Все главы Don't Hate Me, Love Me Instead: Глава 21 - Глава 29
“Good morning Mr. Black.” I stood and greeted Ace as he walked into his office. “Good morning Raven.” “We’re doing first names now?” I asked him, playfully arching my brow. “No. it’s just me.” He smiled briefly and I rolled my eyes at him. “What’s my schedule for today?” “You have a photoshoot for the business magazine at 10 And you’ll have lunch with your mother. Afterwards we’ll visit the new art centre that is being built. I’ll send you a few documents that was emailed to me from the hotel branch in Busan, Korea. You’ll need to review them.” He nodded. “Follow me to my office.” I followed Ace into his office and as soon as we both entered, Ace pulled me into him and claimed my lips. He sucked the air out of my lung, his lips dominated mine and I gave in to him. We pulled away and I rest my forehead against his. “I guess we’re in trouble now since we just kissed in your office, during work hours.” “You didn’t get me my coffee and I needed to wake up.” “Now how am I supposed t
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“Are you done?” Ace asked. He was leaning against my desk as he spoke to me. “No. I have to finish up two more documents and I’ll be done.” I answered. “Do you need help with them? I don’t want to leave you here alone.” “That’s very sweet of you Mr. Black, but I can do them on my own.” He chuckled. “You’re really something Raven. Independent and hardworking as I’ve observed. You’re also very focused on what you do. And the way you say my name is so sexy.” I laughed, looking up at him. He swept my bangs out of my face and cupped my chin. “If I leave you here, I might lose you to someone else, I don’t like losing what’s mine. I’m staying.” Ace spoke in a deep tone. Ace got off my desk and walked into his office. “Why is he so possessive of me?” I murmured and shook my head smiling. I like it when he acts like that, but sometimes, Ace can be a little extreme. It’s been about a month since Ace and I started dating and we haven’t had any problems so far. My feelings for him just grow
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“My mother wants me to seal a deal with one of her old friends” “She asked for something in return. And today, we’re going to pay her back.” “She’s been wanting to meet you for a very long time.” These words replayed in my head and nothing was making sense at the moment. “What’s going on Papa?” I turned to him. “Albert and Shirley.” Adrianna called my parents with a smile. She walked up to them and hugged them. I stood quietly watching everything. “It’s nice to finally see you two again.” “Thanks for the warm welcome Adrianna.” Mama said with a bright smile, full of enthusiasm. Adrianna glanced at me and smiled. “I’m guessing you’re Raven.” She spoke. “I’m Adrianna Black. Your father’s old friend.” “You’re Ace’s mother.” I said. “Ah, you know my son already. Wonderful.” She hugged me, glanced at Ray and went to hug my sister. “Rachel Burton.” “Hello Mrs. Black.” They shared a smile and hugged again. “How’s the project in Singapore?” “Going on smoothly thanks to you.” Adria
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How I was able to ignore Ace at the office was something. I didn’t speak to him unless it involved work. He kept his distance and so did I. I made sure to be cold to him. I was too busy building up hate in my heart for Ace to notice the tension that had built up in the office. Every evening when I returned from work, I’d cry so much that my head and eyes would hurt. I always felt like the walls I built up to make me mentally sane were going to crumble and fall on me. I was losing my shit. An arranged marriage. If something is not done about it, I might end up committing suicide and I’m not kidding about this. If my depression worsens, I surely will. Mama had been trying so hard to control my life and I always found ways to prevent that, until this arranged marriage got in the way. She should be rewarded for that, being able to accomplish the impossible, something no one has been able to do, controlling my life. She deserved it. I wondered if she was boasting to her relatives about h
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I confidently walked down the staircase to Ace’s spacious living room, which was now a ballroom, in my all-black outfit, catching everyone’s attention. People gasped, others whispered amongst themselves. Mama was glaring, Papa and Ray were amused. Adrianna looked confused and Ace was smirking. Mama walked up to me when I reached the bottom of the staircase. “What do you think you’re doing, Yaa?” She spoke in Twi. “I’m doing what I want.” I replied. Then I walked past her to Papa’s side. Adrianna came over, she was in shock. “What happened to the dress I bought you?” “I didn’t like it. So I changed.” Her face turned red. I could see how hard she was trying to stay calm. “The dress code for this event is all white.” “I like to stand out sometimes. I’m the bride to be, I need to be the centre of attention, not blend in with everyone else. Didn’t you want all eyes to be on your soon to be daughter-in-law?” Adrianna was speechless. I grinned at her in satisfaction. Her reaction was ex
