Semua Bab Once Upon A Rejected Luna: Bab 11 - Bab 20
158 Bab
I honestly at this point don't even know how to explain to my friend all of the things I feel at once. I mean, it's such a great thing that Georgina is here. She doesn't hate me, she still wants to be friends with me and she never once was the way that I thought she would be because of my absence. I have been so stupid at this point, how could I have stayed away from her because of what I thought she would feel against me. But it is the opposite. “For a good time, I felt so burdened by the fact that she could have been easily caught by beast and the rest of the men.” And that would have been a crazy thing to happen. “I really am not trained to understand what exactly I am to say or feel about what I am seeing.” Right on the wall of her rooms are papers from different sources, tracks and several other things that show that she tried to find me.The fact that she knows something that leads to werewolves makes me even more scared that she is closer to finding where I am and that sh
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I follow Dane back into the barracks and he pulls over and parks his car. I get out of the car and I'm quite worried because throughout the entire time he was quite quiet. He did not say a word.It was just a silent journey back home. And I designed it to be quiet because I did not know what he was thinking even when I knew I had a lot to say. "Perhaps, I'm becoming too close to this man and I'm trying to fit in so good that I did not realize that I'm here against my will." "I'm not even supposed to be here, I'm a rejected Luna." I remember and try to stand with that notion. I step out of the car and I'm looking at him as his demeanor is quite different. I wonder if it has to do with the conversation that he had with Elena because right before we left to Georgina's. He was in a jovial mood. at least he is the one that brought me outside to meet Georgina so whatever is going on now. It definitely has to do with that intent. I enter into the house first and head upstairs into my ro
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At every angle, there is one wolf who is trying to attack us. And standing right next to him, I hope he can see that I'm doing the best to protect him rather than let him fight alone. It probably doesn't look like what I think I'm doing for him, but it's definitely what I mean. And I was not going to back us from the fight so easily. I wasn't going to let him lay down his life and it did not matter whether I was going to be capable of fighting this oops, all that mattered was I was going to prove myself to be an human. A person with emotions and I just wanted him to see beyond what everyone says about me. They all talk about me saying that I'm rejected and how everyone has made sacrifices for me.They say my parents sacrificed their, life my grandparents did the same thing. And my ex mate also did the same. So, now I do not want them to ruin all of what I believe of myself and I just want Dane to see me in a different light or know that I'm different from what they believe me to
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I am in shock. It is written everywhere on my face. I look at everything that has just happened in the brink of the moment. It feels like I should just keep to myself but there's no way especially when I have been living with this body over the years, I can't easily express my shock. I just want to so much to express and understand everything just keeps unfolding quietly under me. I look at my hands. I touch my forehead. I'm wondering what I am. What exactly am I made of to be able to do something like this? It makes no sense. Where exactly do I get the power? To make such a move? It makes no sense once again, and I needed to make sense. I need there to be some meaning tied to this point. The only thing I have is silence. The silence is definitely not I'm trying to understand where exactly I'm going with this. Should I walk downstairs and let Dane know about this or should I remain here and try to figure it all by myself. It is a crazy scenario because first of all, I do not eve
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I head back into the house with anger because I cannot believe that I have to go through all of this, my life here contains pack members who clearly hate me, would love to test me and turn me to the enemies.They are here, right outside our territory. Would you ask your men to keep the bodyguard now? Am I a prisoner? I say to him and he walks closer to me as after you opens the fridge. “I only asked you where you're going to.” And you chose not to answer. Well, if you think you can make it out of here, Beast will bring you back in a second.“Feel free to go ahead and try.” He says to me but he’s definitely saying that in a way to make fun of me. He is making fun of my weakness and he doesn't even know how hurtful that is. He doesn't know where that puts me. The only he does is showing everything that gives him power but he doesn't realize that I am literally feeling the downpour of it because I am the one who suffers it.He gets to be alpha and play Mr. Nice Guy to everyone. He gets
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How am I feeling right now?I cannot fully get myself out because of how he chose to answer me.Right before he leaves the kitchen and looks at me, and then says.“Give me ten minutes.” He says to me, I wonder what he is talking about. Is he about to really take me to school like I asked and if so, what was all that argument about? If he was going to say yes and take me to where I needed to be. Why did he just do that from the very beginning.This actually gives all the sense in the world because now I do not have to go back up to this and beat myself out of the condition that I'm stuck in.I stand at the counter waiting for him to get backlater, and just like, he comes back in ten minutes. We head out of the house together. I'm still kind of so just shocked about everything and I'll definitely went through all of that arguments just to do what I want. Does this mean I have the ability to fully manipulate him and knowing this. I'll find what I want to get out of him. If that is th
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I feel like I exaggerated the way my life was changing, especially when I was on the run and I thought I was going to definitely either going to be caught or die while trying to escape. I'm about to get out of the car when he says." I need you to stay in school premises at all costs." Also, wolves will not pass human territory as long as you're there, in the building. What time does this place close? He asks and looks at the school.I nod my head in agreement."So, what you're saying it that I would not be caught by those searching for me as long as I do as you say." I say to him. "I also care about your safety." He says.And I'm not trying to fall into the hands of the enemy myself. Come pick me up by three! I say to him, and I open the car door and begin to walk towards the school premises. I'd already texted to Georgina prior to this time that I'll be coming back to school. As I enter into it you also have Eastwood high school. I can literally smell the memories in the air an
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Right before the teacher comes into the class, he's about to say whatever he was gonna say, and I make sure not to break eye contact with him. He now is by my side definitely knowing that there's something different about the way I carry myself. And it's all about the confidence. It's all about the fact that I've been through enough to not get agitated by school boys, or whatever they think they've got going on. They do not in any sort of way, make me feel less of what I am. I feel powerful and just wish that I felt more of this way when I'm amidst the pack members, based on the rest of the pack members treat me like I'm some scallywag some opposition of course, as usual, and always slide back.I always slumped my shoulders and allow them to belittle me. If I could have a spark off his confidence while being in the midst of Dane.I will surely have something to say out loud to that arrogance if his without popping my head in between, it will do great for my esteem. I wish for that
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At this point in time I am angry, every bit of my body, mind and flesh is filled with anger and I definitely want to ruin everything that stands in my way. I'm holding onto my fist so tightly because I feel as if I could drag down the pillars of the school and make it fall down to pieces. I'm holding my anger in so bad, so bad that I am trying to tell myself that it did not have to turn into our work. And I could control myself and control the way I reciprocate anger and things that affect me. I'm telling myself all of these amazing things that I do not even care to hear because all I want to see is something horrible happen to know other than the one who keeps doing things to hurt me and make me angry. Does he have no sense at all? He continues to make everything so upsetting to me. And at this point, I want to break everything. I close my eyes immediately and as I'm closing my eyes, I begin to open them slowly. The moment it opens, Georgina walk in that moment and she cares wit
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All because of what has happened, the school is shut down and everyone is leaving for the day. I cannot believe that I have been sent on for school and I am already preparing to head back home. I've already made up my mind to go to go back with Georgina since I've already told Dane to come pick me back by three. I know I should definitely tell him all the change in plans because of his rule be but if I definitely possess the sort of power that I think I possess, then I need space.I don’t care what they anyone tells me based in n legend of the pack members, nor anything they have to say to me. I definitely am something bigger than any of them can imagine. And I should rule them with an iron fist. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, like literally iron Fist. This isn't something that should be said but at this moment. I know there is no reason no reason within my fingers why I should accept what they think I should act like. The way they talk to me and look down upon me. I don't have t
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