Lahat ng Kabanata ng My Alpha From Hell: Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
74 Kabanata
The blacksmith smiled at her, as she stared transfixed at what was in his hands. As though it were an extension of his body, a blade of steel was protruding from his dark palm, and growing in length. Sephora was fascinated and almost wanted to vomit at the same time. It was like watching a sword eater regurgitating a blade from his mouth, only this time it was coming out of his hand. Sephora tried to ignore the phantom slice of pain that followed, as she imagined it. Ambrose chuckled from beside her. Sephora looked up to glare at her mate, he knew what she'd been imagining. She playfully elbowed him in the ribs. Ambrose grinned and this time the blacksmith released a huff of amusement, just as the blade reached it's end and he caught it with both hands."There you have it." He stared proudly at the blade, before offering it to Sephora. She wordlessly took it out of his hands, marveling at how light the blade was, how sharp -"Ouch." Sephora sucked on her finger angrily. After all her t
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Defending the Veil-Stones
Sephora sheathed her new sword at her side, now dressed in her new armor, that was a lot more robust than her usual leather. Glancing over at her mate, who sheathed his own sword, before mounting his dark brown stallion. Sephora allowed a heart-beat of pride to bubble through, at the sight of him in his armor atop his warhorse, before she mounted her own. She'd been given a pitch black stallion, who impatiently stomped and scrapped his hooves on the cobble-stones, eager to ride into battle.Sephora glanced again to Ambrose, who gave her a nod in acknowledgment, before galloping out the front gold and silver gates.Sephora galloped out after him, following his trail down and around the palace. Riding through the forests, until stretching out before them, was a gleaming ocean of soldiers in silver armor. Ambrose's army... now also her army, ready to march into battle.They slowed as they approached, one of the officers in command walked up to meet them, saying a few things to Ambrose, be
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The Pheonix
"Sephora!" Ambrose bellowed as he knelt before her, his hands shaking with barely restrained fury. Sending the earth trembling in his anguish, Ambrose peered at his mate's face for any sign that she was alive. But her beautiful ashen face was perfectly still, no movement what so ever.He was crying, crying uncontrollably, as he brushed her auburn hair off her pale face. Pressing two fingers on the place at her neck, checking for a pulse - though he knew he would not find one. His mate, is wonderful, brilliant mate. The world trembled again under the Lord's mighty rage.Ambrose's men were still fighting all around him. Vince's armies hadn't yet retreated, and were still trying to get to the veil-stones. But Ambrose didn't care. All he cared about, the one person in his life that made him start to think immortality hadn't been a curse - was dead. Taken, by Vince. Vince... Ambrose could feel that dark side of him scratching at his skin, begging him to set it free - to cleave the world in
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[Sephora]She was alive. She was alive and breathing, and staring into the green eyes of her mate as he held her in his arms. She could feel the heat of her tears as they slid down her face from pure joy at the sight of her mate's face. His beautiful face, that she thought she'd lost forever. She had no idea how she was still alive, none other than the fact she had refused to fall back into that darkness, refused to fade away.She had fought against it, that pull towards peace, that eternal rest. Instead she'd pulled herself upwards, up towards where her mate called her name, up towards where her family were still alive on the other side of the veil. And in that struggle of trying to reach the surface - a part of her had broken away. That lingering heaviness that had been holding her down, broke apart from her soul and suddenly she reached the surface.And then there was nothing but light, pure white light that banished the darkness from her sight. And Sephora suddenly felt a brand new
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Honoring A Bargain
Sephora and Ambrose set off early in the morning for The Seer's mountain. Ambrose left Joe and Ravyn in charge while they were gone, both the General and the Shadow seemed to just be relieved that the Lord and Lady weren't arguing anymore.It took Sephora a while to figure out why they had been so tense, when Ambrose and her had arguments before - when she remembered that her Soulborn power was now probably stronger than even Ambrose. For an argument to erupt between her and her mate, must have been like watching two mountains colliding. Sephora had apologized to both of them afterward, they both seemed to shake it off, saying it was understandable. She was reminded how lucky she was to have such loyal friends in her life.Ambrose seemed to be much happier, now that he was coming with and was making conversation with Sephora and making her laugh all the way there. Sephora wondered if his increasingly cheerful mood was anything to do with the fact that she'd almost been lost to him for
