Все главы One Million Reais : Глава 41 - Глава 50
Chapter 41
Louisa's p.o.v;While I was looking for information about the drug G-25, Eduardo came to my desk and looked at my screen asking, "Did you start with the work already?""Yeah." I answered while looking at the screen. "Can I sit?"After I nodded, he took a seat beside me and asked, "Didn't Gabriel say it's a new drug? How will you find it on the internet?" "I'm not looking for the G-25. I'm searching for the recent news on drugs. If there is any news like new drug cases or unknown substance cases filed already in some station. We can inquire about them and find out if we're looking for the same drug. If it was the same drug, the search will widen and we'll get many new leads for the drug." He nodded while saying, "Not bad.""Didn't you go to the harbour ports Gabriel mentioned?" "I have to." And continued looking at my screen. I turned the screen away from him and said, "I don't like when someone watches me while I'm working." He gave a smile and said, "Who said I'm looking at you
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Chapter 42
Louisa's p.o.v;At the police station, I dropped on the desk and thought about last night. I couldn't think of a way out of it. Yesterday was the first time I slept with him but I couldn't even feel happy about it. Ace wasn't someone who's involved with the drug. Ace was the one who's selling it. I'm not someone who follows ethics and morals to arrest whoever it is. But at the same time I don't side with the bad deeds. You can say that I'm neutral. Raphael tapped on my shoulder and asked, "Didn't you get enough sleep last night?" Last night? Please don't make me remember that. "Yeah, I was… I was watching a movie. Yeah. A movie." "I heard that you requested from the chief that you wanted to be relieved from the drug case. Was it true or just a rumour?" "It's true.""What happened?" "I'm not feeling well so I asked for a leave along with that request." He moved closer and checked the temperature by placing his hand on my forehead and said, "Looks like normal. Was it a cold?""N
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Chapter 43
Louisa's p.o.v;Ace woke me up from my sleep saying, "Louisa, wake up! Wake up, Louisa! Can you hear me? Wake uppppp!" I sprang up from the bed and stared at him while he was giving me nervous chuckles. I whined to him, "Why did you wake me up? Didn't you say yesterday that I can sleep all day today?""You can take a rest tomorrow. Today, let's go out." "What? I'm not coming anywhere with you. I'm going back to my sleep. Get out of my room." "Didn't you challenge me to win me over? I'm giving you a chance right here. Why aren't you taking it?" I let out a sigh and walked to the bathroom. When I tried to open the door, he asked, "Can I help you with taking a bath?" I showed him my middle finger and walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw the bedsheets being folded and the pillows were arranged. While I was looking at it, Ace gave me a towel. "Why are you doing this?""If you let you do it, you'll take all day so I stepped forw
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Chapter 44
Louisa's p.o.v;When I woke up, I saw Ace looking at me. Why is he looking at me?I asked while rubbing my eyes, "When did you wake up?" He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear while saying, "a few minutes ago." "Then why are you still lying here?"I woke up from the bed but stumbled and fell back on the bed. My back hurts a lot! I bet he'll be laughing at me right now. Ace got up from bed and stood in front of me and lended me his hands while saying, "Let me help you." I held his hand and got up from the bed.He asked, "Do you want to go to the bathroom?"After I gave a nod, he helped me to go to the bathroom. After I walked into the bathroom, I said, "I'll take care from here. And closed the door. Last night, i passed out while having sex with him. Today, I stumbled and fell on the bed. I hope he doesn't think I'm weak. When I came out of the bathroom, he held my hand and helped me to walk to the bed. Was he waiting outside the bathroom all these time? He helped me to sit on
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Chapter 45
Louisa's p.o.v;At the police department, After hearing a lecture for an hour, I came back to my desk and sat down. When I looked at Raphael, he was talking with Elisa. I'm embarrassed to talk with him after what happened in the morning. When I entered, I didn't greet him and walked straight to the chief office. I don't know how to talk with him. Eduardo took a seat beside me and asked, "I know why I got relieved from the case." "Why?""Because of Gabriel. I couldn't bear him at all. He always wants me to be at the scene but he doesn't come at all. He wants my every finding with a filed report. I don't know whether i have to find the people who are involved in the drugs or to write a report while sitting behind the desk. You know about him, that's why you didn't work in this case, right?" I laughed and said, "Actually, he's not as bad as you think. Do you know how many cases he solved on his own? Almost half of the cases were solved by him alone. Sometimes, he gets furious when h
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Chapter 46
