Lahat ng Kabanata ng Lotus Flower: Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
100 Kabanata
51. Last Day
"We are lucky we ended up finding it at the very last mountain. I can't believe that it is only a shoot." Lui Xian commented organizing Feng Shao's workplace just at one corner of the cave. A shoot and several types of herbs were splattered on the ground. And Feng Shao had a small mortar and pestle pounding at some herbs to make it into powder. At the side, there was some water in a small container."I am happy we got to find it. Now I can make the antidote without missing any ingredient. How I wish I had found it sooner." Feng Shao spoke, mixing the now wet powder with little bits of the green shoot which had been boiled in a pot."Great. Also, we will be on the road early in the morning. I think I should gather our horses and keep them close. This place is very cold, I don't like seeing you sick again." Lui Xian showed concern earning a big smile from his companion.He reached for some wood and added it into the fire, thereafter, putting a pot with dried meat so to make lunch. It d
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52. Return
Creak.Creak.The two men were back on the road.Their horses were moving at a slow pace making it very comfortable to travel in the small cart. They passed by tall trees that were beside the road, giving a sharp effect on the track that led them back to their home. The weather had changed, unlike the time they left from here. The nature around them was blooming beautifying the whole place. Butterflies fluttered about showing their beauty. Birds chirped on top of trees, some dancing around with their wings spread wide flapping about. The sky was sky blue, with traces of clouds.There was also a cool breeze and also lots of shades under these trees. All the coldness they had been through for a month and a half in the mountains had been drained and replaced by the warmth of spring.In the small cart, Feng Shao leaned on Lui Xian's shoulder, his right hand clutching something. He was absent-minded. His eyes were focused on the floor beneath him. He was deep in thought, trying to decide i
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53. Wu Luan
"I like you." Feng Shao confessed. His balled hands getting sweaty. And his eyes wandered anywhere but him. He couldn't keep it in anymore. He couldn't hide by the term friends anymore. Was it really being greedy to want him for himself? The moment they had left the mountains, he had an unsettling feeling, like Lui Xian was going to be taken away from him the moment they returned. Feng Shao didn't want that. He couldn't bear it. "I really like you." He emphasized taking a step closer to Lui Xian who took a step back.Then there was silence overwhelming the small place then followed by the sound of a bottle crushing. Feng Shao gazed at the ground where glass shards scattered there on top of wet soil. His heart stopped. The disappointment he felt when he saw that his hard work was all for nothing, made him crazy. He dug his sharp nails in his palms then looked away. The antidote he had gone to such pains to search for a rare ingredient for was lost in mere seconds and his feelings were
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54. Hurt Beyond Repair
Feng Shao treaded in the forest making sure that he wasn't noticed by the two men he was tailing. He watched them stop at a giant tree that was green and brimming with life. Lui Xian was behind The Emperor and left some space between them so that he would not step on his gown that swept the ground. The two stopped and started talking to each other.Feng Shao drew closer to their spot. He wanted to hear what they were saying. The moment the monarch came, Feng Shao had started to fear that he would take Lui Xian away. He couldn't let that happen. It hadn't been easy to put his feelings across to that fool and as matters stood he was likely to be rejected. However, he couldn't give up. There was some hope. He believed in the time they spent together.'He will come to me.' Feng Shao seemed to be telling himself that. He was trying to convince himself as well as some of the doubts that were lingering in him. He continued observing the two scanning at any abnormal behaviour that could possi
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55. Never To Love Again
After a while grieving and immersing himself in the depths of his abyss, Feng Shao staggered back to the place he had once felt the enthusiasm to return to but now dreaded to see the sight of it.He had exhausted all his tears. His eyelids were swollen and made him look a mess.He took each step towards the house, feeling as if his heart was being pricked by a sharp needle.When he arrived at the doorstep, he noticed that most of the things in the little room were gone. All that was Lui Xian's belongings were nowhere to be seen. His book he liked to read, his clothes that were always suspended on the window, his sac and also his sword which is the root of all evil.'If only I had got rid of it.'Feng Shao entered inside dejectedly. He took a seat on a cushion and gathered all the equipment he used to make the antidote. He planned to throw them away. He even considered throwing everything away that linked him to the jerk he once desired to have.Looking back, he realized he had been too
