Все главы Fated to The Northlord: Глава 11 - Глава 20
Chapter Eleven
Connor POVFenris was able to keep my pushed out until we made it back to the Penthouse. Angry? Pissed? irritate? I don't think there is a word for how I'm feeling. He locked me away like I was the animal! I don't even know what he did, let alone if the damn place is still standing."What have you done Fenris?! WHAT HAPPENED WITH BEC!""I said goodbye to her. Alone""WHY?!""Because she deserved it, she deserved to know we are leaving ""WE!? you mean your not going to fight me on this?""We are home are we not?""You used me while I was back there, Why?""I needed to make sure I didn't hurt her body""Why would you need me for that?""Your self control, I had to use it""How did she-""She will be fine" He cut me off and I could tell he wanted to leave it at that"She's physically fine though right Fen?" I could feel his pain, my own emotions mirroring his"Yes" that was all he said before he locked himself away, its the first time he put up his own block. I didn't know he could even
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Chapter Twelve
Bec POVI don't know how many days I've been in bed since Connor left. My body felt depleted after coming off the Aconite Leland injected me with. But most importantly I felt deep sadness, I was completely alone again. Why did everyone have to leave me? First my father then Dorian they didn’t get a choice in the matter unfortunately their abrupt absences from my life were permanent but Connor? He had a choice and he chose to leave. His choice to leave tore at a part of my being that confused the hell out of me and had me not only questioning everything between us over the last month or so but also my entire marriage. Of course I enjoyed being around my husband, But the way I felt around Connor it was like he slowly woke up apart of myself I didn't know was there. I felt different, and I was exhausted because of it. It was obvious I held some kind of emotional feelings for him. We had grown close since Dorian passed, Or so I thought. He wanted to leave because I would
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Chapter Thirteen
I finished packing up my old room and gathered a few bags and took them down the stairs. I told Kris she could have everything in my bedroom in exchange for her favor. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs I took my bags to the foyer so I could get them all to my car without my mother trying to stop me. I had an inkling she wasn't done. Before I could make my way back to the kitchen to tell mom I was leaving she was behind me with a plate of cookies covered in plastic film and two take away containers of what I didn’t know.My arms stayed by my side as I eyed her wearily."Peace offerings? I made up some of the leftovers for you and Leo.." She held out her offerings to me. For the sake of not picking a fight I took them"Thank you mom, I appreciate it. I'm sure Leo will too""I hope so. Do you need any help getting your things?""No you don't need to help me its okay some are kinda heavy""KRIS!” I called out behind her"She left.." worry in moms tone ma
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Chapter Fourteen
I knew the drive home would be long with the storm that came in. It took over an hour to get back to the vineyard and Leo followed safely behind me. I still didn't now how this arrangement was supposed to work. The cottage only had one bedroom how was he supposed to keep guard the entire time? How much sleep do werewolves need? and not to mention how often do they need to let their wolf out? I don't even know what to call it. Transforming? shapeshifting? We pulled into the parking lot and made our way to the white gate I used my key card this time to raise the bar so we could enter. The drive way wound is an S shape all the way to the the gravel clearing that made getting in and out easy. The sun was still in the sky but I was already ready to clock out for the day. We parked and I grabbed the duffels I had in my trunk and headed inside to my room. I dug around and found some loose fitting shorts and my house slippers, I changed quickly in the bathroom. I didn't feel like unpacking t
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Chapter Fifteen
I blink rapidly whipping my head in Leo's direction, he had a firm grip on the glass that was just in my hand but he didn't hold it for more than a few seconds before he hissed. The glass dropped to the ground shattering into a million pieces steam rolled off of the ground from where the liquid had ended up. Leo was looking at his hand and as I jumped to my feet I could see his fingers were bright red. Had I not been consumed by the rage caused by our game of questions and other peoples actions I would have cared more that he was injured. He looked back at me his eyes were wide as he took a step back from me where I was now standing. The glass crunching under the rubber of my slippers didn't stop me from moving forward to him ready to push this mountain of a man on his ass "WHAT IN THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM!" I poked my finger into his chest making him back off the cement pad. His hands were raised up in defense and I could see his hand was fine now "I-I-" He stammered but I gave him
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Chapter Sixteen
