Semua Bab Her Bodyguard, His Target : Bab 21 - Bab 30
54 Bab
21– Guns & jealousy
Without touching it, he could tell that the scrambled egg was now cold. Don't even talk about the coffee. Then again, his tray of food had been sitting there for nearly two hours. He didn't feel like eating. He's mind was too troubled. Growing up, he was used to eating no matter what he was feeling because he wouldn't know if he'd get the next meal. He couldn't remember the exact words he said to her. How bad they were, but he just felt it deep down that he might have crossed the line. He wasn't even mad about the slap anymore, he just wanted to ask for forgiveness for the things he said. He wanted to, but he couldn't. Apologizing had never really sat well with him. He always felt that apologizing was for the weak. He believed that if you do something, own it to the end even if you feel bad about it later. When you said it, you meant it. But this was about Rebecca... not some random person, the only thing that felt right was to apologise.He's room phone began ringing. He picked up, w
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22– Leg up
“Joe, I've been waiting here for ten minutes already.” “Bro, you sent me an address and when I was halfway there, you sent a new address.” Joe answered. “Not my fault.”“Not my fault either. Things changed.” Hunter answered. “How far are you?”“I'm pulling into the parking now.”“I'm parked fifth left from the hotel doors.”“Alright, now now.”“Cool. Hurry.”Hunter cut the call and then wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. It was so hot in the car. He couldn't believe that he was really sitting here while Rebecca was in there having breakfast with this guy. He shook his head and bit his bottom lip. He was trying very hard not to think about Allen's flirtatious conversations and cocky smile but he kept finding himself playing out the possible scenarios that were happening in there. Obviously Rebecca was laughing hard at all Allen's boring jokes and just to really get back at him for Chloe she was probably throwing in physical contact too. And obviously Allen was enjoying the a
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23– Part of the plan
Hew was on standby, sitting in front of his laptop since half past four this morning. He lifted his glasses and then rubbed his itchy eyes. He had an eye condition known as keratoconus. He's had it since he was twelve. And ever since then, he's worn glasses. There was scuffling so he turned to see what it was. It was Brainiac, he's five year old cat. She had just stumbled out of her sleeping basket and was walking up to him. He waited for her to reach his rotating chair. He then picked her up and held her to face him. “Not now, Brainiac, I have some important work to do today. This right here could go so right or terribly wrong. And if it goes wrong, I'll be dead and you will have to get a new owner, and you know none of my family members are keen on cats. They're more of a people person, meaning they prefer homo sapiens over pets. Like who chooses a person over a cat? I know Brainiac, even I fail to comprehend until this very day—” He stopped his one on one with the cat when his pho
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24– A set up
Love is complicated. The same person that can make you feel so happy, is the exact same person that can also make you hate them, fill you up with so much anger and disappointment. And when you feel like that, you can swear to yourself a million times that you would never say a word to that person ever again. But we all know how that turns out. Well, that is love. So, as Becca was packing her gym bag, she couldn't stop herself from smiling. Thinking. She kept thinking about yesterday's kiss. How soft his lips were and how warm his breath felt against her lips. And his hands, firm and confident as he touched her neck and face as if she belonged to him a long time ago. It gave her so much joy just knowing that the person she loved, also loved her back. Okay, perhaps love is a strong word like he had said that night. She was certain of her love for him but maybe he didn't love her yet. He was just fond of her. That's okay, she thought. She would make him fall in love with her. And that's w
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25– Millions richer!
