Lahat ng Kabanata ng In Love With A Wolf : Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
235 Kabanata
I feel it, that strange feeling when I know that I would never see the place where I grew up, the playground where I once played when I was a child. I feel a certain nostalgia and sadness. Part of me doesn't want to leave, but another part yells at me that I shouldn't be selfish.My mother has been offered a very good job in the north of the country, and we have to move. I'm going to a new school, meet new people, leave ... Will —My ex-boyfriend — as soon as I told him the news he got very angry and we broke up. But I think it was for the best.I put my bags in the car and opened the door. Before leaving I took one last look at my old home. It was a small, white, two-story house. It had a garden full of yellow flowers that Mom had planted during her time there. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and got on."Are you ready?" Mom asked, in a whisper. No, I'm not. This is too much for me. I do not want to go."Yes." I lied.Mom smiled. She was my size. We are tall. We both have long leg
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New School
I quickly went back to where mom was. She was taking the last suitcase into the house. "Did you hear that? I asked, feeling a knot in my stomach. Mom frowned. "Hear what? She asked, walking to the front door. I followed mom into the house and quickly closed the door. "A howl ..." I said in fear. My mom turned to me with a frown. Apparently, she didn't hear it. "Howl? I didn't hear anything," she answered. "Something howled, mom," I said seriously, "There are wolves here." "Please, Carolina, I've talked to the former house owner. There are no wolves here, maybe what you heard was a ... Dog." Mom went up the stairs, "Get ready for tomorrow, you have to go to school." Dammit. My intuition told me that there was something wrong with this town, but mom didn't believe me because I've always been a sensitive person. Thinking too much was not good. Tomorrow would be a very long day. I stopped thinking and started to unpack my stuff. The interior decoration of this house is not ba
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I had Paige on me, that's what the girl's name is. I could tell by how they yelled her name supporting her. The ruckus made everyone in the cafeteria come to watch the fight. I tugged at Paige's hair tightly causing her to gasp. I made a quick move and now I was the one on top of her. I was not a warlike person. But I seemed to become more irritable after I got to this town. And I can't control myself. "Let go of me...!"Paige screamed, while with her hands pulling my hair. "I'll teach you what is respect!" I gritted my teeth, trying hard to pull her hair too. Suddenly, someone's strong arms wrapped around my waist causing me to let go of Paige. "Let go!"I kicked. But the man wouldn't let me go. He had a hold on me. Then I saw the boy, that boy in the car. He helped Paige, while she cried rubbing her neck. Now I knew that the girl standing next to him in the parking lot is Paige. Was he her boyfriend? Suddenly my heart sank into my stomach. Knowing that the boy is Paige's
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Full Moon
I admitted I felt great when Kayler said he was going to take care of me. In other circumstances, I would have been very grateful, but this boy had a girlfriend, the mean girl Paige.The strange thing was, I didn't know him well, and it was the first time we talked to each other. Before this, only our gazes had met but I couldn't keep looking into his eyes for long because his eyes are so deep, so ... attractive. Just one gaze, for one moment, but he made me feel like I had known him for years. I felt like I wanted to believe in him, just like he said ... he would protect me. Kayler's car stopped in front of my house, we were silent for a long time. "Well... bye." I unbuckled my belt and opened the door. Should I thank him for bringing me? In the end, he was the one who forced me into his car. I opened my mouth wanting to say something but he beat me to it. "A 'Thank You' for bringing you home would be a nice way to say bye." Kayler looked at me through the open door. "I was g
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My Guardian
I had never thought about death before. The only thing I believed was that I would die old with the person I love. But apparently, it was happening right in front of me. Today was a full moon. The bright moonlight made me able to see what I was looking at. The huge wolf growled with hatred as if it had me. Behind him appeared three more wolves. Despair, fear, and terror invaded me. I'd die, it's obvious and I'd be torn apart by four wolfs. There was no worse way to die than this. "Please don't ..." My breath hitched and I felt like I was losing control of myself. The lead wolf approached with a determined step until it was in front of me. Its eyes are black, very black and I would swear I had seen them before. But where? The three wolves behind were also approaching, growling. Maybe I should look for something to defend myself, a branch, something ... I couldn't make this so easy for them. The wolfs walked, surrounding me. I looked down and started to search. There was a bran
