Semua Bab Written in the Stars: Bab 61 - Bab 70
153 Bab
Helena stood in front of Nilton's Bike, the store that was such an important part of Bruno's life and her own history. She couldn't understand what could have happened to lead Bruno to close the store he loved.Determined to find out what was going on, Helena got into her car and drove towards Bruno's parents' house. She was nervous, but also determined to support Bruno in any difficulty he might be facing. When she arrived at the house, she found Loreta outside, tending to the plants with a warm smile on her face.Loreta looked up and saw Helena. Her smile widened. “Helena!” she exclaimed, as if she had seen an old friend. “What a pleasant surprise to see you.”Helena returned the smile and warmly greeted Loreta. “Hello, Mrs. Matos. How are you?”Nilton appeared right behind Loreta, his face showing a puzzled expression. “Loreta, didn't I tell you we don't have any plans with Helena...”He turned to
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At Nilton's Bike, life seemed to be finally falling into place for Helena and Bruno. They worked together, sharing not only their workspace but also the challenges and successes of the store. Helena was full of enthusiasm and excited about her decision to join Bruno in Paraty and give a new direction to her life. One week after her return to Paraty, Helena was in her office, organizing some documents, when one of the employees approached, somewhat hesitantly. “Helena, sorry to bother you, but there's someone here looking for you,” the employee said. Helena looked up from her papers, curious, and replied, “Of course, let her in.” She wasn't prepared for the surprise visit. As the door opened, a familiar voice echoed through the room. “Helena, my daughter.” Helena turned around, and there was her mother, Regina, standing in the doorway with an ex
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Days passed quickly as Bruno and Helena rushed through the preparations for their wedding. They had opted for something simpler and more intimate, just a ceremony at the courthouse. Helena didn't want to spend too much money on a glamorous party, and they both agreed that the most important thing was the commitment they were making to each other. Helena picked up her phone and called her brother, Marcelo. She had something important to ask him. When Marcelo answered, Helena smiled and greeted him warmly before getting to the point. "Hi, Marcelo! How are you?" "Hi, Helena! I'm well, thank you. How are the wedding preparations going?" Helena sighed lightly before responding. "It's about the wedding that I wanted to talk to you. I would like to know if you'd be willing to be one of the witnesses at our courthouse wedding." Marcelo was silent for a moment before replying, "Of course,
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Bruno was in shock, sitting at one of the tables at Sítio Santo Antônio, next to his mother, Loreta. The surrounding scene was a joyful wedding celebration, with laughter, lively music, and guests having a great time. However, Bruno could hardly focus on the festivities. His mother's words still echoed in his mind, leaving him bewildered. Loreta looked at her son, a deep sadness in her eyes, as he struggled to formulate a coherent question. Finally, Bruno managed to gather his words and asked, his voice trembling, “Mom, are you absolutely certain about what you're saying?” Loreta seemed hesitant, as if she were struggling to understand Bruno's question. She finally replied, “Certainties, my son? What do you want to know?” Bruno took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. “Mom, you said I'm twenty-four years old, not twenty-five, because my birth certificate was altered. Are you s
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After their wedding, Bruno and Helena decided not to have a traditional honeymoon. With the shop and Loreta's health, Bruno's mother, requiring care, they opted for a peaceful weekend in Paraty, enjoying everything the charming town had to offer. The morning after the wedding, the sun illuminated the room where Bruno and Helena slept. The gentle morning light caressed Helena's face, causing her to wake up with a smile. She turned in bed and found Bruno still deeply asleep, with tousled hair and one arm outstretched towards her. Helena watched him for a moment, reminiscing about the previous day, filled with emotions and surprises. She decided to get up carefully so as not to wake him. After all, this was their first morning as husband and wife, and she wanted to do something special. Helena headed to the kitchen of the house, located in a small seaside village where they had rented a house for the weekend. She started preparing breakfast, kn
