Semua Bab Behind You: Bab 71 - Bab 72
72 Bab
Y A S M I NToday marked one week since our arrival and I must say mom was trying her best in taking care of Marwan and Amir. Sis Farah visited us too. She was surprised and also happy. Amir and Zara got along so well, they acted as if they knew each other so well. A smile made it way out of my face seeing Amir and Zara jumping around in the living room, As Zara refused to follow her mom back home saying she wants to stay with her grandma, and I know it's because of Amir."Good morning wifey," Marwan said hugging me from behind. I pushed him a little, my eyes scanning the surrounding. "Don't forget that you're in your in-law's house," I whispered enough for him to hear."And so, besides you didn't mind yesterday when we-" I shut him up by covering his mouth with my palms."Ever since we came you've become naughty just like Amir." his lips twitch up. "I'll be naughty just for you, when is your sister coming?" he asked which made me remember we both decided to go out for dinner today.
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Two years laterTwo boys were playing football. One was taller than the other. Looking at them you'll know they're siblings by how they look so much alike. A woman was seated a few miles away from them with a smile on her face."Amir be careful" she shouted when the noticed the taller one fell."Okay Mom" the boy answered with a toothy smile. She will forever be grateful to Allah for blessing her with the two lovely sons. Suddenly, a plate was placed in front of her. she let out another smile seeing her husband, the father of her kids. A smile on his face too."Amir and Siddiq" she called the boys. Upon hearing their Mom's voice, they stopped playing running towards where their parent are seated."Yes Mom," Amir said. Siddiq's voice which isn't that clear mimics his brother's voice. Siddiq was named after Papa. He reaches for the plate of fruits."No Siddiq, your hands are dirty. wash your hands first, then I'll give you your favorite fruits" the boy's face lit up. She pecked both of
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