Semua Bab The Billionaire’s Psychic Lover: Bab 11 - Bab 20
37 Bab
Chapter Eleven
When they returned home, he opened her car door for her. By now, she was practically giddy with the thought of him making love to her, so when he leaned in for a kiss, she was eager and ready. They kissed passionately before he broke away and led her inside by the hand. They walked straight up to the bedroom, her heels slowing her down, making the wait a little longer than she thought she could stand. When they finally got in the room, his hands were on her in a flash. They kissed again, and then he broke away from her. "Have I pleased you?"She knew this was an important question to him, so she backed away and pretended to think about it. "You have pleased me more than any other man ever has. I'm beginning to think your reputation as a competent businessman might cross over to a reputation as a gentleman."He smiled and began to get closer. "BUT," she said with the sternest voice she could muster, and it stopped him in his tracks. "There's one more thing you have to do to please me."
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Chapter Twelve
A new apartment. A new car. No need to go to her job. Extra spending money and no bills.Being the girlfriend of a billionaire wasn't a bad thing at all. Tracy had often laughed at the women Mr. Hayes had brought into the restaurant, knowing that they were only after his money. She had thought them shallow and stupid.Only now she could see why they wanted him so badly. The extravagant life was far better than she had imagined. Just the simple things, like not having to worry if buying an extra can of green beans was going to cause overdraft fees, were intoxicating.Not to mention the sex. It was amazing. Being able to see into Mr. Hayes' dreams gave her insight into what he really wanted- what he truly desired. It was empowering and more fun than she could have imagined to be able to give a man like him exactly what he wanted. She often found that it gave her more pleasure than she ever thought possible.Mr. Hayes treated her like a goddess, and the sexual pleasure he gave her sent h
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Chapter Thirteen
Tracy looked thoughtful. "Gee, I'm not sure if Jenna Tice can make it here in seventeen minutes." Hayes looked hurt for a moment, so Tracy went on. "I, on the other hand, will be more than happy to let you apologize for wanting to see her."Hayes gave her a smile, but it was strained. "Don't let it turn into this. John Tice is an old friend of mine. This company would not exist, and I literally would not be the man I am today, if not for him. It would be my privilege to escort his daughter around at the company charity fundraiser. She doesn't hold a candle to you. You're more of a woman than she'll ever be. You're the one that I want to please."Tracy couldn't help but smile. She knew the words were true, but it was always nice to hear them. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Then please me."Hayes grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. "James? I'm going to run a little over with some damage control. Hand out the packets and let everyone know to have the d
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Chapter Fourteen
Since the accident, Tracy's dreams had become a chaotic mess. She usually dreamed whatever Mr. Hayes was dreaming, but she was occasionally interrupted by the dreams of other people whom she had touched that day. Tonight she found herself in a falling dream, wondering when she would hit the ground. The details were sketchy, and she wasn't nearly as worried as she knew she should be. Before she could even see where the ground was, the scenery changed…She was now in a much clearer setting, one she had seen many times before. Many of Mr. Hayes' dreams began in his bedroom, and tonight was no different. The bed was bigger than it was in real life, and the details of the rest of the room were fuzzy, but there could be no doubt that this was his room. Mr. Hayes laid on the bed, waiting for something. His cock always seemed larger than life in his dreams, but the rest of his body barely came into focus. These were details he never thought about, she guessed.Out of the bathroom walked 'Trac
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Chapter Fifteen
When they got to the club, there was a line out the door. The event was supposed to be invitation-only, but it looked like they were trying to pack the place. Tracy had gradually come to realize that Mr. Hayes didn't really care what happened to any his cars, just as long as he wasn't in it. It came as no surprise to her that he easily handed the keys over to the valet to park it. They headed to the door, past the line, and sure enough, "Paul Hayes plus one" was on the list.The sounds of a live Latin band filled the space. The club owner was just inside, obviously alerted that a VIP had entered. He held out his hand and smiled widely at the billionaire. "Mr. Hayes, come with me. Your table and bottle service are on the second floor, overlooking the entire club."They went past a second bouncer to a set of stairs that led to a small hallway and balcony that ran around the entire perimeter of the club. Tables lined a railing that looked out across the dance floor. The lighting was dim