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Bruno and Helena had built a peaceful life together in Paraty. They lived in Bruno's parents' house, Loreta and Nilton, working side by side at Nilton's Bike. Additionally, they took care of Loreta, who suffered from Alzheimer's. Loreta adored Helena, and her presence in the house was a soothing balm for her, often remembering the young woman as her own daughter. Their routine was filled with love and care, even as they dealt with the challenges Loreta's illness presented. Bruno admired Helena's patience and the unconditional love she showed for his mother. They knew their lives were busy, but they were content with the choice they had made. However, a series of unexpected events began to shake the tranquility of their lives. It all began when Helena started feeling unwell. She was tired more frequently, had morning sickness, and felt strange pains in her body. Initially, she attributed it to the stress and exhaustion of caring for Loreta, b
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Helena and Bruno returned to Bruno's parents' house, Loreta and Nilton, after the exciting pregnancy news. As they walked down the hallway toward the living room, Helena felt radiant and eager to share the big news with her in-laws. Upon entering the living room, they found Loreta and Nilton sitting together, engaged in lively conversation. Helena noticed that Loreta was having one of her clearer days, making the moment even more special. Nilton, on the other hand, appeared visibly concerned, thinking that something bad might have happened to the couple. Nilton, his voice laden with concern, asked, “Where have you two been? Did something happen?” Bruno and Helena exchanged glances, sharing a smile. It was time to break the news. Bruno approached Nilton and placed his hand on his father's shoulder, saying with a twinkle in his eye, “Dad, the good news is that nothing bad has happened. On the contrary, so
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Helena and Bruno were back at the doctor's office, eagerly awaiting the morphological ultrasound. It had been a few weeks since they received the news of the pregnancy, and now they were in the 12th week of gestation, a crucial moment when they would find out if they were expecting twins.As they waited, Helena held Bruno's hand, who sat beside her, providing support and reassurance. Their gazes met, exchanging smiles filled with anticipation. They were excited to learn more about their baby or babies.The room was softly lit, and the sound of the ultrasound machine filled the air. The doctor entered the room, greeted the couple, and began preparing the equipment.Helena lay down on the examination table, and Bruno remained by her side, holding her hand firmly. The doctor applied gel to Helena's belly and began moving the ultrasound probe, carefully observing the monitor.Seconds seemed like an eternity as the doctor explored Helena's belly for clues about what awaited them. Helena an
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Helena and Bruno were radiant with the news that they were expecting a girl, whom they would name Isabel. From that day on, their lives took on a new meaning, and they embraced the journey of pregnancy with love and excitement.Mornings were often filled with Bruno preparing a special breakfast for Helena while she was still in bed, enjoying the kicks and gentle movements of Isabel. They would talk to her belly, telling her about all the amazing things they were looking forward to doing together when she was born.On weekends, they would take leisurely walks in the local park. Bruno enjoyed reading books about fatherhood and watching videos on how to care for newborns. Helena, on the other hand, explored maternity blogs and took online courses on breastfeeding and baby care.When it came time to decorate Isabel's room, they spent hours choosing furniture and soft colors. Helena had a special talent for interior design, and Isabel's room was becoming a magical and cozy space.“I think
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Helena and Bruno returned to his parents' house, Nilton and Loreta, with their precious newborn, Isabel, in their arms. They couldn't wait to share this joy with the family that had supported them from the beginning.As they entered the house, they were greeted with warm smiles and eyes filled with emotion. Nilton and Loreta eagerly awaited the arrival of their granddaughter. Loreta picked up a small crocheted blanket that she had made herself and smiled as she saw the baby in Helena's arms.“Oh, my dear, she is so tiny and beautiful!” Loreta said, her eyes shining with happiness.Nilton approached and lovingly stroked Isabel's cheek. “Welcome, Isabel. You are the joy of our family.”Helena and Bruno exchanged a grateful look. They felt blessed to have a loving family to welcome Isabel.After the initial moments of congratulations and affection, Helena and Bruno took Isabel to the room they had prepared for her. It was delicately decorated, with soft tones and comfortable furniture. T
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