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“I want you to move in with Ace before the engagement.” Adrianna spoke.“Huh?” I frowned. “I know I’ve had too much to drink but me, move in with Ace? Did I hear you correctly?” I slurred, Papa pinched me. “Let’s wait till after the wedding.”“Raven. Please, just listen.” Pleaded Papa. I sighed and glared at Ace, he smirked.“Fine, I’ll do it. But we’ll sleep in different rooms and he will stay a good distance away from me.”“That won’t be a problem.” Adrianna smiled brightly. I wonder why she’s always smiling as if there’s nothing wrong with everything right now. “I’d like it if you could move in tomorrow.”“Nope.”“Why not?” Mama asked.“Just no. I’ve got work tomorrow. My boss is the most arrogant person I’ve ever worked for. He wouldn’t be happy if I just skipped work.”“I’m very sure he wouldn’t mind.” Ace replied.“How do you know? My boss is very unpredictable. Today he’s in a good mood, tomorrow he’s in a bad mood and that’s annoying as fuck. I’ll move in when I want to.” Then
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My stomach rumbled as we drove to my flat and Ace made a look.“I asked you to eat at least something, don’t deny that you’re not hungry now Raven. I just heard your stomach rumble.”“Would it hurt if you minded your own business?”“You’re my fiancée I have to make sure you’re healthy.” I glared at him. “At least as my assistant, it’s my duty to make sure you’re well taken-care of.”“Oh really?” I retorted. “I didn’t think so when you were making me work endlessly to death.”“I was sort of pissed that you didn’t kiss me that day.” He sighed. “Let’s not do this now. I’m taking you to the closest restaurant right now for you to eat something, I’m not going to listen to anything you say. You will eat something.”“I prefer a diner.” He narrowed his eyes at me. My expression matched his.“Fine.” He mumbled.I gave Ace directions to a diner I usually ate at. They had great food even though it looked mediocre. To my rich and snobbish soon-to-be husband, it would look low-class and he’ll prob
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“You wanna go out for lunch at that Asian restaurant?”“The one five blocks from my flat? Or is there a new one?” I asked her.She chuckled. “The one close to your apartment. Come on Raven please?”“Uh..” I had been avoiding Lana. I felt bad that she knew nothing about my engagement. Ace found ways to block the news from reaching her and her family. But I was afraid she was going to find out soon. Avoiding her would also raise suspicions too. I just have to go this time. “Sure Lana. I just have one or two things to finish up and I’ll be out soon.”“Great. Can’t wait to see you.”She hung up and then I heaved a sigh. “What’s wrong?’ Ace asked, entering my room, with just his towel around his waist and his hair was wet. The temperature in the room suddenly rose up.“Do you mind going back to your room and putting on some clothes?”“From the look on your face, you’re enjoying the sight.” He smirked and I tried to look anywhere but his face. “you can’t even hold eye contact.”“Just go and
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My door rang right after I had finished rearranging my flat and making it look more like home again. I took in deep breaths and answered my door.“Hi.” Todd was smiling when I opened the door. He had something in his hand, plastic bags. “I brought snacks.”“Come in.” I let him inside the flat.“Nice place.”“Thank you.” I let Todd sit while I got him something to drink. “So what’s up?” I started.Todd brought something up about the stuff he did when he moved away after we broke up and how he missed me. I knew they were all lies but at least I was being entertained by those lies. Then he brought up those fun times we had when we were dating.“Do you remember the time when you poured dye in the swimming pool while the swim team was practising and everyone on the team turned black?”“Oh I remember.” I chuckled. “Those racists.” I said under my breath. “But it was fun.”“Yeah. You showed them not to mess with you. It was really cool. It was menacing but it was very bold of you.”“Of cour
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