Все главы Her Oasis; His Destruction: Глава 11 - Глава 20
10. A Taste Of Her Lips
Lucius watched Mariana as she slept. The fire illuminated her features, giving her a golden hue. He had wrapped her in a bandage with a piece of cloth he tore from his cloak. The only injury she sustained was on her left temple. The warmth from the fire must have made her feel better. She no longer looked pale. He had spent the entire afternoon with Mariana on his back, walking deeper into the forest other than going back to the palace because he was sure that if he continued on that quest, they would wind up dead. Lucius wondered what was truly going on in Asgaria. The place had been safe for travel. It had been a very peaceful place. All of a sudden, huge wolves were terrorising Asgaria. Who and what could they possibly be after? He wondered if the King knew of the recent occurrences. He watched the fire cackle. Despite the intensity it was burning with, he still didn't feel warm enough. His teeth was chattering with cold. He had covered Mariana with his cloak instead. Her legs we
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11. The Handsome Stranger
Lydia Roman was seated comfortably on her sofa. She planned on spending the afternoon enjoying nature while she sipped her tea. She was buzzed with excitement at the thought of her niece getting married to the prince. She couldn't help the grin on her face. Mariana was her one-way ticket to the life she dreamed of eversince she lost Lord Roman He hadn't stayed around long enough for her to bear him children. Now that he was dead and she wasn't ready to be married to another Lord, she had given up on the prospect of having her own children. The Prince seemed taken by Mariana. She remembered how her heart sank in appreciation when he declared he'd be marrying her despite the unladylike attitude she put up that day. Everything was working according to her plan. She thought of her sister. She didn't know if she liked her or not. Her little sister always had the luck as she was the pretty one. She got married off to the king of a small kingdom who had ended up loving her. Lydia should ha
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12. Attack Of The Wolves
Mariana Rosette couldn't stop staring at the man before her. He stood by the entrance of the small cave. They had found shelter in it and had hidden themselves from the rain. Every second she spent in his company, she was at risk of losing herself to him. Her eyes hungrily ran over his body. She wondered if he was aware that he sexually appealed her. He was all veins and muscles. Lucius had been carefully moulded into existence. It took all the control in her to not run to him and wrap her hands around him from behind. Mariana shut her eyes in ectasy as she remembered what went down the night before. She brought her hand to her lips, she couldn't have enough of him. She reddened at the thought of the passionate kiss they shared. She silently wished it had gone further than that. Rain droplets threatened to put off the flame. He had made the fire for them to keep them from getting cold but it didn't keep them warm enough. Lucius stared ahead at the pouring rain. He had to get Maria
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13. Attack Of The Wolves II
Was heaven usually this loud or were wolves also in heaven? Loud growls rumbled and vibrated in the air. They sounded menacing and threatening. Mariana's eyes came awake. She had passed out and for whatever reason she was alive again. She realized her situation in that instant. She was alive and with Lucius. They were face to face with wolves again. Her heart thumped crazily. Lucius was scared that he might have lost Mariana. When he saw that she had awoken, he sighed a breath of relief and muttered silent thanks. They were faced with danger again. They seemed to attract danger. Or maybe danger was always there, it was about time they no longer ran away from it and life had chosen both of them to be its warriors. Wolves scared Mariana. They made her think of her tragedy. How she lost her parents to them and how she was in an unfortunate situation as a result of it. LuLucius who was still staring at them decided that it would be good if he made his move now. He stared at the three
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14. After the Darkness
Voices echoed in his head. Voices that he could not determine if they were from the past or present he squinted through the sharp rays of light. He felt a sharp pain in his head as he struggled to keep his eyelids apart. "Luther! Run!" A feminine voice screamed. The voice sounded so familiar like he knew it so well. On close inspection, he realized that it was his mother's voice. The voices came back, he could tell that he was about to do as he was told when a roar resonated throughout the entire place. It vibrated the walls and carried fear with it. He trembled at the power that came with it. Next, he heard screams. Roars erupted. A scream from his mother reached his ears again. All the voices collided as one as they came together. The echoes became too loud. Too unbearable for him. Then all the voices zeroed down to one deep all too familiar voice. "You can never take my place, never." Lucius gasped awake. He sat up immediately and stared around the room that he was placed in.
