Semua Bab A Deal With The Mafia Queen: Bab 11 - Bab 20
66 Bab
DAMON I watched as Miss Selena's lips grew into a smile. My response seemed to delight her greatly. "This is awesome," she said excitedly. "We should celebrate." "What's there to celebrate?" I grumbled from where I was. "I am not doing this because I find your offer interesting. No, working with a gang leader has never been my plan. I am doing this to protect my family." "You might as well think that you are doing it for the money," Selena spoke. "You don't have to be so hard on yourself especially now that you have two good-paying jobs." "Isn't my life so great?" I asked, a sarcastic tone in my voice. "Damon Jones," the thickness of her voice snapped me out of my complaining state. "I gave you a choice, so stop making it seem like I forced you to do this. You can decide to change your decision now before we sign a contract." "There's a contract?" My brows lifted accordingly as my nagging side disappeared instantly. "Why?" She crossed her arms. "Did you think you would work for
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DAMON "Damon," Selena's feminine voice penetrated my sleep. I was dreaming about my brother and the life he could have had with his daughter and wife. "We're here," I heard her say as I blinked the sleep in my eyes away. While stifling a yawn, I managed a stretch that left me satisfied. I was about to ask Selena a question when the door on her side was immediately shut. She had left the car. I soon did the same. As soon as I stepped out, my sight landed on a huge mansion and the scenery surprised me greatly. Honestly, when she mentioned that we were going to the main base, I imagined a dirty, old-looking, almost rusted factory. But the building I was presently staring at... By God, it was magnificent. At that moment, I felt the ache of not having my camera with me. Everything about the building was glorious. From the well-permed lawn to the exquisitely designed lamp stands which had gold-colured stripes on its pole, everything was indeed gracious. As the car behind me was d
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DAMON It all happened so fast. One minute, Selena said something about rules. The next, Camilla was being dragged out of the door by a hefty man who rushed into the room like he had been set ablaze. "Follow me," Selena had ordered sternly and I had no choice but to do so. Even if I wanted to resist, the look in her eyes and the firmness in her voice was enough warning for me. So, as I tried to remain calm, I followed Selena whose sight was trained intently on Camilla. Camila was so close to being dragged on the floor like a dirty rag as the tall, buffy man pulled her along mercilessly. I felt bad for her for a minute but when I recalled how forceful she was earlier, I just hoped that moment wouldn't escalate into a rigorous and bloody one. Soon, after many steps were taken, we were far into the exquisite building and away from the noisy party on the ground floor. My steps soon came to a halt as I watched the man open a door on the right. It was one of the many doors on the lon
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DAMON My mother was glad to hear I had gotten a job at TIANOR. Of course, I didn't tell her about the other one, but it gladdened me to see her so happy. As she smiled graciously, prayers wouldn't stop falling from her lips. When I left her house the previous night, I told her I would come later to show her my employee card. Truthfully, I can't wait to see it myself either. For so many nights I dreamt about having one. Ever since my online photography business failed, I decided to cling to my original plan of working for a company. I applied to so many companies and each time I was rejected, I wondered if that was how my life would continue to be. Even when I managed to find a job at the sweet factory, I wondered the same. It bummed me that my life wasn't moving at all. I was just there, living like I was being forced to do so. So, now that I will be getting an employee card, I will stare at it and be more than certain that my life was no longer stagnant. Perhaps for once, life
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DAMON If we were in an amination, my feet would have probably made a screeching sound as I suddenly halted my steps. My eyes widened instantly as Selena’s statement sunk into my mind. What? A mission in an hour? Whatever happened to being a Mafia Photographer? Right… This is why one shouldn’t trust any mafia leader, pretty or not. They are all full of deceit. At least, she could have mentioned my full job description before waving the ‘another gang is after your life’ card in front of me. As I sighed deeply, I decided to say something. But, before I could utter a word, Miss Selena got up from her seat and said, "You will be going to Poblacion’s east dockside. We have received information that one of our rivals Malik, is getting a consignment of gold next week. I need you to fetch information from the executioner of this plan." See… Never trust a mafia leader. “Uh… Selena…” I watched as she grabbed a remote from her desk. “We didn’t talk about this. You never mentioned-” A whi
