Semua Bab The Other Billionaire Brother: Bab 11 - Bab 20
35 Bab
Chapter Eleven
The limo stops and we get out at paradise. I can hear the soft song of the ocean. Birds call overhead and the wind caresses the palm trees. The world is warm and made of liquid sunshine and green plants. I love the islands. A woman in a suit with a name tag comes out to greet us. Behind her is a large open air lobby. The building is made out of local materials, giving it a very tropical tiki look. The decorations inside are a subdued tropical design that reminds me of a fancy spa I once went to. “Welcome to the Ocean Retreat. My name is Anna and I'm here to help you with anything you need.” Her bright smile is warm and welcoming. “If you'll follow me, I'll take you to your room.” I grin over at Christopher as she motions us to walk through the lobby and out onto a boardwalk. The lobby is cool with fans blowing softly. There's several comfortable chairs and a large check-in area. A man stands at the desk and smiles politely as we pass. I gasp as we cross the boardwalk. It's an ove
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Chapter Twelve
“This is beautiful,” I say, turning away and facing the water so he can't see the effect he's having on me. “I didn't know there was an over-the-water bungalow place like this in the Caribbean. I've seen pictures of the ones in Bora Bora, but this is amazing.” “The over-the-water bungalows are a newer addition,” he informs me. “There's a regular hotel and private bungalows on the shore as well.” I nod. “That makes sense.” I'm waiting for my heart to stop thudding in my chest. I didn't expect to ever think Christopher was attractive. I mean, I always thought he was handsome, but thinking it and experiencing attraction to him because of it, are two very separate things. “What would you like to do first?” Christopher asks, looking around at the lagoon. I can tell that laying poolside doing nothing would drive him crazy. Christopher is a doer. He doesn't know how to sit down and relax. Trying to get him to sit in the sun and enjoy doing nothing would have him hugging the fax machine
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Chapter Thirteen
“The boat's here,” Christopher says, clearing his throat and pointing.I look up in surprise. I thought we still had a few more minutes alone. Time went faster than I expected. Especially since I was contemplating telling Christopher I needed more sunscreen on my back.I greet the boat driver and he helps me climb aboard. Christopher is right behind me. The boat is small with a seat in the back and on the sides. Right now, the two side benches have snorkeling gear and a cooler on them, taking up most of the sitting space. The bottom center of the boat is made of glass and we can see all the way down to the bottom of the ocean. Fish dart beneath my feet. I point them out to Christopher and he grins.We sit next to one another on the small bench at the back. There isn't a lot of room in this small boat. Our legs are touching and once again, I can't stop thinking about his touch. I try to look around at the beautiful lagoon and not concentrate on his half naked body next to me.The drive
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Chapter Fourteen
We swim back to the boat after a while. It's more because we're both hungry than because there's nothing left to see. We could stay all day at the reef and never grow tired of it. However, my stomach is growling and so is Christopher's. “That was amazing,” Christopher says, flopping into the boat. He takes off his mask, leaving a big red mark where it pressed into his skin. He's grinning from ear to ear. “Did you see that stingray? And those little blue and purple fish?” I laugh, enjoying his delight. “I'm glad you liked it,” I tell him. I stand in the middle of the boat, wrapping a towel around my torso. I hand him a towel from the stack near the unused snorkel masks. He drops onto the bench, wiping his face with the towel. “Liked it? I loved it.” He sighs with pleasure, leaning back against the back of the boat, his eyes closed and grinning. He squints one eye open against the bright sun, the grin still plastered on his face. The red goggle marks change his serious face into som
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Chapter Fifteen
“What should we do now,” Christopher asks. “Shopping? Isn't there a jewelry store on the property?” We've finished lunch and are just sitting at the table, snacking on food we don't really need to eat but eating it because it's there. The sun beats down on the thatched roof, but the breeze off the ocean lagoon keeps us comfortable in the shade. I don't really have a desire to move, besides, I'm not really into jewelry. I know I'm here to keep me away from Jonathan. I don't need to be bought off in addition to being distracted. “I don't want your money, Christopher,” I tell him. “You don't have to buy me things.” “You'd be the first,” he replies. “Then you need different dates.” Christopher looks thoughtful. I shake my head a little at him. I stand up and stretch my arms before going over to the menu of things to do. There's so many options. Massages, bowling, fishing, jet skis, even something called water golf. They all sound too active or include other people. I'm comfortably f