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56. Rushan
"Xian!"Lui Xian welcomed Rushan who fell into his arms. It had been a long time since they last saw each other. Lui Xian could see some changes in him."Your highness, how are you?" Rushan didn't wait for Lui Xian to continue asking him questions. Instead, he hugged him once again smiling ear to ear. "I didn't think you would come here this early. Did you bring the one you wrote in the letter? I can't wait to see him. Where is he?"The prince was too excited and didn't put in mind the fidgeting behaviour Lui Xian was showing at the side.All he thought of was seeing the beautiful person the other wrote with such detail in their previous letter. When he received the news, Rushan had been extremely happy knowing that he was finally moving on.He knew it was hard to do so but it wasn't entirely impossible."Come on, show me the way to him." The prince demanded in an effort to drag him to a pathway that led to his new quarters. At the sides, various types of colourful flowers had bloome
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57. Life Without You
Summer. When the sun shines brightly throughout the day. Heatwaves after heat waves hit the poor soils of the earth's crust. The trees bear fruits and the grasses lose colour. Rainfall tumble down night after night cleansing the red roofs of Wu Palace and the houses in the Capital. Lightning strikes like a sparkly ribbon being hurled by a brothel dancer. Thunder sounds as if the world is plugging down in pieces. Sometimes it is peaceful and other times it just gets worse. Nevertheless, the days move on longer than usual as each bide farewell never to be experienced again.Then Fall follows. Flooding the world with layers of leaves. The surroundings bit by bit loses their appearance. Flowers wither and green grasses die. Fewer animals appear for a new season is to be born. One with much more torment.That is Winter. Where the unpleasant weather is reinforced with much gloom. The skies are rid of the sun. It fills up with a thin blanket of fluffy white greyish clouds that remain up cover
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58. Game On
Meanwhile far away from the palace, on a secluded Island, a vivid image of a man could be seen under a tree just close to the sea. He was sitting cross-legged with an instrument on his lap. The place he was at was very pleasant with a splendid breeze fanning at him. His robes fluttered about and his hair flared in a fashionable manner. His skin had gotten paler after many years of living on the island. He was all alone with only a small hut which he could call his own. The only companion he had, had left him when its time had come. After all, it was only a mere horse and lived quite long.Flowers swayed about emitting a sweet fragrance that brought comfort to him. His slender fingers were put on top of a zither which he would sometimes pluck at its strings producing a calming tune that travelled along the island alarming the small animals that had yet to wake. The weather was still chilly although the sun showed itself brimming with so much light. It touched the man with a soft glow
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59. Arrival At Wu Capital
"Wow." Feng Shao exclaimed. He had just gotten out of the carriage and stepped on Wu Kingdom's soils. His eyes focused on his surroundings. They were sparkling with newfound light as if he was seeing the world for the first time. There was a smile on his face. He stood still for some time only turning and making a fool out of himself. He gained some attention to himself but he didn't mind. Everything at the moment was like a dream.He had last seen something like this when he was still a toddler. The memory is quite hazy for he doesn't remember if his former home was as close as to this. The part he was seeing at the moment was only a glimpse before the whole thing. However, the poor man was already intrigued.The Capital was so big and eye-catching, nothing could grab his attention from all the shiny and beautiful things around him. Although Feng Shao was wearing a veil, he could still clearly see the food stalls at the sides. The many people who passed by whilst cheering on top of th
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60. Unexpected Visitors
Qin Su and Feng Shao got along quite well. As he promised, Feng Shao stopped by the tea house to play for the customers. And he would receive quite some money after each performance. His plans were going quite well.After living in the Capital for nearly two months, Feng Shao was now able to purchase a house and he did just that. He made it look simple so that it didn't attract people too much.He was still careful and was beginning to worry about his secret performances. Even though he didn't disclose his identity he felt that he could be exposed. For the Emperor and the General were merely several Zhangs away.After living in the Capital these few weeks he was able to get information on the monarch and his lover. Added to his advantage he could see the palace walls from the house he had bought. It never sat well with him knowing that his enemies were only separated by a wall less than an hour journey. He yearned to go there early however he knew nothing would go as he was planning.A
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