Semua Bab Her Italian Billionaire Boss: Bab 31 - Bab 40
82 Bab
Broken Control
She fought harder to break free but he only tightened his hold, wrapping his other arm around her to cage her in. When it was clear to her that he wouldn’t budge, she gave up with a slap at his chest followed by a glare that could reduce a lesser man to a whimpering fool. He wasn’t that. In fact, the sexual charge running through him made him even more arrogant.“Permission? No. Consultation? Most definitely.” He lowered his head and kissed her then, punishingly.She gasped in his mouth and pushed at him. He moved his other arm to wrap around her shoulders and held her firmly against him, not even air could pass between them. Her protests then changed as she fiercely kissed him back, rising and sliding up his body, as her pelvis pushed up seeking his. He lost it then.Rafe dropped his hands to her waist and hoisted her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist immediately. One moment of sanity told him that his door was still open. Yes, it wa
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Elbows on the desk, thumbs at her temple and her other fingers intertwined over the forehead of her bowed head, covering her shame-filled face she said, “Carrie, I’m losing my mind.” She chuckled dryly. “No,” she continued, “I already lost it.”“Where? I’ll help you look for it,” she sniggered.Talia knew Carrie was trying to be funny but there was nothing the least bit funny about what had happened last night. Hot, mind blowing, and a little embarrassing, but not funny.“DeLuca’s office floor.”The sniggering stopped and Talia could almost hear Carrie’s mind work as what she’d said churned in her head, processing those three words and reading in between the lines. She felt a hand wrap around her wrist and begin to pull. Talia tensed her muscles, refusing to budge.“I’m sorry. I don’t think I heard you right!” Carrie yelled in a shrill
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Talia’s blood ran cold as she sat frozen in her seat. Then just as quickly her body flushed as the memories of the previous night invaded her thoughts. This can’t be happening! Her mind screamed at her. She wasn’t ready to step into that office again just yet. The shame was still too fresh.“Why?” she squeaked.His brows pinched together confused and she realized then it would have been better if she hadn’t sounded like a mouse in a trap when she asked that.“You’ll find out once you go.”That was just it, she was scared to. What if what he wanted was that sequel Carrie was so excited over?“Do I have to?” she asked. The words quietly slipped out without a thought.“Any reason not to?”That caught her guilty ass by surprise. What was she doing? The last thing she needed was anyone getting suspicious about her and DeLuca’s… interaction.
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Rafe glared at the closed door, his good mood disappearing as fast as she’d ran from him. That hadn’t happened as he’d expected, but then again neither had last night. He had an inkling of the type of woman she was, but he'd thought that she would want to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her, or for the very least to cling to him. He’d had women glue themselves to him for much less than a kiss and they’d, they’d gone beyond just a kiss, though not far enough. But still! He’d never given a wider opening to anyone to get what they wanted from him. He was more than ready to give her whatever she wanted, he even signed the proposal without reading it for crying out loud! Not his finest moment, but at the instance he wanted something priceless from her, so parting with a few million a year was worth it. Had last night meant nothing to her? It had meant everything to him. For one, he’d slept again, not as well as he had with her i
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Girl's Night Out
“I can’t believe you are here with me, again!” Carrie shouted over the loud music as she jumped around to the beat. Talia nodded, amazed herself. She was more of a jazz lounge kind of girl, and yet here she was again, at a club, skimpily dressed again, hoping to get Rafael DeLuca out of her mind, again. What was wrong with her? He was just a man, and yet he had her doing things she normally wouldn’t, like having an orgasm on the boss’ office floor. Talia ran her hand down the single braid of her hair. She needed to figure her life out. She needed to get a grip on reality and her sanity. Nothing good could come of it. “Instead of getting an ulcer over it, why don’t you just get it over with?!” “Get what over with?” She rolled her eyes. “Don’t act stupid. You know what I mean. Sleep with him.” Talia glared at her friend, wondering again, how they became and remained friends for so long. Carrie was way too liberal when it came to sex and Talia was not. She still believed in the one a
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Night Visitor
