Lahat ng Kabanata ng Her Tempting Nemesis : Kabanata 41 - Kabanata 50
327 Kabanata
Chapter Thirty-Nine
CHAPTER THIRTY-NINE*Not again, Dad*Outside the open bedroom window, birds were chirping, and a nice air tickled her feet as it blew in. She must have kicked them out of my duvet somewhere during the night. She gradually opened each eye, groggily scanning her bedroom room. Her laptop was partially open on my desk-she spent some time during the night browsing through South Africa's traditions and other related stuff about her vacation country. The curtains were wide open, permitting the early morning sun to filter in. Her yesterday's worth of clothing was still hanging over the side of the hamper. The house was eerily quiet as She lay in bed, staring at nothing in particular, trying to muster the strength to get out of bed. She drew in deep breaths and exhaled slowly.She had also spent the night, dreaming about Drake Hughen. His perfect-shaped body, hard and strong underneath her naked body. They were on a vacation together, like a couple, a real couple. But she didn't exactl
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Chapter Forty
CHAPTER FORTY* The Family's business comes first*Irritated, she slammed the cutlery on the table with a low groan forming in her throat as she glared at her father across the table.Nothing ruffles her feathers more than her father throwing shades at her concerning how dissatisfied he was with her apathy towards the family's company. She thought they had discussed this over and over again until he ultimately agreed to help set up her fashion store. Apparently, she was mistaken as he never ceases to raise the issue at every slightest opportunity. Honestly, it is beginning to get on her nerves and for heaven's sake! not today of all days that she was already prepared to discuss her vacation trip with him. Just great!The wide smile on his face suddenly disappeared as he met the glaring look of his daughter fuming silently across the dining table.He perched on his chair as he drew closer to the table, and guilt wrinkled his brows. He knew he messed up but it can't be helped! There'
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Chapter Forty-One
CHAPTER FORTY-ONE*Her father is disappointed in her!*Mr Jordan was gaping at her incredulously across the dining table.With raised brows, he asked softly, "Sweetie? What is it? I thought you wanted to say something. I'm all ears."She reached for the glass of milk and gulped almost all the contents down. She cleared her throat loudly and look her father intently in the eye.Hazel's eyes locked on hazel eyes as a short silence lingered."Dad, it's about the vacation." She finally spoke.Her father's brows shot up instantly. He reclined in his seat."Okay. I'm all ears." He urged.She pressed her lips together, trying to piece the words accordingly in her mind."Well, you see, I'm contemplating going to South Africa for a short vacation. We have already decided it's going to be South Africa." She paused for effect as she studied his reaction. He was still calm with both of his hands clasped together thoughtfully.Then suddenly, as if his brain just finished processing the actual wor
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Chapter Forty-Two
CHAPTER FORTY-TWO*The big contract day!*The silky luxurious Benz screeched to a halt in front of the skyscraper building peaking up in the clear blue morning sky. The built security man dressed in a black suit and a dark pair of glasses fixed on his face was already waiting for his arrival and as soon as the car stopped in front of the building, he efficiently opened the passenger's door for Mr Jordan. He slipped out of the luxurious car with his expensive leather black shoes poking out and then his entire body.He squared his shoulders and sighed deeply. His chauffeur, Mr Briggs, quickly got out of the car and gave the security man his briefcase."Be on standby for now." He instructed the chauffeur."Yes sir." He acknowledged with a slight bow and then retreated to the car and drove into the parking lot.He glanced at his Cartier's expensive wristwatch to look at the time. The time reads 9.05 am. Good. At least they have twenty minutes to prep and finalize before the investors arri
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Chapter Forty-Three
CHAPTER FORTY-THREE*The big contract Day 2- Old friends*"The board meeting had already been set, sir. We're waiting on your order." Collins said. Collins was a slender tall man with the face of a fifteen-year-old child. His light brown hair was slightly tousled. He was clad in a regular fit two-button suit and his medicated glasses were propped up at the bridge of his nose as his wary dark brown eyes were trained on the reports as he rustled through.Mr Jordan nodded, still fiddling with the ballpoint pen in his hand."I discovered a few errors when I was going through the reports a while ago. Here I marked them." Mr Jordan said as he pointed to the sections where the markings were visible to collins."I need them corrected immediately. I suspected you would have at least exercised due diligence before you submitted the report. We don't have time dallying around for heaven's sake!" He hollered. "I am sincerely sorry sir! I had Madison type out the report. The mistake must have bee
