" I say immediately as the call connects."hello Boss, what's the chase?" he enquires like every time I have a task for him"get me all information on Miss Dahlia Harrison Garcia, my new junior developer ASAP"I say with my bossy authority"Copy boss, I'll get the info right away"He says and I disconne
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