Semua Bab HOOKED ON ZERO: Bab 21 - Bab 30
52 Bab
Want to see a clumsy attempt at a poem?Well, here goes something.Green eyes like the colour of the sea at high tide. Turquoise is what they are actually called. Sultry lips ready for devouring, a come hither gaze a calling. Red fiery hair that shines in the sunlight, delectable curves on a petite figure. She's a whole mood with sprinklings of spunk, I would like to get all up in her trunk.How was that for a first timer?I smiled as I gazed at the so-called poetic words I had just written.Yeah, I knew it was lame.No matter, I'll take my weak penmanship as a reminder of how perfect Mia really is.She was definitely a whole package and more.From the corner of my eyes I saw movement. Kelly was wildly gesticulating about something that irked her. Her lips moved but my mind didn't register anyhing she said.My mind was fixed solely on the redheaded woman who was currently sequestered in my house and gradually ingratiating herself in my mind. She didn't just have spunk, she had balls a
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It's confirmed. Abigail is a chatterbox.She's been talking non stop for the past four hours, I joke not. From the time she stepped into the room at eight in the morning and woke me up till way after the physical therapist left, she had been yapping non- fucking stop.It was presently brunch time, and she was still talking about some guy she met at the supermarket. And get this, most of it was on auto-repeat.I mean I loved her and all, but I just wanted her to shut the fuck up for once. For some weird reason, she seemed to be in a real chipper mood today. Unfortunately for her, I wasn't in the mood for aimless chit-chat. The only thing that kept running through my mind was how I would do the work Alex gave me.It seemed I had fallen into a trap, one which I put myself into. You know the saying- The way you lay your bed is how you lie on it. Well this bed I was lying on was very uncomfortable and I didn't know how to make it feel better.". . . so this guy walks up to me with those in
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Someone once said life could be categorized into memories.Childhood, teenage hood and adulthood. Each one showing different sides, both good and bad. I think that person forgot about people like me.Those with faulty memories.I tell you it was such an annoyance not remembering who I was nor where I had come from. I drifted through life day to day, relying on the information of what people told me through the television, Abigail, and even Eric. There was nothing for me to hold onto, nothing to think back to, and definitely nothing to grasp.I was like an unwanted ghost, flowing through life.Sad, right?So when Abigail told me I needed to get a life, I literally, jumped at it. She offered to take me out to a nice restaurant, seeing as I had been cooped up all this while. Luckily for me, I had stopped using crutches and was able to walk unaided. Even though I couldn't yet walk at a fast pace, I was still grateful I could walk at all.We - actually- she planned a big day for us. We wou
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I knew Alex was rich, but I didn't know to what extent.As I gaped at the magnificent ball room before me, it felt like I was in a dream.Had I perhaps hit my head and woken up in some medieval era?I looked up to see baroque-style murals on the ceiling. I recognized Orpheus and Eurydice and their symbol of love. I had taken a liking to Greek mythology, thanks to the extensive library of different genres I had stumbled on in Alex's house. All around the rest of the ceiling, Plato's world was recreated in bright vivid colours.Gold candelabra-type chandeliers hung from the ceilings, black and gold marble glittered from pillars and floors, string curtains twinkled from their hangings, and baroque-style paintings hung from walls. Even tall statues and mannequins vied for recognition as well. Statues I was sure cost an arm and a leg, and maybe a few couple of human beings as well.It was all too much for me to take in.Alex was taking this medieval masquerade ball theme seriously. When he
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I watched as a hand forced the little girl's head inside water. Just as she was about to choke, she was brought up for air. She coughed and spluttered but no mercy was given to her. After five counts, her head was plunged inside and after a few seconds, pulled out once again. The process was repeated, a little longer every time, until the girl was able to stay under water for longer . . . until she was able to hold her breathe a little more, until she was -I woke with a start, sucking in large gulps of air. It felt like I was choking. My whole body shook from something I couldn't understand. Even though the room was cool, I was slick with sweat. It trickled down the sides of my face and down my body, plastering my dress to my body.I took several deep calming breaths until I felt my heart relaxing to a more steady beat, then I looked down and saw the bed was a tangled mess. The silk bedsheet was all jumbled up and thrown to the side as if I had been. . . thrashing?Even as I tried to
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Logan, meet Kate. Kate, meet. . . the one?
