Semua Bab Saved By the Alpha: Bab 21 - Bab 30
96 Bab
Chapter 21 | No One Cares
Penelope Donovan grabs my hand and leads me toward the door, and I say, “Wait, I should probably get dressed. I should get in something more... I don't know, date appropriate?” Honestly, I feel like I look so disheveled that anyone who sees us will know exactly what we were up to. I'm sure it doesn't look that way, but I would like to be refreshed for our date. He turns to me and his eyes glance down to my neck and the corners of his mouth twitch up as he says, “Yeah, I’m sure you want something to cover those marks. Sorry about that. I didn't realize that I gave you so many.”My eyebrows furrow as I question, “So many what? What marks?”He chuckles and shakes his head and says, “You’re so cute, Pen, I forget how…" He puts a finger to his chin as he try to think of the perfect word and then continues, "I forgot how innocent you can be.”My eyebrows raise, but he puts his hand on the small of my back as he leads me out of his office and says, “Let’s go to your room and find you somet
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Chapter 22 | Tension
Penelope Violet said for me to dress in something comfortable, but I still wanted to be cute. The whole ordeal with Xavier has me shaken, but I feel more in awe of Donovan than ever before. Even though our plans for the night changed, I'm still picturing this as a version of a date and I want to look good for it. I found some comfortable sleep shorts and a t-shirt and a lightweight hoodie. With the hood up I am able to hide most of the marks Donovan gave me during our heated time together. I walk into the living room where somehow Violet already had a mountain of food prepared. I take everything in with wide eyes and suddenly Donovan’s arms are wrapped around me and he places a kiss on my cheek. He says, “My sister was already planning a movie night. So, she just made extra food when she decided she wanted us to join.”My body is stiff underneath his arm and I’m unsure if I should relax or if I should move to sit somewhere else. He looks at me with a confused expression, like he’s n
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Chapter 23 | Permanently
Penelope Walking into Donovan’s room, I can’t help but look around. It’s a pretty neutral bedroom and has no real color scheme or anything to it. It’s very basic and I wonder how he can feel at home here whenever it’s so bland. He doesn’t seem like a bland person, so it surprises me. I watch as he walks to the right side of the bed and takes his shirt off and my eyes go wide as I see every muscle. He looks at me while holding his shirt as he says, “I hope you don’t mind; I prefer to sleep in my boxers.”My mouth feels dry as I shake my head no and he smirks as he takes off his pants, just leaving him in his boxers that hang low off his hips. It's hard not to stare and ogle him when he's so muscular that he makes my mouth salivate with thoughts of the things we could do. He looks at me and says, “Please, do whatever makes you comfortable.”With comfort in mind, I go ahead and take off my bra, but I’m careful not to reveal anything. Although, he’s already seen me fully naked, this feel
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Chapter 24 | Girls
Penelope Something got thrown over my head, making me unable to see. I thrash around desperately and must’ve landed a few shots as I hear whoever is trying to take me grunt or squeal. Finally, I get thrown on the floor and I rush to get the thing off my head. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light, but when they do, I see five girls standing around me with their arms crossed. And they look pissed. These are Xavier's girls, the girls I sought help from and they refused me. I don’t understand why they seem so angry with me when I haven’t done anything. We never even talk to one another, when would I have had the chance to piss them off? My eyes flicker to each one of them and I notice three of the girls have noticeable bruises on their neck and on their faces. The other two girls look disheveled and have dark circles around their eyes and one of them looked a bit too skinny and I wondered if she has been eating appropriately. There’s a girl with long black hair who snap
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Chapter 25 | Walk
Penelope My mind feels muddled as I walk around the pack grounds. I don't know how to help those girls and I don't know how to make my new relationship with Donovan stronger, where I'd feel comfortable talking to him about the whole Xavier situation. I try to focus on the pack, on learning my way around here. This is my home now and I need to know my way around. Honestly, I'm in awe of how gorgeous this pack is. So much land, tall trees that provide the perfect amount of shade for a long walk. There was a babbling brook nearby, and all the nature sounds were enough to help the tension in my shoulders release. I continue my walk and notice that there seem to be a lot of people out today. I shouldn’t be surprised; we’re having great weather. But the weird thing is that everyone says hello to me or wants to stop and have a conversation. Is this pack really just that friendly? It just seems overkill. Then again, my only experience with people was from my teachers at the Academy and w
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Chapter 26 | What Do You Want?
