Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 21 - Chapitre 30
Chapter 21
Chapter 21THE PARTYAfter leaving the salon, the two girls went to the hotel,Kara helped Kiara into her dress and she simply couldn't take her eyes off her"You look really beautiful" she said proudly"Thank you Kara, do you think I will get everyone's attention?" She asked looking at her own reflection, she was confident she looked nice but then the scars in her heart made her feel ugly"Of course, if I was a man, I dont think I would be able to take my eyes off you for even a second, speaking of which, What do you plan to Do with the third man?" She asked"Am seducing him, after I see him tonight, I don't think it will be difficult to have him exactly where I want him" she said"Okay, its already 7pm, you should get going and call me anytime you need me" Kara said"Yes, I will"...Daniel and Amanda arrived at the party at 7pm, they where a bit late but Amanda liked to be the center of attention and hence the delay, she wanted everyone to be already present when the party began So
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Chapter 22
Chapter 22SCARSKiara had to turn and face Henry as he took her palm and kissed it, she felt all the scars in her heart tire apart just by that contact,She kept her emotions under control even when she felt like she could kill him right there and then"What a beautiful woman you are" Henry said memorized by her beauty, Kiara faked a smile, another touch or word from this man and she would lose it,She faced Daniel cringing unto his arm"Can we seat down?, am a bit exhausted" she didn't lie about that though, she was feeling dizzy from all the standing and looking at this man who did all these horrible things to her, she couldn't handle it,Daniel took her to his previous seat and helped her seat down with Amanda in front of her"Let me just grab a chair okay" he said and left the table, Kiara took a deep breath trying to calm herself down before she noticed an intense stare from someone, she looked ahead and there was Amanda, if eyes could kill, she was certain she would be six feet
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Chapter 23
Chapter 23SHE IS BACKThat Evening, Daniel got out of the party early enough and went straight home,He couldn't wait to tell his Dear mother what had happened,Mrs Louis had been his strength the whole time he had been distressed about Kiara, she had been there for him every time.When he got home, his mom was already at the front door as If waiting for him."Daniel" she met him half way immediately he got out of the car, her face said it all, she knew Kiara was back"Where is she?" She asked her eyes glancing back to the car as if waiting for Kiara to suddenly appear"Mom can we go back inside first?, its cold here" he said leading her inside.Has they sat in the living room, Daniel began to explain everything that had happened tonight, Even though Mrs Louis had already read about it all online, she cried as she heard Daniel say it, Kiara was back, she couldn't believe it."That poor girl, Daniel you need to bring her here, I already failed her mother five years ago when she left,
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Chapter 24
Chapter 24DIVORCEThe next day, Kiara woke up feeling sick, she had stayed in the water for far too long that she had a cold,She spent the entire morning in bed talking with Mel and Kara, they where making plans on what to do next,The next day, they where supposed to go to Kiara's old house where they would be staying, as for now, she needed to go and see Daniel about something very important,,, Divorce.She had thought about this after waking up from one of her nightmares in the middle of night,She wasn't going to spare Daniel for what he did to her in the past, she might have acted all nice last night and kissed him just to get everyone's attention but she hated him, she hated him for making Samantha pregnant and lying to her, she hated him for forcing himself on her, she hated him for simply making her leave the only place she called home, a part of her even blamed him for what happened to her a few months earlier, if Daniel had not made her leave home, all this wouldn't have h
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Chapter 25
Chapter 25MOVING IN"Daniel, go and help her pack and bring her home" His Mom said with a big smile on her face,Kiara felt very helpless but she didn't want to break Mrs Louis' heart so she played along,Daniel got his car keys and led the way with his mom and Kiara following behind.Mrs louis got into her car and said they would find her home, Daniel and Kiara got into his car and drove off with Kiara telling him the hotel she was staying at,Just then, she remembered Kara, she couldn't live her at the hotel all alone"Daniel, I forgot to tell your Mom, I came here with a friend" she turned to him"A friend?" He asked with one raised eyebrow"Yes and i can't live her at the hotel alone" "Then bring her home with you, am sure my parents won't mind" he suggested, Kiara nodded.This was about to be more than difficult, how was she going to manage to keep her pregnancy a secret while at the louis Mansion and the nightmares, she was in a whole lot of trouble.Soon enough, they arrived