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You are Mine
"Mom!" I can't believe mom said yes to Kayler to take me to school. He is the last person I want to be with right now. Mom just shrugged and went to open the door. I stared at her with my arms crossed. The front door opened to reveal a smiling Kayler and, as always, with those airs of greatness. "Kayler, darling, come in." Mom greeted Kayler with a warm smile. Oh, God. Why did she use "darling"?! "Good morning, Ma'am." Kayler smiled. He was wearing black jeans, a T-shirt that clung to his body very well, and a black leather jacket. His hair was, as always, disheveled, making him look sexier than usual. "I'm not going to school with him," I complained, but cannot take my eyes off Kayler. He just kept looking at me playfully and winked at me. Damn, that wink made my heart beat faster. "Come on, Carolina, you don't want to walk to school, do you?" Mom questioned. "We don't know what kind of animals are in the forest. Also, I feel safer if you go with Kayler.". The animals
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In Danger
You are mine. Powerful words. I should berate him for his conceit but yet I was too surprised to move. Why did he say this? Kayler looks at me with certainty. Apparently, he was not lying or playing a joke. Finally, my ration came back to me and I became angry. "I'm not yours!" I pushed him away, but as expected it didn't work. He's stronger than I am. He held my chin with a little force but without hurting me, so that I could look at him. "You're mine. Point. It is not in dispute. And, from now on I'll take you home. Everyday." Kayler emphasized when said "Everyday". This picked up my nerves. I glared at him, "Stupid swaggerer! I'm not an object! I'm a person! I don't belong to you! Who do you think you are? My father? " "The wood's not safe." After throwing these words out like some final decision, Kayler turned his body back without speaking again no matter how I tried to yell at him. I wanted to open the door and jump out of the car, but this idiot locked the door and I
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Who Are You Really?
Fear haunted me. Receiving a threatening letter is not an everyday thing. I had only been here two days and they already want to see me dead. I couldn't take my eyes off my phone. I was breathing with difficulty. Maybe I should just ignore it. Maybe it's a practical joke. I desperately wanted to write this off as a bad joke, but my gut told me someone was onto me.Who had sent the message? Paige? I looked at Paige, who was drinking her juice calmly. I don't see her with her cell phone in her hand so it might not be her. Could it be another girl who has a crush on Kayler? He was too popular after all. I turned off the phone and looked at Anne, who was watching me with her frown. "You're good?" She asks, "You look pale." Yes, I'm fine, if not considering that there are wolves in the wood wanting to get me killed and now I'm in trouble with Kayler's girlfriend. And Kayler, that strange guy. "Yeah, it's just ... I'm not feeling well." I lied. I feel terrible. Anne placed he
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Better Alone
Saturday. Today is party day. Of course, I am not going. Kayler will be there, and most likely Paige will also be. I won't fit in. So I prefer to be alone in my house watching Netflix or something, eating popcorn. Maybe order a pizza. I organized my stuff, hung up the rest of the photos, cleaned the house, and took out the trash. Yesterday I took the pills nurse gave me and feel much better now.It was about seven-thirty, and I was watching TV in my pajamas. Through the window, I saw the lights of Kayler's house all lit up. Cars parked outside of that house and young people kept coming inside out. Vaguely, I heard music come through. The moon was brighter than ever, and also was reflected in the water. The scene is beautiful and the other side of the lake is very busy. But I don't want to go out at night again, lest encounter wolves. A chill ran through me as soon as I thought of that. Wolves. How could I allow Mom to bring me to this city that's so ... unknown to us? And to t
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I angrily got up from my chair. How could he say this, in front of all these people? "I'm not yours, Kayler!" I spat. Connor turned to Kayler. "You heard her," Connor said, hiding a smile at my reaction. Kayler looked at Connor angrily. His jaw was clenched and he broke his beer glass in anger, by hand! Kayler warned, "Connor, You know what I mean." Connor didn't answer. Though he didn't speak I knew he is angry right now. What was Kayler talking about? What did he mean? Kayler gave me one last look before leaving. The drama I expected didn't happen. Connor approached me. "Hey, do you want to dance? "Connor whispered in my ear. I looked up at him, confused. "Connor, I don't know if it's..."I asked, but he interrupted me. "Hey, we came here to have fun. Don't listen to Kayler."Connor grabbed my hands. I couldn't help frowning. I feel weird being touched by Connor. It's not the same feeling I get when touching Kayler. Kayler's touch is warm a
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