Penelope The relief I felt when I saw Violet appear is indescribable. I can't explain how glad I am that Violet came over to help me. I don’t know what was making those boys want to be near me, it’s weird. Honestly, the entire day has been weird. It wasn't just boys that wanted to be around me. It was men, women, children, any and everyone! Why?! But now my head is aching, and I feel lightheaded from how bad it hurts. I hurry back to the pack house lie on my bed with my eyes closed, hoping that eventually the pain would fade. There’s a knock on my door, but it doesn’t surprise me. I bet it’s Violet coming to talk to me about the weirdness of today. I grumble as I bring my fingers up to my temples, "Come in." The door opens and I’m surprised when I hear Donovan’s voice, “Are you okay, Penelope?”I force myself to sit up even though my head hurts so badly that it’s the last thing I want to do. I nod, “Yeah, I’m okay. Just have a headache."He questions, “Why are you in here instead
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Chapter 27 | Request
Donovan Life is so much better now that I have finally gotten over my concerns about having a mate. Penelope... Penelope is everything I could possibly want. Her presence is infectious and I'm always smiling whenever she is near. But I’ve been spending time with Penelope for a few days now and I really understand what Violet was talking about. People flock toward Penelope. A part of me wants to feel happy about it. It's obvious that my pack likes her and will be thrilled when they learn she is going to be Luna. But... it’s really weird to watch, especially as Alpha of this pack. Normally, people would come to me to ask me questions or make request, but no one acknowledges me. They all focus on her. They compliment her, they ask her where she’s from, and if she wants to hang out. And she’s so polite and for the most part, she seems to be oblivious to how odd all of this is. It’s cute, but it just shows how naïve she is. Every day that goes by, it seems like she is getting more atte
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Chapter 28 | Girl Stuff
Penelope Time passes by quickly at the Moon Stone Pack. Has time always moved this fast or is it because I'm thoroughly enjoying my life now? Violet and I hang out all the time, Donovan and I are crazy about one another, and every day I'mlearning something new. The excitement can be overwhelming. I always thought I was destined for fame, but honestly, I think this is more fun than that future ever could be. I still can't believe that Donovan invited me to go on a trip with him and I leave for that trip today! I don't know when we're leaving to the Red River Pack; it just depends on when Donovan is done with his pack duties. Violet is hanging out in my room and going through my closet as she tries to help me pack. I’m lying on the bed while she shows me what she thinks looks good. I honestly don’t care what clothing I take with me. I imagine that I’m just going to be in the bedroom most of the time because Donovan won’t want me to go off by myself in an unfamiliar place. And that'
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Chapter 29 | One More Day
Penelope The car ride here wasn't too long, thankfully. Time flies when I'm with Donovan as we're constantly telling one another stories and new things we haven't learned yet. My favorite story during the car ride is when his sister told him that they could turn into wolves sooner if they just believed. So, the two of them for an entire day crawled around on all fours, howling or barking at people. I swear, things can't get better than being with Donovan Stone When we get to the Red River Pack, it doesn't surprise me that as soon as the Alpha introduces himself that Donovan is immediately wrapped up in his work. The Red River Pack omega showed me and our warriors where we'll be and I get settled into mine and Donovan's room in the pack house. I know we have some guards whose rooms are across the hall, but the rest of the warriors were staying in a guest house nearby. After a couple of hours by myself, I decide to go walk around the pack grounds. The only pack I have ever been to i
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Chapter 30 | The Dream
Penelope The rest of the day was good. Simon and Vince are awesome guys and I'm glad that Donovan assigned them as our guards. I'm even happier that there seems to be no awkwardness between me and Simon. Once Vince, Simon, and I were done playing cards I got to have a nice dinner with Donovan. We stayed inside our room because he didn’t want to go be around the Alpha and I don’t want to deal with people hovering over me. I try not to act like it bothers me, but people constantly wanting to talk to me and become 'friends' is absolutely draining. Right now, the only person I want to be around is Donovan. He is so handsome; I can’t take my eyes off him. I don’t know what has made him so attracted to me, but I’m going to enjoy it as much as I can for as long as I can. He asks me, “So, how are you enjoying pack life so far, Pen? You know, now that you’re not worried, that one day you’ll be back with Xavier.”I chuckle, “I’m enjoying it a lot.” I reach my hand out and touch his as I sa
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