Louisa's p.o.v;Raphael asked without an expression on his face, "What am i witnessing here?" "Raphael, I…" When i tried to walk to him, He said, "Stop right there.""Raphael…" "Don't talk to me. Do you know how shocked I am to see you with him? Is this the friend you talked about? Is this the guy who you slept with?"I nodded and stood still. When he tried to slap me, Ace held his hand to stop him from hitting me. I said to Ace, "Please, Leave." After Ace left, Raphael slapped me right across the face and asked, "Do you even know who he is? He's the Phantom gang leader. He's a Mafia. Who's wanted by the police. Us. You're supposed to arrest him, not sleep with him dammit!... Now i understand why you got relieved from the case, he's related to that case, right? Thinking about the things that happened in the past… how long have you known him?" "Even before I joined as a cop." "So it was all a lie. You were with him all these years and lied to me that you don't about him. Did yo
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Chapter 47
Louisa's p.o.v;After hearing that Ace was arrested, I rushed to the police station and looked around. I walked among the police officers and found Raphael talking to the chief. I ran to him and asked, "Where's he?""Who are you looking for?" He asked me back while the chief gave a confused expression on his face. "Where's he?" I asked him again but with tears this time. He grabbed me by my arm and took me away from the chief and brought me to the document room and asked, "What are you trying to do? Do you want the whole police station to know about your love affair with that mafia? Do you know what will happen if they find out? If the chief knows about the real reason you were relieved from the case, do you think he'll let you go just like that? The name you earned solving all these cases will vanish in a few minutes. You'll become nothing to them but a liar.""I don't care about anything right now. I want to see him." I said while crying in front of him.He pulled me into a hug
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Chapter 48
Louisa's p.o.v;After Ace got out, I took him and headed home. While we're in the car, I held his hand and leaned on his shoulder and said, "Finally, everything's over. We're together now. Do you know how happy I am to be with you again? I got scared and lost my stand after hearing your arrest. Now, it feels like I got myself back on track since you're here with me.""How did you bring me out?" "Does that matter now? Now that you came outside, don't think about those things. Let's forget what happened and think about what we should do next…" said while tracing his hand in a seductive way. He snapped my hand and asked, "Tell me what did you do to bring me out?" "Why do you want to know?"I want to know." He asked the driver to stop the car and got out of it. I stepped out after him and looked at him who was walking over the bridge. I asked the driver to leave and walked to Ace. I stood in front of him and said, "I asked Paulo to help me to get you out of that place.""What did yo
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Chapter 49
AFTER THREE MONTHS,Louisa's p.o.v;I was woken up to the morning light on my face. I rolled over onto my back to watch it creep across the room. The sunlight crept in from my window, and I stared up at the ceiling. My phone was still buzzing next to me, but the noise did nothing more than wake me even more so. I sighed and turned to look at my alarm clock. 6:48 AM.Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes. I had been having a nightmare; one where someone was attacking me for no reason, only to turn out to be myself or a guy wearing a mask. And now I’m wide awake, and I can’t remember what exactly had happened, nor why I’d had that dream in the first place. All I could recall was being chased down the street, and screaming, “You’re mine!” at anyone who got in my way, which was pretty much everybody, I supposed. What's with the nightmares these days? Is it because of watching horror movies before going to sleep? But I thought it was just a myth.I mean, there are sto
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Chapter 50
Louisa's p.o.v;I woke up at someone else's house. How did I end up here? I looked around and noticed I was in a small bedroom and the door was closed. I got out of bed as carefully and quietly as possible. The floor was cold against my bare feet and it made me shiver slightly. I remembered what happened last night. The images from last night flashed in my head where Ace stabbed Paulo in front of my eyes causing his blood to splatter on my face which made me disgusted. It was exactly like how I had dreamed but the difference was someone died and not me like in my nightmares. I ran to the bathroom and barfed into the sink. I gargled and washed my mouth and walked out of the bathroom once I'm done.I saw Ace placing a tray of food and looked like he was about to leave. I asked, "Why did you bring me here? Who's house is this?" "This is my house. You can be safe here." "I won't be safe if I'm near you." When I tried to walk out of the room, Ace stopped me by gripping my hand which w
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