The banging on the door woke her. At first she thought the banging was the headache thanks to the several shots Carrie had shoved down her throat, but then she began to come fully awake and her mind shifted to the thoughts of someone trying to break into her house. That was until she heard a familiar accented voice call her name. Confused, Talia dragged herself out of bed and shuffled her heavy feet to her bedroom door. She opened it only to flinch at the loud banging that shook her door with such force, one would think there was a bulldozer on the other side. Thinking of her neighbors, especially the old lady down the hall that complained about every little thing — it was amazing she wasn’t already outside yelling about the noise — Talia ran the short distance of her open space living room and kitchen, between the two doors and yanked it open.“What is your problem?” she yelled at the intruder a decimal above a whisper.It took her a moment to realize who the six feet plus wide frame
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Rafe grabbed the back of her head and brought her lips to his, devouring them like a man starved. Of what? He couldn’t explain, but there was something about her that made the animal in him want to claim her. All of her. The thing inside him that had been restless for months, wanting to claw out of his body but remaining stuck inside, it wanted her. Like a drug that calmed the storm inside him, he couldn’t be without her, he needed her. Just remembering how that bastard had his hands all over her made him so crazy, as he held her lips hostage with his, he let his hands run over her, replacing the touch of that asshole with his.Talia broke away from him, gasping for air. “Wait, I can’t breathe. This is way too intense!”Intense? She didn’t know half of it. Her flushed face and displaced large and loose shirt that didn’t hide the tight pebbles that her nipples had become only made it worse. He was so hard, his pants felt so tigh
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Get Out!
“Contrary to what you think, I’m not easy. Now get out,” she responded, venom in her voice, and she began to push him away in earnest, wiggling to get down.“That’s all I needed to know.”Before she could succeed in getting down, he pushed into her with his middle finger, his thumb pressing down on her swollen clit. She jumped, her legs tensing around his waist.“What are you doing?” she choked out on a gasp.He moved his finger around searchingly as his thumb circled the throbbing nub. Her mouth fell open and she sucked in a shaky breath, tension lines appearing around her eyes.“Apologizing.”She sucked in a breath when he pulled his finger out and pushed it back in.“I think you can do better,” she rasped then shifted.He chuckled softly when he felt her press against the heel of his hand.He took in the nipple that was yet to get his attention in
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I Don't Want To Go Home
Talia sat on the stool at the table at the front window of her favorite coffee shop, her weekend groceries on the floor next to her in two full bags. She stared down at them with a sigh. She’d over done it, spent above her budget all because she was trying to buy time, pun intended. With nothing else to do in the store, she’d come to hide out here, at the coffee shop. Her home, which she was avoiding like the plague, just a few steps away. She was already on her fourth cup of coffee, contemplating her life and the stupid thing she’d done last night. She grumbled and dropped her head on the table in front of her. What the hell had she done? She bemoaned as the thoughts of the night before ran through her mind. She’d gone and done it. The one thing she said she never would, and bloody hell was it good! With a groan, she raised her head off the table and slapped her cheek twice. That wasn't what she should be thinking about.You are reprimanding yourself Talia, not taking a trip down hot
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Without looking back at Nelly, Talia cleared her throat then cheerfully said, “See you later Nelly.” She hurried away, crossing the street without even looking. She wanted to duck and hide at that point. She really disliked it when people were in her business, as minute as it may be, especially people she didn’t know so well.Then why didn’t you just say no? Or play dumb? She harrumphed as she raised her right hip to the door so that the keycard in her front pocket could scan her in. Was the phone tree already activated in the building? All asking where the Ferrari had suddenly come from and in whose apartment the owner had passed the night? Had nosey Mrs. King already knocked on her door, ready to spy inside? Talia stomped her way to the elevator, grumped for the few minutes it took to her floor and stomped her way off and to her door. She placed the bags down then searched through them for her wallet, phone and keys. She’d dropped her
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