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Chapter Sixteen
Tracy wanted to hate Jenna. She wanted to find a way to make the younger woman leave, but before she could come up with a plan that wouldn't anger Mr. Hayes or be considered rude, Tracy's opinion of the younger woman changed.The very first thing Jenna did was start up a conversation with Tracy. Jenna asked her question after question about her restaurant and life. She seemed far more interested in finding out everything she could about Tracy than reconnecting with Mr. Hayes. In fact, she almost seemed to be ignoring him and concentrating solely on Tracy.The cynical side of Tracy thought it was because Jenna could already sense that she had Mr. Hayes wrapped around her little finger. Or maybe it was that she knew that she had to act aloof to get his attention. Either way, Tracy knew that she should feel threatened. After a few more drinks and pleasant conversation, however, she felt herself intoxicated by Jenna."I love your dress," Jenna giggled, pouring them each another drink. She
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Chapter Seventeen
"Well, ladies? Another shot?" Mr. Hayes asked, holding up what was left of the bottle. They both nodded and he poured the last of the liquor into the glasses. They clinked glasses and swallowed the bitter liquid. A waitress came by and picked up the empty bottle."Can we please get another?" Mr. Hayes asked, catching the waitress's elbow. The waitress's face furrowed and she bit her lip."I'm very sorry sir, but the bar has closed. If you would like, I can get the manager and he can unlock the bar..." she said trying to keep him happy. He was a VIP after all. Mr. Hayes frowned, his eyes going dark."Paul, I'm sure you have something at your house. My father is always talking about your amazing wine cellar," Jenna interjected, catching Mr. Hayes's attention. The waitress hovered for a moment, looking anxious until Mr. Hayes smiled."Jenna, that’s a wonderful suggestion," he grinned drunkenly at Tracy. Tracy nodded and she could practically see him wiggle with excitement. Tracy waved th
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Chapter Eighteen
Mr. Hayes nearly bowled Tracy over when the car came to a stop in front of Jenna's high rise apartment building. He bolted out of the car and onto the curb. Tracy could hear him breathing hard as he headed towards the steps. Putting his life in the driver's hands, a complete stranger, was torture for him.Jenna giggled as she exited the car, still tipsy from the club. "Oh, this place gets bigger every time I come home!" Jenna said, dancing up the stairs. Tracy handed the driver some money and thanked him. She knew that there was no way Mr. Hayes was going to tip him despite the fact that he had done his job well. At least money wasn't an issue for her anymore. She would just get more from him later to make up for it.By the time that she turned back to the building, the doorman had the door open and Jenna was on her way in. "I love the marble floors of the lobby, too!" She spun in circles, nearly colliding with a man exiting the building. Tracy watched her youthful energy. Tracy knew
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Chapter Nineteen
As expected, Tracy soon found herself as a floating pair of eyes in someone else's dream. She remembered the link she’d experienced with Jenna as they made love, and figured this must be her dream.She was in a gigantic ballroom, lined with mirrors. It was like something out of Cinderella, or a Victorian-era movie.There were people everywhere, all in fancy dress. Their clothes were more in focus than their faces. Jenna wore a beautiful dress with intricate embroidery. The beautiful pattern was clear, even within the dream as were Jenna's necklace and earrings. Tracy watched as they danced with each other, but in a dream-like trance.Suddenly, trumpets sounded, and everyone looked towards the door. There, in a cream-colored dress, was Jenna. Her arm was locked around Mr. Hayes’ arm, and he was much larger than he was in real life. I suppose he can seem larger than life sometimes, she thought. They were obviously the honored guests of the ball.Ha, Tracy thought. Jenna's in for a rude
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Chapter Twenty
"Yes James, I understand... yes, of course... yes... Very good." Mr. Hayes spoke smartly into his phone as he and Tracy rode down in the elevator. Tracy had got used to the morning calls from James and had stopped paying attention whenever Mr. Hayes's phone rang. He hung up the phone as they exited the elevator.The doorman met them with a set of keys. Tracy smiled, knowing that Mr. Hayes probably had the car arranged the moment he’d stepped out of the chauffeured car the night before. His shoulders relaxed as the keys slid into his hand, and he knew he was in control yet again.Tracy was quiet as Mr. Hayes started the car. She was still reeling from her premonition and her discovery of the spring-loaded shoe-heel. The implications were staggering. Tracy tried to figure out what Jenna would gain from killing Mr. Hayes.Was it a financial motivation? Jenna's father was simply an investor and would actually lose money if Mr. Hayes died. Jenna was not in Mr. Hayes' will. Emotional reason
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