Semua Bab Salty Sugar Baby: Bab 31 - Bab 40
162 Bab
Scrape what I said about me hating socialising, because spending the entire afternoon with his family (now I know everybody who's in that room is actually his family) is pretty amazing. I had a great time! They served this amazing lunch buffet (or brunch; that's what his cousins told me what it was supposed to be) and my ears were both at their maximum capacity to eavesdrop such juicy gossips be it about Mr Sinclair himself, or those whom I have no idea who they are but the stories were all top notch. Mr Sinclair might earn his dollars by himself but he sure comes from a family who has lots of it, what seems like old-money by how humble everyone had been which by a glance on their appearance, we all know how expensive every article of their clothing is. We went home around 2 when I started complaining I was feeling a bit tired. No, wait, I didn't complain I was tired but he asked a bunch of questions that at the end of it, he concluded 'that's it, you're tired, let's go home'. He
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Today is my 6th day at Maison de Verdue. We have somehow established a routine to make our life filled with less fights. In the morning, his alarm clock would wake us up at 6 which he will, without fail, every single day, hit the snooze button and refuse to wake up.Instead, he would go to the middle of the bed, pull me to him, and hug me tight from behind. Yes, he would cuddle me until the next snooze wake him up. "To make sure you're still breathing," was what he said when I complained on the second day he did it. I don't bother to complain now, it will be a total waste of my morning energy. Then exactly eight minutes later when the snooze is up, he would hit another one before shaking my body, harassing me to wake me. Annoyed, but seriously tired of fighting with him in the morning, I would get up and shower. He on the other hand, would continue sleeping, hit more snooze buttons, until I nag at him to fucking wake up or we'll be late for work. "Can you please just pick somethin
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"I'm gonna sleep now." I announce loudly when he was still with his laptop, reading some kind of document. It's already 11, but he's still working. No wonder he opts for a sugar baby service; he doesn't have the time to entertain girlfriends or wives or kids. I bet the only commitment he has is the Sunday brunch with his family. "It's too bright. Can't you continue tomorrow?" I purposely complain when he hasn't said anything since the past two hours when we had that little fight at the kitchen. Normally once in a while, he would comment on the tv show I was watching, taking a break from work. After a light discussion (or more like a bickering) about the show, he would go back to his laptop, continue working. But today, nope. He's been so quiet I feel like I'm watching alone tonight. There's even a few times I commented to myself but in a loud volume that's meant to lure him into a conversation but nope. Nothing. So I switch off the tv and put my head on the pillow. "Just turn to
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He hasn't said anything about Liam, Cruz, or my divorce. Whatever I told him at the kitchen, well, it's as if nothing happened that I start to doubt myself if I was doing the right thing. If I should've just kept quiet.We spent the night by watching three Marvel movies before settling for bed, barely talked to each other I'm not sure if it's because he was really into the movies or it's still awkward between us. Since the next day is Saturday, I set my alarm at 10am. Normally I don't even have any on weekends but we're having Abby's surprise birthday party today at Mom's. He groans when the alarm blares that I quickly reach out for my phone to hit snooze. As if we've had this routine fixed in our life when in reality, it's only been one week, his hand pulls my frame to him so he can cuddle me and continue sleeping. "I have to get up," I whisper in my hoarse morning voice. He lets out a disapproving noise, tightening his grip that I chuckle and turn around to face the man. Instead
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If this happened two months ago, or if we're still speaking and behaving like two months ago, the moment I find his hands cupping both of my girls as he cuddles me from the back, I would've let this slide. In fact, I would bring those hands closer and cup myself further with our hands entwined together. Because, I've done that hundreds of times whenever we cuddled when I was still his sugar baby. But today, to find us in this compromising position with his hands attached to my chest, the moment I register what happened, I slap his hands off me while screaming "What the fuck!" out of panic.He stirs as a sign he's waking up but he doesn't actually do anything, his body is still close to mine, eyes remained shut. "Get off me!" I shout again, pushing his half naked body to his side of the bed. He had the nerve to hug me, both hands cupping my breasts, with morning erection parked between my ass, and now innocently rubbing his eyes? As if nothing is happening? "You do that again, I'l