The tray in my hand felt like it weighed 100 pounds as I watched the double doors flutter back and forth making the seal between it rub gently from the force of the noise on the other side. Mike who had been behind me didn't stop walking towards the doors despite the horrendous sound that was coming from behind them.He put his shoulder threw them while I half expected to hear him yell or scream in panic, I herd him laugh instead. My feet moved without my approval to the doors still holding the tray in my hands, I was ready to use it to protect myself if I had to. Once I pushed threw those doors to see what made Mike break out into laughter I blew out the breath I had been holding"You old man are a menace, I should have known" Leo was glaring at Mike threw gritted teeth fist clenched apparently Leo doesn't like to be embarrassed, who knew.Mike sat the trays in the warmers and closed the lids back down on each of them before turning to take the tray form my hands, my eyes were still s
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Chapter Seventeen
I knew having Leo on my side was the best option but I still didn’t know how much I could tell him that would stay between us, I wanted to trust him I really did but besides Krishna I’ve never had someone I could trust whole heartedly I found myself constantly torn between spilling my guts to him or keeping my lips sealed. I don't know why I'm so damn worried about the possibility of Leo being forthcoming to Connor with the information I was about to tell him of Kris and I’s gift unfortunately no matter how drawn I’ve become towards him since Dorian passed I was also giving heed to some information I acquired while eavesdropping. I’ve recently discovered Dorian had a flair for smoke and mirrors causing me to spend far to much time in my head attempting to figure out what was true vs what was a lie. So up until now I never gave much thought to a phone call I over herd him having on one of the few nights he was home since his phone was on silent I never herd it ring but I felt hi
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Chapter Eighteen
Thousands and thousands of books were lined up on huge wooden book cases not only were they above me on a balcony but the walls were lined in the same huge book cases shelves upon shelves packed full of different colors and thicknesses of books. Some of these massive book cases were vertical in the center of the room also lined with more beautiful books on their shelves. Glass windows were at the very top of the roof line letting in a perfect amount of natural light. The smells that filled my nose were heavenly all these old paper pages packed in the room permeated of leather and ink hints of oak lingered from the massive wooden shelves. I scanned my eyes above me along the perfectly carved shelving that housed them so many different shades of colors were on the spines none had names probably rubbed off over the years of use. Large solid wood tables with comfortable looking chairs were strategically placed throughout the main open area it was like a whole library was picked up and pl
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Chapter Nineteen
It was late afternoon by the time Leo and I made it back from lunch with Kris, I wish I could say she took my findings well but she didn't. I told her Leo had a friend who had a few books related to twins and shared genes but they didn't have any information on telepathy, dream sharing emotional auras or blockages. My hope was to convince her that some twin abilities just couldn’t be figured out, I mean we never told anyone so maybe others had felt the same? I couldn't bring myself to openly tell her all about the supernaturals we were surrounded by let alone all the actual information I had just found out on them. Unfortunately it I wouldn’t have that luxury after what she said to me at lunch, she had the whole conversation changing away from our twin issues that now festered a whole new assortment of problems that have rendered me speechless.*Flashback to 3hours ago*We picked up Kris and took her to a small restaurant on the out skirts of the city, even with Leo present Kris was de
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Chapter Twenty
Theodeus Castellanos sat at the bar top engaging with Angie like they were long time friends, I’ll admit she was definitely putting on a show though her laughs were airy and she touched his bicep ever so slightly while she found humor in whatever they were conversing about. I know she wasn’t trying to be but to most women her actions could easily be misconstrued. To me now that I knew her so well she came off mostly as extremely charming, her interactions would have been the same if it were a woman she was sitting with. Her way of hospitality didn’t bother me anymore it was Theodeus presence here that irked me. Watching his body language at the as I turned towards them so casual with her like old friends I could tell the moment he acknowledged my presence his back muscles tensed under his shirt as he adjusted himself to sit straighter, his elbows were bent to rest on the bar as he intertwined his fingers pressing his thumbs together keeping his head turned to Angie as they spoke back n
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