Lahat ng Kabanata ng Betrayed The Mafia - Cruel Intentions Series Book One: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
59 Kabanata
Chapter 30 - Attack part 3
Killian POV I am pacing around the safe house, waiting for Theo to arrive. But he hasn’t been answering his phone for the past two hours. They should be here by now, and I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something is wrong. I don’t know what it is but something is wrong. The helicopter should be landing here by now, they got safely to the yacht. I hold on to my Cristal glass with the amber liquid. I keep calling Theo, and going straight to voicemail. “Okay”, Elliot says opening the door and walking in as he types away on his tablet. His eyes are glued to the screen, and I can see his eyes going darker and his semblant changing. He looks worried, and he starts cursing under his breath. “What? What the fuck is going on? Where the fuck are they?”, I ask walking to him and he shows me the tablet where it says that the tracking can’t be found. I look at Elliot that keeps typing away, and I throw my glass against the wall. I walk out of the room, looking for my dad.
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Chapter 31 - Coming out
Ashley POV I can hear someone opening the door. I flop back down pretending to be asleep. I don’t know how long I have been in here, but it stinks, days and nights have merged into one and I have no more recollection of hours passing by. I haven’t been taken to anyone yet, and I find this very frustrating, very infuriating. “Wake up, food is here”, I hear the same voice I hear every day. He is wearing a sky mask again and I can’t figure out who he is, I know his voice, but I can’t pinpoint from where, or even the accent, I can’t figure out who this voice belongs to and that is something that has been driving me insane. “The boss wants to see you today princess”, he says and I nod my head as I reach for the metal plate he places near my feet. I scramble onto the makeshift bed, bed. This is not a bed, this is a mattress that has seen better days on the floor somewhere that people shouldn’t be allowed to live, hell shouldn’t be legal to live. “Maybe he will give me better food”, I
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Chapter 32 - The Information
Killian POV “What the fuck is going on?”, I ask as I walk into the surveillance room. Elliot looks at me through his lashes and then focuses back on the screens in front of him. We have been trying to find Ashley for the past six days and I am about to lose my mind. “Here”, mum says and I walk towards her and bend to look at the screen. We finally found someone that is willing to talk in exchange for money and a way to disappear. I nod my head as I straighten my back. “Make it happen”, I say through greeted teeth. I start pacing around as we wait for a reply. I can’t believe this is happening to me, to us, my girl has been taken away from me and I don’t even know who is responsible. I walk out of the room towards the small bar area of the safe house and I pour myself a glass of bourbon. I smell the amber liquid and then drink it all at once. I feel the liquid burn down my throat. I pour myself another one when I hear the door opening. “Son?”, dad says and I look back to see him
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Chapter 33 - Decisions
Ashley POV “You look beautiful, now come”, he says, and I don’t wait around. I follow him, and my heart sinks as soon as the double doors of the ballroom, and I see a stupid amount of people. I frown as I am escorted to the center of the room, all eyes on me, and I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all. I look around, trying to find a way to escape and then I see him. My heart beats fast, betraying me, my face goes bright red, and I want to run. Run away from here. I stand still where I am; I can’t move, my feet won’t move, and I see him walking toward me. My heart beat fast and I couldn’t believe I had liked him once. Hell, I thought I loved him. Tobias walks toward me offering g me his hand. I stand still, not taking it, and I can see the anger in his eyes. The way he is looking at me is like he could hurt me. I take his hand as we walk toward the opposite side. He guides me to a table and pulls a chair for me. I sit, and he sits next to me with his hand resting on my leg. I f
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Chapter 34 - Opening my eyes
Killian POV “Hurry the fuck up”, I shout at Elliot as he walks past me into the jet. We are going to Texas to get my girl back. I am not taking no for an answer and I will bring her home. I know she is miserable and I promised her to keep her safe. That fucker Tobias is going to pay with his fucking life for taking her away from me. I sit on my seat feeling uncomfortable and anxious. Elliot sits behind me with his earphones on. Good. I can’t be fucked with small talk. The pilot greets us through the sound system and I feel the turbine start. Good. I check my belt and rest my head back as I look out of the window. “Hey”, Elliot says as he taps me on my shoulder. I look back and he passes me his tablet. I look and curse under my breath. I pass it back to him. “Why is everyone so fucking stupid?”, I ask as I undo my belt and stand up to grab my laptop from the overhead compartment. Elliot sits in front of me as the air hostess opens the table between our seats and puts a coffee and a