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Going home, the car ride was super awkward. I'm not sure if it's because he was still upset about the McDonald's joke, or he was just being his usual reserved-self but we didn't utter even a word throughout the journey. "Where's my car key?" I finally say something after changing my clothes to a white shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.A week ago on the day I went for the abortion, once I was safely tucked in his bed, he went back to the clinic to drive my car home. He parked it downstairs at the basement parking lot. "Why?" He asks without looking at me, eyes glued to the tv he's been watching since we arrived home two hours ago. As usual, after he's back from his Sunday activity, he would watch the sports channel, sitting comfortably on the couch with a glass of whiskey. Though compared to yesterday when I found him in his black brief, he's still in the same outfit he wore when we went to his parent's place. I spent the entire two hours packing my stuff (the stuff that was bought
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"I just got the news from our Engineers," Noah, the representative from our service company announces once he enters the conference room, "They've decided to do at least three wiper trips before we run MDT.""Seriously?" My fellow Petrophysicist sighs loudly, "They JUST decided on this?" The way he openly shows his frustration in front of the entire team as well as our contractor is perhaps a little bit unprofessional, especially the high pitch voice and the condescending tone he was using but I'm sure everybody understands his situation. His wife just gave birth two weeks ago but here he is, stuck in this meeting room for hours only to be informed the operation will be further delayed. "It's okay," I quickly interject before he lets out more unprofessional remarks, "At least we know the hole will be clean prior logging. That will lessen the risks of tool being held up like the previous section. Anyway, three wiper trips can take a few hours, most probably we will start logging at n
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Perhaps God still has mercy on me eventhough I’ve been very naughty early this year. I promise, I promise I will behave and be a good girl again, because that arrogant, insanely beautiful and attractive man has parted ways with us at the parking lot. Instead of going with us, he left with his Lexus while all of us fit into three cars to go to Graham's. So he was just saying hi afterall.The next day at 6 in the morning, Matt sent a text message about his newborn that has to be brought to the hospital due to alarming-level of jaundice. I still remember how bad it was when Dean and I had to go back and forth to the hospital during Cruz's jaundice phase so I told him not to worry because I can handle everything here on my own. It took 19 hours to finish the operation; I only had 1 hour nap among the long logging hours which was during the fluid sampling. By the time the tool was pulled out of the hole, I was the exact definition of 'exhaustion' and 'fatigue'; I had been awake for 30 h
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"Suit yourself." He mutters under his breath, resigning from the attempt of getting me into his place and closes the door after spending ten whole minutes waiting for me. I am not ready for this.For four months, I've self loathed myself; I slept with a stranger, accepted money for sex, lied to him pretending to be someone I'm not, and terminated two pregnancies. If I go back in, everything I've worked for to be at peace with what I've done will crumble. It will be back to square one, minus the money, or the sex. And the memories, to remember each one of them, that would be the worst of all.Doesn't matter how I fight it, what he did when we were together, when I was still Abigail Grey, before all the lies and secrets were unveiled, everything he was and every little thing he did is perhaps the quality I wish for a man. The idea of him and the relationship we had when everything was good, my head seems to think that that is the perfect kind if I somehow decide to dive into the datin
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When I check my phone the moment I wake up from my nap, I'm so surprised to find out it's already 1am; I've been sleeping for four hours. I swear I set the alarm right before I went to bed to ensure I can leave this place before 11 but what happened? Did I hit snooze? Or he did it first? I don't think I heard anything when I was sleeping so it can't be me stopping the alarm. Scanning the surrounding, I realise he's not in the room which is weird because I know he normally sleeps around 12. Is he still working? We all know how he is during the weekdays, it's all work work work. I get out of the bed and step down on the floor. I do feel better after taking the nap though I still can feel the tiredness in my bones. Perhaps I should call for an Uber? While I still have the energy to move before I'm flat again? I mean, yeah it's late but I'm sure it's fine, my friends told me they call for an Uber all the time when they came back from clubbing late at night. "Don't even think about it
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