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[Sephora]In the weeks that followed after Sephora and Ambrose returned from The Seer, both Joe and Ravyn had managed to recruit over 300 new soldiers for Ambrose's army. Sephora herself thought that was a lot of men, but according to both Ambrose and Joe - it wasn't a lot of men at all. Not when Vince's army, accompanied with Lord Daemon's, totaled up to over 35,000 soldiers. Whereas Ambrose had only 10,000, after the attacks on the veil-stones and the defense of Lord Silas' lands. They were grossly outnumbered, and the need for allies was paramount.So the next time Ambrose and Sephora were in a council meeting - she had finally grasped how the politics and procedures of the court worked - Sephora came up with an idea that she finally brought to the table."The Assembly of Lord's is in two days correct?" She inquired, looking over to Ambrose across the wide circular table. Some of the ministers shuffled in their seats.They were all very weary of Sephora now, especially since the la
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A Day Off
[Ravyn]Sephora and Ambrose had no idea how much it meant to Ravyn to have this particular day to herself. She hadn't been able to have this day to herself in a while, things had become so tense over the years, and Ambrose had needed her skills and information more than ever. But today... today she could take her time to do what she needed to do.It was Ravyn's birthday. Not that she'd ever tell anyone else that, nor did it really matter - Ravyn stopped aging the day she reached maturity at 21. And that had been over a century ago.No, Ravyn didn't care that it was her birthday - Ravyn marked it as the day of her mother's death. The day her mother stopped breathing after holding on long enough to give birth to her. No matter how many times everyone told her that it wasn't her fault, Ravyn knew that it was. Her mother had been perfectly healthy, only Ravyn had been too powerful for her mother to keep them both alive, and her mother's heart gave out before she could even lay eyes on her
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The Second Assembly
[Sephora]Once Ambrose and Sephora had finished their preparations for the Assembly, Ambrose decided to take Sephora down to his favourite pub that he'd drag Joe and Ravyn to most evenings. Only to find, that the General and Shadow had already beaten them to it, and we're helping themselves to a large mug of ale as Ambrose and Sephora entered the crowded room. Both Joe and Ravyn waved them over, to join them at their table with wide smiles, so Sephora and Ambrose advanced to meet them.They had almost made it to the table, meandering through couples and groups of dancing and drinking Ardanams, when Sephora noticed that Ravyn was no longer wearing her fighting leathers. Instead she was wearing a beautiful blue dress, with pink and white decorations down the front and along the edges of the skirts. Ravyn looked so stunning, that Sephora had to stop and blink a few moments before joining them at their booth. She wondered what the occasion was to merit such a gorgeous dress to be worn - S
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Joining Forces
SephoraFire flickered and entwined around itself and around Sephora as she stood there before the dias. Everyone was cowering in fear, begging some ancient gods to save them from this flaming death that had come to claim them. But Sephora wasn't looking at them up on that dias, the only person that held her attention was smiling at her with so much love and pride it almost threatened to bring her to tears.Ambrose's pine green eyes glowed from the brilliance of her flames as he gaze down at her, and she gave him a slow wicked smile. Their plan had done it's work.Sephora had spent hours with Ambrose those past few days before the assembly. The minister's words had given Ambrose a brilliant idea of how they would prove she was the Pheonix. The Pheonix was a creature of fire, a magnificent bird that flew over the heads of their foes and reduced them to ashes and simmering embers. Sephora had to become that creature, that force of nature. And so, together in the fighting pit, they had s
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Ambrose bristled and ignored the Lord, the same time a familiar face could be seen descending the steps as well - Brigand. Ravyn's mate followed after his Lord. Joe actually waved at the white haired scout with a friendly smile, and Sephora could hardly believe her eyes. They must have settled their differences after all - no wonder things between Ravyn and Joe seemed better."You can trust him," Ravyn suddenly declared from where she stood beside Sephora, her blue eyes locked onto the teleporting Lord. "Lord Vagus' story lines up with everything I saw at Vince's court - it explains why I never saw him and Vince coercing together. Lord Daemon was a prisoner."Lady Valda still didn't look convinced, "Hmm." She narrowed her dark eyes at the Lord - a look that would send most people running in the other direction. But Lord Daemon gazed right back at her, his face almost forming a smirk."Not to worry, Lady," He goaded, "I'm sure you'll be keeping an eye on me to make sure I behave." His e
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