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DAMON “Wh-” I swallowed hard as that moment became embarrassing for me. “What are you doing?” “Damon Jones,” she called me with subtle anger in her voice. I closed my eyes for a second as she gently squeezed the part of me that was in her grasp. I have no idea why I was feeling the way I feel whenever I watch explicit contents to ease my sexual needs that came once in a while. I was not in a situation to be aroused. I should be scared of the look in Selena’s eyes that dared me. “Don’t question me.” That was all she said. She dropped her hold on my clothed dick and took a step back. As I gathered myself, she said, “In the suitcase I earlier gave Lucius, you will find the tiny cameras and microphones and two shotguns which are exclusively for Lucius’s use.” Lucius threw a smug look at me. Of course, he probably relished the earlier scene. Then, the man said, “We will be back, boss.” Before I could say anything, he held my arm and dragged me out of the room and toward the secret p
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DAMON As I stepped into the cabin, I was instantly amazed. The brilliant use of wood made the room stand out in a way that bested ordinary apartments. The area I was in had two white couches filling its space. I could see another door where masculine voices came from. While I took a quick look at the walls and floor, I was once again amazed by the beauty of the wood used. If only I was with my camera, it would have been lovely to work with such a sight. Before I advanced toward the next room, I made sure to check for appropriate positions to place the tiny devices that Lucius would be coming in to install. "Where is our drink anyway?" I heard a voice request loudly from the other room and with haste, I grabbed one of the buckets and entered the room which was bigger and filled with more furniture including a single-sized bed that looked exquisite without trying hard. I did not miss how well-lit the room was thanks to the natural light peeping past the windows. As my eyes landed
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DAMON After I reached for a clean glass cup and poured myself some wine, he walked up to me, held my chin, and made our eyes meet. As I darted my sight to the side, he said, "Don't be shy, I will be good to you." "Hmm..." I managed to get my chin out of his hold and I gulped the wine in one take. I poured myself another glass. "It is you and me in this room, baby. So, let's have lots of fun." "Hmm..." That seemed to be all I could say as I tried to search for an opportunity to drug him and get things over with. The man soon began to caress my face as he gently nudged his groin area toward my face. I kept my eyes trained on the floor and my mind searched and searched for that opportunity. Soon, as I saw two cockroaches weasel their way into the room, I got my chance. "Ahhh!" I jumped instantly and hugged the man to my chest. "It's a cockroach! Oh... I am so scared of cockroaches. Do something, please..." While this moment might be an indication that I am very good at acting, I am
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SELENA My hands felt weird from holding his wet collar but I didn't drop my hold. As I stared into his eyes some more, I began to feel the gentle yet burning air that escaped his nostrils. That little emission caressed my skin the best way it could, the same way his wet chest couldn't help but stay glued to my body. "What?" I heard him ask in response to the statement I dared to utter. I was about to pull his collar tighter to ensure that his attention was firmly on me when he found a way out of my hold and pushed me away while my feet stumbled one or two steps backward. "You heard me." My jaws were clenched at that point as I watched disapproval perch on his fine face which I find myself staring at in awe from time to time. "I want us to be fuck buddies." "Why? What sort of ridiculous suggestion is that? How can you be so reckless with such words?" My lips almost curled into a smile. There was something about Damon Jones questioning my words that just drove me insane. Each time
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SELENA "There's a proper system to these things, Selena. If you want me to have sex with you, we'll have to fall in love, date and then we'll see-" Damon began to complain, but I cut his words short. "Fuck that. I want to skip all that and get right to having sex with you. Damon..." I felt the insides of my body stir as I glued my body to his some more. The shuddering sound that escaped his lips made me smile. My head almost touching his, I said, "Just one week. Give me one week to prove that we don't have to fall in love. Our passion for each other will push us to end up in each other's bed." "You are being corny, Selena," he spoke softly as his lips began to dance around mine as I teased mine around his. Our intense breaths mixed and I so much wished for him to hold my waist suddenly so we could get engulfed in a heated kiss. Like a choreographed moment, we kept pushing and pulling our lips. When they almost touched, we would quickly pull back only to do the same thing again. O
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