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Chapter 26
Chapter 26 NIGHTMARES Kiara went to Daniel's room and knocked on the door twice before she heard a response, She got in the room and found Daniel laying on the bed facing the ceiling, "Are you sick?" She asked "No" he replied "Mom wants you downstairs, we are having dinner" she was about to walk away when he held on to her hand making her stand still, She did not turn to face him "What is it?" She asked "Am sorry" he said softly like he really meant it but that did not make any difference to how she felt "I forgive you" she said coldly just for the sake of it, She pulled away her hand and walked out of the room thinking Daniel really had guts, Did he think his sorry would make everything go back to normal?, She reached downstairs and took her seat, shortly after, Daniel walked in, They all had a Dinner with little conversation mostly from Mrs Louis, An hour later, everyone had left except Henry who was having a conversation with Kiara, Daniel looked at the two as Kiara
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Chapter 27
Chapter 27ACCIDENT"he is dead?" Kiara asked already freaked out,"He is still breathing but he is losing a lot of blood, we need to take him to the hospital" Kara turned to her with a worried expression"Oh my God, we can't let his mom know about this, it will ruin everything, am soo close to getting the third guy, I can't ruin anything" Kiara said pacing back and forth with shaky hands"What should we do?" Kara asked as she tried to stop Daniel from losing more blood"Let's carry him to his car and drive him to the hospital" she finally said"Dont make any sound please, Mrs louis must not find out" she added,They carried the uncounious Daniel careful not to make any sound and led him to his car,Kiara drove straight to the hospital Where Daniel was admitted and treated, by the time he was in a more stable condition it was already 4am in the morning, kiara turned to Kara who was sitting next to her"Go back home and try to clean up the blood in Daniel's room, if his mom asks about
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Chapter 28
Chapter 28THE TRIP"I would really like to know you more kaira" Henry said with what seemed like a genuine face"I would like to get to know you more, and am certain we will have plenty Of time for that", Time was the only thing he didn't have, Kiara thought to herself, they had small talk before Kiara finally decided to Go back to the hospital with an excuse she had to rush home,Henry led her to the car and waited until she had gone and then went back to the restaurant.He pulled his phone out and texted his old time buddy, he sent a picture of Kiara the night she first showed up at the party asking if he recognized her.He wasn't sure why but he felt that she looked very familiar and the way she stared at him, he could tell she was thinking about something deep concerning him and it put him on the edge especially because she had a very cold personality,One thing he was sure of despite everything was that he liked her and he was going to get her, she was perfect for him if anythin
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Chapter 29
Chapter 29AMANDA'S TACTICSThe next day, Amanda was restless, she still didnt know where Daniel was and to make matters worse when she called his office, his secretary told her he wasn't in and his mother was the one who had come to the office today,She couldn't help the disturbing thoughts She had in her mind, what if he was somewhere with Kiara, having her in his arms?,She decided she was going to his office to see his mother,The Old hog hated her but that was not the problem at the moment, she just needed to know where Daniel was.She had to wait for 30 mintues after reaching thr company before Mrs louis agreed to see her,By now, she was irritated out of her mind but because she wanted to speak to Mrs Louis at all cost, she played cool.She finally found herself inside Mrs Louis office, Mrs Louis looked up from her laptop with a smirk on her face"Look who we have here" she said, Amanda didnt like the sacarsm in her voice but she decided to ignore her and act nice"Mrs Louis,
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Chapter 30
Chapter 30THE BEACH HOUSEDaniel was still restless about the whole situation, he couldn't stop thinking Kiara was somehow interested in Henry,What was it about her and Henry anyway.He was dragged out of his thoughts when Kiara came back home"Where did you go?" He asked, he had only taken a short nap and woke up alone in the house"I went to buy some staff" she replied"My bondages need to be changed" Kiara looked at him a bit irritated"Lets go to the bathroom then" she saidDaniel followed her to the bathroom"Am not good at this" Kiara started, despite studying to be a Doctor for five years, she wasn't sure she would manage with this, her hands where always shaky while attending to someone but since they where only the two of them, she knew she had no choice,She made him seat on the side of the bathtub and began to unbondage his head as carefully as she couldShe then started to clean the wound with the first aid kit and the medicine he was given at the hospital,"Why are yo
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