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Chapter Forty-Four
CHAPTER FORTY-FOUR*The big contract day 3 - The board meeting*"The board meeting begins now!" The Shrill commanding tone vibrating from the in-ceiling speaker system filled the office. "All workers are to report to the board room immediately!"At once, there was a commotion in the office as all the workers began scampering about the office in urgency, getting ready and making their way to the board room.By now, Mr Thomas Jordan and his best friend, Mr George Castle were already in the board room.Collins approached the Board Room with the corrected reports. When he spotted Mr Castle sitting beside his boss he froze in his tracks.His lips parted to speak but no words came."Oh Hi, collins, Good to see you again." Mr Castle grinned at him with a curt wave."Oh, Good morning sir, what a pleasant surprise!" He managed to croak out with a forced smile.Oh, he's so screwed if Mr Jordan finds out that he's been filling in on all things with Mr Castle without his knowledge and now he is
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Chapter Forty-Five
CHAPTER FORTY-FIVE*The big contract day 4- the investors' meeting!*"As planned, those that have been appointed to stay for the investors' meeting may now do so while the others may leave now. I just got word the investors are two minutes away." Mr Jordan authoritatively stated.At once, some left while a few remained."Madison?" Mr Jordan called out to a slim light brown lady in curly black hair. She hurriedly got up and walked over to him."Yes sir, ?" She spoke quietly."I hope no errors are lying in wait for me. Because I will not take it lightly the next time." He hissed.She nodded frantically. "Of course sir. I have them reviewed already. My sincere apologies for the oversight." She bowed slightly.Silence endured. His adam apple bobbed as he eyed her curiously. He sighed deeply. " very well then. You may return to your seat." She did as she was instructed.Collins returned with separate copies of the audit reports and financial statements of the company. He slammed the printed
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Chapter Forty-six
CHAPTER FORTY-SIX*The big contract day-5 how can he smartly avoid this?*He swallowed a lump in his throat thickly, his face ashen as he forced a tight-lipped smile.He glanced at his best friend, who was also taken aback by the sudden question, with an alarming look for help.Fuck! He thought the patchy financial statements that they made up wouldn't alert them but apparently, they were more clever and meticulous than he expected! The truth is, some of the company's finances were gotten from other illegitimate means that must not be exposed or they are set for doom! He had worked pretty hard for this day, and now that it is here, he can't let this jeopardize the success of this company that has stood over the decades since its inception!Now calm down and think fast! How can he deftly avoid this? He gave his best friend another look and he returned arched brows urging him to go on with whatever plan he has in mind. Probably."Mr Jordan?" Ms Emily, the elderly lady called out to
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Chapter Forty-Seven
CHAPTER FORTY-SEVEN*The big contract day-final! Is it a YES or a NO?*"Could you give us a few minutes to discuss and reach an agreement?" Ms Emily inquired, giving him the usual stern look."Of course! I will have my personal Assistant lead you to the private room." He motioned to Collins to direct them to the said room. He sprung up from his seat and rushed to them bowing profusely with a wide smile."Right this way, please." He said respectfully as he led them out of the board room to the smaller adjoining room just beside the board room. They followed behind him closely and exited the board room quietly in hushed voices. The workers began to whisper amongst themselves.Mr Jordan watched their backs as they disappeared out of the board room.A long deep sigh escaped his throat as he shut his eyes briefly in relief.He cleared his throat rather loudly to get their attention as he turned, standing in the centre of the rectangular table, to face his workers, his demeanour suddenly g
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chapter forty eight
CHAPTER FORTY-EIGHT*Workaholic from home*"Sandra, how many wears were sold for last week?" She asked her Sales manager over the phone. The phone was securely pinned against her ear with her shoulder supporting it in place as she poured herself a steaming hot cup of brewed coffee and then made her way to the Chesterfield sofa."Good morning ma'am. Um...about 50 plus worth of sales were made last week. Sales on Saturday and Monday were a bit slow but we made terrific sales on the rest of the day of the week, excluding Sunday of course." Sandra dutifully reported.Janice nodded as she scribbled something on her small notepad opened on the table before her. "Not bad. Are there any complaints from the customers or pending orders?" She asked as she used her free hand to raise the mug of hot coffee to her lips gently and took a sip while the other hand held the phone securely against her ear as she listened into it.There was a short silence before Sandra responded."Um... As for pendin
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