“What kind of question is that?” Rebecca yawned through her words. And then she was ready to close the door. “His my bodyguard, his supposed to go everywhere I go.”“Ma'am, you're in Mr Holland's office—”“In case you didn't know, 'Mr Holland' is my father and I'll go anywhere I want in the mansion with anyone I feel like.” Rebecca told him. “Bye.”“Ma'am, your bodyguard—” “Bye!” Rebecca shut the door before he could continue speaking. Hunter got up from his seat, wiping his sweaty palms against his pants. That was a close one. “Can you believe him?” Rebecca asked as she came towards Hunter. “Yeah, I think that particular guard doesn't like me much.” Hunter told her. —Sylvester clenched his fists behind the door. If he could, he'd barge in there and ask Hunter King to leave the office. But he couldn't because the Sparrow wanted him in there with her. He took out his cellphone and was ready to hit the call button. Maybe telling Mr Holland about this would make him mad and then he'
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26– Uh oh
“Where are you gonna take me?” She smiled weakly. “It's a surprise.” He answered with no enthusiasm whatsoever. He held her by her arm so she would have some balance. He then quickly pulled Rob's drawer and searched it. Nothing, he pulled the next one. As he took out a pair of sunglasses, he noticed a packet of condoms in the drawer. He looked at Rebecca but she was busy rubbing her eyes. She had not seen. Hunter closed the drawer quickly and then made Rebecca wear the glasses. Unless Rob and he's wife were preventing a second child, Hunter didn't understand why a married man would use condoms. Hunter had a pact with himself that he'd only hit raw the person he'd marry. Marriage, which he didn't really care about or think he'd actually get to but he promised himself anyway. “Your eyes are red. Keep this on. I don't want the guards to know you're drunk.”“I'm not drunk...” Rebecca chuckled. “I'm just really sleepy.”“Let's go.”They walked out of the office and then began making their
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27– Strange faces
She slept with a faint frown between her eyebrows and kept her lips slightly pouted. She had been sleeping in the same position since Hunter got back. Hunter's ruffling as he changed into his own more comfortable clothes and crumbling up of the note he had left her, didn't wake her. She was fast asleep, the Melatonin probably still heavy in her system. Hunter had been laying next to her for the past two hours now. She was still covered with the blanket he had thrown over her and he had nothing over him. He was facing her in the bed. Hector King's new plan was still weighing him down. Kidnapping Rebecca and holding her hostage was on another level of wrong. Going behind her back and stealing the million dollars without her knowing was okay. But getting aggressive with her, how could he get himself to do that? She would probably hate him forever. She would definitely realize that his only reason there was for the money and that everything else meant nothing to him. Well, initially all he
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28– Cared for
Hunter rubbed full circles over his eyes with his index and thumb hoping it would clear his vision. There was just no way he was seeing her behind that counter. Not her. It didn't even make any sense. Miss Jackson was supposed to be a psychologist, behind a fancy desk, taking advantage of who knows who. Not here, selling waffles in a food truck. Hunter took a few steps back as if it would take him out of this moment in time. Just then Rebecca threw her hands to her side as she finished with her bun. Somehow she managed to restore it to it's messy bun. “What's wrong with you?” She frowned up at Hunter. Hunter shook his head quickly and took another step back. “You... You go ahead. I'll... I'll wait in the car.”“Nonsense!” She was wearing her beautiful smile, clueless of what was going on in Hunter's head this moment. “You know what I should order.”Hunter looked away, he didn't want her realizing that there was in fact something wrong because then she'd pester him to tell her. Maybe
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29– Attachment issues
16h30. Hunter turned away from Rebecca as the flashbacks of their twenty minutes of passionate sex kept tugging at his brain. They had two rounds and he couldn't remember which one felt the best. Now she was next to him, sleeping from exhaustion. Oh how she quivered once he's lips touched her clitoral hood. And when he licked her vulvar, she almost pulled away from the pleasure but he held onto her hips and kept her bum pinned to the sheets. As he ate her up, giving her a good four minutes before kissing her navel and creating a trail of wet kisses to her breast bone. He then sucked on her nipple and penetrated her. She moaned and grabbed his hair, pulling him closer to her. Five minutes later she was screaming: “Fuck... I'm gonna cum!” He didn't care to hush her, he was on cloud nine himself, drawing closer and closer to his finish. He grabbed her throat and went harder and harder until she wrapped her legs around him so tight. “Shit, I came...” She said breathlessly near his ear.
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30– Busted
Thirty minutes earlier... Rob Holland leaned back in his office chair and clasped his hands on top of his chest. “I don't know, it looks like they're giving me more time but the fact that they hadn't said anything to me about more time makes it dangerous. We don't know what they are plotting.”“I told you from the very begining, taking a loan from those guys was a bad decision.” Julia, his secretary who was sitting opposite him, said. She was a petite woman with very fare skin and dark charcoal straight hair that ended just above her shoulders. She was fifteen years younger than her boss. “I had no choice.” Rob told her. “You saw the circumstances we were in that year. I could have lost all of this if it weren't for that loan. You know it saved Three Way Factor.”Julia gave it some thought and then nodded. “Yeah... That's true. But now we don't have money to pay them back. I mean they're talking about two million now that wasn't the deal.”“And that one million we put away is our onl
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