Semua Bab How I Saved my Husband with Sex: Bab 31 - Bab 35
35 Bab
Tears in the Eyes
"That is my phone ringing. Where is it? Yes, there it is," Pastor Solomon said, as he picks up his phone on top of his bed in his bedroom."Hello, Dad. It is your son, Michael," Pastor Solomon's third son said. "Ha! That's my Barrister. How are you, son?" Pastor Solomon asked with a smile on his face. "I am fine, Dad. How do you do today, sir?" Michael asked."I am okay, my son. God has been very faithful to us," Pastor Solomon replied. "How is mummy, Dad?" He asked."Your mother is fine. She is still the happy and beautiful mother you used to know," Pastor Solomon replied. "Thank God, I am happy to hear that, Dad," Michael said."I hope all is well with you, son?" Pastor Solomon asked. "Yes, it is, sir," Michael replied."How are your wife and kids? I hope they are fine, and there are no issues?" Pastor Solomon asked."Of course not, Dad. They are all fine, and we live in peace," Michael replied. "That is good, that's good to hear, my son. A peaceful family is a happy, growing,
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Deceptive Wolf
Experience has different reactions in people's lives. Experience can affect either negatively or positively. It also depends on the experience. Some experiences make people good, the better, or even the best versions of themselves, while some experiences make people become bad or the worst versions of themselves. Most times people behave the way they do because of their experiences. Hence it becomes imperative that we also consider people's experiences while relating with or treating them.There are mild experiences that do not last the test of time. One easily or quickly forgets them, but there are experiences that stick with one for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime. These kinds of experiences, whether good or bad, positive or negative, have a great impact on the behavioral disposition of people. They add to their development of a habit or habits which are a vital part of character formation. This notwithstanding, people should not hide behind experiences once had, to become
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Pushed to the Limit
About a month later when my mum was about to be healed from almost a traumatized condition our doorbell rang.'I will get it,' I said and I was about to leave for the door when my mum stopped me. 'Don't worry, Junior. I will get the door myself, please go to your room,' she said.'Hello, Mrs. Charles. How are you doing? I have missed your family a lot. You have turned down all my invitations. However, since the mountain has refused to come to me, I have resolved to go to the mountain.'I recognized the voice, it was Mr. Robert Griffin's voice. I carefully opened my door and hid behind a chair in the sitting room facing the door directly, and I could see my mum's opened mouth and the widening of the length of her eyes moping out Mr. Robert Griffin. 'Where is my little angel? I have missed her a lot. You have refused to bring her to me. You see, I brought lots of gifts for her,' he said as he almost forced himself into our sitting room through the door.His question snapped my mum out o
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The Eve to the End
"Sheriff I told you to bet on Chelsea but you wouldn't listen to me, and as you can see, the first half had ended with Chelsea leading Manchester United 1-0," the bar attendant said."I am confident that Manchester United will come from behind to win this match. The boys are used to comebacks. Chelsea does not have what it takes to win against Man City. Besides, the penalty that the referee decided in their favor was not a penalty offense at all. Didn't you watch the first half? The two goals Man City scored were ruled out as offside. Watch and see, the boys will play the second half with resilience. This game will end with Chelsea 1 and Man City 3.I will definitely cash out today, my money is not going down the lane. I trust my boys," the Sheriff replied and carried his cup of drink, and took a sip."I agree with Sheriff. Man City are on form this season, they have won five matches in a stretch. Many times, they have come from 2-0 down to win their match. I believe that Chelsea is n
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The Beginning of Change
In the police headquarters of all the police stations in the New City district of the state, Sheriff Stone Stanley, well-kitted in his sheriff uniform, elegant, tall, young, and average muscular, walked into the long horizontal Hall heading directly to the lane that leads to offices. All the police officers stood unconsciously looking at him while he walked in like one viewed in a slow-motion manner.So many different thoughts flowed in the minds of the officers there. Some admired his look, and those who did not know who he was wondered who he could be. Others wondered if he would be the change that the police department of the New City needed, or will he also take the same lane as other sheriffs that had come to the New City. With him were three men in suits, two white and one black. A look at the men in suits tells that they are from the National Police Headquarters."Gather around, people!" One of the men in suits said as they got to the middle of the long horizontal hall. "We ha
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