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Chapter 35 - Revenge
Killian POV “Get the fuck out”, I shout as I look at Elliot’s face, his eyes locked on mine as I breathe heavily resting my hands on my knees. Sweat dripped down my forehead as my heart is hammering on my chest. “Kill, please, be reasonable”, Elliot says and I stand upright and look at him, he is just as tall as I am and I am feeling the tingling feeling that I need to break someone’s nose. I shake my head and walk past him towards the bench where I have my t-shirt and the small towel. I bring it to my face cleaning the sweat. “Kill, you need to sort that shit out with your father, we can’t keep going like this, the leadership is split and you are not doing anything, you need to talk to him, sort it out”, he says and I know he is right, I know I need to face the old man but I can’t bring myself to do it, since I found out that Ash was lying to me, pretending to love me, pretending to care about me I have lost my will to live, I have lost my will to lead and become the deader I was
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Chapter 36 - Revenge part 2
Killian POV “We’re all in place, boss”, I hear Theo say through the earpiece system. I give them the green light, and I can listen to the bullets flying. This is music to my ears. I walk behind a couple of men through the back door while they open the kitchen door. We sneak inside while they think they are being attacked from the front of the house. “Get out”, I bark at the cooks, and they both nod their heads looking terrified, and they run through the back door; I am not in favor of killing innocent people; I know some of Tobias’s staff will die today. Some of them will become brave all of a sudden, and they will end up dead. I have five times more people than he does. “Clear”, I hear Elliot say, but I can still listen to gunshots flying. We walk through the front room where Elliot stands with our man as they spread around the ground floor, clearing all the rooms. They bring out some of the house staff, and I tell them to take them to the kitchen and set them free. I am not keep
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Chapter 37 - Revenge part 3
Ashley POV I look at myself in the mirror, I am wearing a red dress that clings to my every curve, but it is not a nice dress, I look like a slut from a strip club, it is too short and has too much cleavage. I hate the way I look, I hate that Tobias makes me wear this kind of clothes when they are tasteless and make me feel so bad about myself. I never thought he was this kind of man, he fooled me well. “Your presence is required in the dining room”, One of his dogs says and I nod my head. I take a deep breath and follow him through the corridors from the bedroom to the dining room. I hate this house. Everything is white and stale, looks like a fucking museum with gold pieces and horrible paintings on the wall. “Come”, Tobias says as he points at the dining room table as soon as I arrive. He is wearing a black suit and tie and I frown looking at him. “This is our first and most important date night”, he says and I stop myself from telling him to go fuck himself. The last time I did
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Chapter 38 - Torture him and torture me
Killian POV I walk from side to side in my room, I can’t make myself walk down to the holding cells and take care of business. I don’t know why. I sit on the edge of my bed with my head between my hands when I hear a knock on the door. “Come in”, I let out. The door opens and my mum is on the other side. She smiles while she sits in her wheelchair. She enters my room and I can’t bring myself to look her in the eyes. This is the most beautiful woman in the world and I always wanted someone by my side like she is by my dad’s side, even though he fucks up badly. She is still here, with him. Loving him and supporting him. “How are you holding up?”, she asks after she closes the door behind her. I look into her eyes and I break. Tears stream down my face as I fall on my knees in front of her resting my head on her legs. Her hands move slowly on my hair. “It’s okay love”, she says while I shake my head, “Maybe you should try to listen to her”, mum says and I look into her eyes. She is a
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Chapter 39 - Confrontation
Ashley POV I’ve kept my back turned to everything that is happening. I don’t give a shit about what is happening to Tobias. I hate him, I never hated anyone before, but he is the most horrible person in the world, and I don’t care what happens to him, he deserves everything that he is getting. The air is extremely cold here, and the cold stone walls without any natural light make it worse, not to mention that the heat goes up and I think we are on a really lower floor. At least that’s what it felt like when we were in the elevator. My entire body trembles as the cold start to creep into my bones. I keep my hands near my mouth to try and keep them as hot as possible as I breathe into them. “Now you”, I hear Killian say, I realize the screaming stopped and Killian is standing just outside my cell. I close my eyes as I can imagine him with his arms crossed against his chest. His heavily tattooed arms show the veins. I smile to myself because I still love every inch of that man. “Talk
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