If I had a dime for every time I saw Kelly with Logan, I would have probably become a trillionare by now.They seemed to not want to do without each other, like butter on bread, bacon on burger, food on a plate. There were exaggerated smiles and laughter, and unnecessary show of heightened emotions, and then it was back to the same cycle all over again. This was getting boring and I was getting impatient.We had a job to do. There were people to cure and more money to be made.And I ..... was totally over it. This was a workplace, not high school.I walked into Kate's office to see Logan perched on the edge of Kate's desk. "Alright, teenagers, break it up." Kate pouted, like I had done her a great disservice. "Logan, we're going to the lab, that's where you're going to be working from.""But I thought he was going to be working in accounting?" Kate stood, looking alarmed."True, but at the lab, we already have enough people covering this section." That wasn't entirely true but I had e
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A Teacher?
I stormed out of the house, my whole body shaking. I was weak as fuck. I was also scared, but not for myself. I was scared of myself."Who the fuck are you?" I threw into the air.Why was it as soon as I held the gun, a thrill had run through me? I had enjoyed every bit of the lone shot I fired. I had even wanted to go on, but I had to put myself under control.That was when the hysterics came. . . and the fear. I had seen it in Alex's eyes. He was scared I would shoot him, end his life there and then and send him to his late wife. I was such a fool for trusting him blindly. I knew he meant well but how dare he lie to me?Who made him lord over my life? Over my destiny?My mind wondered back to earlier when Abigail had called me."You better come with me, there's something you need to see."I followed her into the house where she led me into the kitchen. There, Catalina and Raymond stood staring at the plasma screen on the wall. From it, an announcement about a missing person was bein
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The police came around shortly after Mia stepped out through the gate. Their sirens blared loudly, invading my mind and causing me a headache. I told the two of them that came, I mistakenly fired a gun but everything was under control now.One of them gave me a look like he didn't believe me and insisted they check around the house. I shrugged and allowed them do their job. When they had satisfied themselves, they left and my mood turned sour.Damn woman had my mind. . . and knickers in a solid twist.For someone who was just a teacher, she knew how to hold a gun, aim, and shoot it without even getting skirmish, and on target as well. Fancy that.They must have been looking for her at work and probably had it announced or something. That must have been how she found out.I stormed to my room thinking I could get some rest. Unfortunately, the damn robot got it into its lonely head to fall in love with Mia. It went on and on about how much it liked her and how they had a great conversati
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If staring hard at the words in a letter could change them, I probably-actually-I would most definitely have been a happier person.Unfortunately, no matter how hard I stared at the caustic words in the letter, foreclosure was foreclosure and that was how it would remain.Dear Miss. Hernandez,Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you.We are taking your house from you.Worst Regards.I know, I know, those weren't the words that were typed in the letter but they might as well have been. No matter how much I tried to unread it, it always came out that way in my mind.I had snatched the letter from Alex's hand yesterday, and stomped into my- his guest room. There, I locked myself inside and made sure no one disturbed me. It was now evening and I was starving. I hadn't tasted a morsel of food since yesterday morning.My stomach growled noisily. I shook my head, because I didn't want to step out of the room and encounter anyone. I was sure Abigail would have broken down the door if she were around
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"Of course she loves you." Alex came to my rescue. He walked over to where the boy was staring daggers at me and stooped to his level. "It's just, she had an accident and can't remember some things.""But I'm her brother. She should be able to remember me." The boy's voice had become petulant.I couldn't bring myself to say anything. What could I have said that would make things better? Alex had beat me to it by explaining my situation, but the boy still didn't seem to understand."Listen to me. There are things that happen in the life of a human that are beyond our control, Chito." Alex explained gently."And those things are what is making Mia not remember me?" Chito's eyes swung from Alex's face to mine.My chest tightened. I couldn't breathe. I didn't understand why the universe was so cruel, making me go through my current situation. I wouldn't even wish it on my enemy. How couldmy brother sit in front of me and I didn't remember anything about him. Never mind that, if that woma
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