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King Pius Luther was in his chambers as he pondered on the events that had being happening in Asgaria. The werewolves were back again even after he thought he had bought them off. Even after he thought that the deal was over and done with. They were back again and they had not come alone. They came back with the one that threatened the throne the most. Was this perhaps a game that Rufus was playing on him? Could it be all part of the plan? At that instant, he regretted not ordering his kill. Rufus had become an Alpha, it would be much harder to get him killed. All King Luther's life, he had worked hard to secure the throne for his son, his bloodline. He was never in line of succession until his sister and her family mysteriously dropped dead, a tilt to his own edge. He seemed to think the world was favouring him until that roar erupted through the woods two days ago. A reminder of the sacrifices he had made in the past. They were no wrongdoings to him, merely things that needed to
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Mariana couldn't shake the foreboding sense of unease. She didn't know whether to attribute it to the fact that she wasn't home in her room or because she hadn't seen or heard from Lucius ever since the incident. She wondered if he thought about her as much as she did him. She paced around the room for the upteenth time. She was restless. She didn't like the feeling of being trapped. She had mentally counted four days. Four days since she had seen the light of the day. Four days since she last saw Lucius. She didn't think she could take it any longer. Several attempts to leave the room had been futile. She was met with stoic unpleasant guards who only gave her one worded answers. The longest they said was that she couldn't leave the room and that orders were from their majesty.How she longed to leave the room. How she longed to see Lucius. "Lucius...", his name rolled of her tongue in a soft whisper. Like a caress. She gave a long look at her supposed room, her gaze fell on Monalis
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It had been eight nights and Pius had heard nothing from neither Fabien nor Cyprus. He suspected that the secret army he had mobilized in search of them would report to him any moment. He still couldn't shake of the feeling that something had gone terribly wrong. The feeling had always been there, only this time, it ate at him more disturbingly.He took a long look around his secret chamber, and mused at himself. He wondered what it would really take to feel like he truly belonged there. He poured his tea and took a long sip, wincing as it burned down his throat. A necessary feeling. He heard a knock. No one knew of his secret chamber except his son and his most trusted soldier. Thorax. The commander of his secret army. His guess was the latter and he desperately hoped he brought good news. He cleared his throat. "Come on in," he ordered.Thorax ushered himself in while bowing to his king, his face grim. " Your Grace, I'm afraid things have taken a wrong turn."His anger building ,
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The horses tied to the carriage trudged through the forest at first, then when what seemed like shelter slowly came to view, Thorax tightened it's reins and urged it to go faster. It's gallops in sync with their incessant heart beats. When they got closer, they came to a halt and tied it to a tree, he stayed behind, looking after the horse and carriage.King Pius nodded at him, and went further with his son, in search of the unknown. What should have been a castle with high walls had become a dilapidated shed concealed by the twisted limbs of ancient trees forgotten with time. The air around this dwelling was thick with an ominous aura. They ventured into the abode. They were met with creatures assumed to be werewolves. They roamed the abode with fluidity and ethereal grace. Each one looking more dangerous that the other. Their fur clung with their bodies each strand pulsating with energy. Their claws honed to perfection with their eyes gleaming under the lunar spell.Their snout re
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Rays of sunlight cast along the forest leaving a golden hue. As the dawn unfolded, the air still kissed by the night's cool embrace stirred with the promise of a new day. As if aware of the lovers that lay half naked on the floor, the ambient rustle of leaves and the distant singsong sound of the birds a distant melody.Lucius was awake with his elbow propped against his chin. He stared intently at Marianna and he felt his heart ache with love for her. It was impossible to love someone that much. His emotions were in disarray. A mass of contradictions. Love and fear. But majorly love. He was crazily in love with the beautiful woman that lay passion tousled beside him.She was his elixir.A drug he didn't think he'd get enough of. An addiction he didn't want to be free of. She was his redemption. As much as she belonged to another, he had to admit that he had longed stopped seeing her that way. But there this daunting feeling of fear that was eating at him. A residue of their long-live
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