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Chapter Sixteen
Two margaritas later and we're still sitting on the dock laughing. The sun is starting to set, but we haven't run out of things to say or funny stories to tell. I feel like we never will. I'm sure we're supposed to be heading back to the airplane soon, but I don't want to leave. I'm having such a good time with Christopher here on this dock. Every so often we see dolphins. Christopher loves them. They make him smile and laugh every time. It's been the perfect day. One that I never expected, but enjoyed completely. If this is what “being managed” looks like, then I'm fine with being managed every day. As much as I want to see Jonathan, this is almost better. Almost. I look over at Christopher, curious if he feels the same. His gaze is out toward the horizon, his face calm and peaceful. The lines around his eyes are gone and his stern mouth is actually almost a smile. He looks happier than I've seen him in a long time. In all his business photos and the few times I've seen him aroun
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Chapter Seventeen
The kiss is simple and sweet. Just our lips pressing together like they were meant to be that way. I like the way his lips feel against mine and tremble at the idea of more. I pull back, my eyes searching his face. My hand is still on his cheek. What am I doing? I ask myself. Does he feel this connection too? Or is this all just in my head? Was this day as magical as I think it was, or is Christopher just that skilled in keeping me busy? All I know, is that right now, I want to kiss him. I want to do more than just kiss him. Time resumes and the sun slips beneath the waves behind us, shadows growing longer with every passing second. My hand trembles as I wait for his reaction. “Nora,” he whispers. His pupils dilate, nearly swallowing up the blue of his eyes. His hand is suddenly on the back of my head, pulling me into a new kiss. This new kiss is better than the last. There is passion and desire in this kiss, a need that threatens to overwhelm both of us. This kiss is a little p
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Chapter Eighteen
The sound of Christopher's voice wakes me. The dawn is coming, but it's still dark outside. The sound of the ocean against the pillars below us remains steady. There are no birds or animals moving yet. It's still dark, with just the gray image of light soon to come. I sit up in bed, unsure of where I am. I look around, getting my bearings. The bed next to me is empty and cool to the touch. I'm not sure how long Christopher has been gone. I look around, trying to figure out what woke me. I hear Christopher in the next room. Yellow light gleams from under the door. It's bright and artificial looking against the gray of dawn in the bedroom. “No, the merger takes precedence. I don't care what it costs, get their lawyers in line. This is going forward as planned.” Christopher's voice is frustrated. I slide out of bed, the sheets hissing as I move. The floor is cool on my bare feet and I grab my robe from where I tossed it the night before. I wrap it around me, surprised that I'm still
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Chapter Nineteen
It's late afternoon when we get back to the mansion. The sun is hot and there isn't a cloud in the sky. It's smoggy in the city, but clear by the estate. I step out of the limo and into the driveway. It feels different to be here now. This is where I've loved Jonathan all my life. To be here now feels like I've betrayed that memory somehow. “Oh no.” Guilt pulls on me with invisible strings, making me heavy. “What?” Christopher asks. He slides his phone back into his pocket, but I can already hear it vibrating with some sort of urgent message. All Christopher's messages are urgent. “I promised Jonathan I would call him,” I reply. I wince, feeling shame and guilt roll through me. “I totally forgot.” I forgot to call him because I was too busy doing his brother. “I wouldn't worry,” Christopher advises me. “I'm pretty sure he was busy keeping my mother from freaking out. You were the least of his concerns.” For some reason, the comment stings a little more than I expect. “I should
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Chapter Twenty
“I have a favor to ask of you,” Christopher says. I squint up at him, the morning sunlight bright behind his head. I have a book in my hands as I sit on the bottom step to my dad's apartment, but I'm not really reading. My brain is more focused on Christopher and Jonathan than on the words on the page. I spent a restless night thinking about the two of them, and the book isn't helping me get my mind off of either of them. I have years of wanting Jonathan on one side, and a night of passion on the other. How am I supposed to choose between them? “What kind of favor?” I ask warily. I have a feeling that there is more to this request than just driving him to the airport or loaning him a cup of sugar. “It's kind of a last-minute thing,” he tells me. He sounds casual and unconcerned, but he's playing with his cuff links. It's another one of his tells. Cuticles and cuff links mean he's nervous. Christopher is wearing his traditional suit. It's dark gray today with a pale blue tie. His
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