Semua Bab Mermaid And Her Bad Boy Alpha: Bab 11 - Bab 20
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#Chapter 11 Rolling Dice
Viviane’s POVThe pack house isn’t what I expected. I always pictured a cold, stuffy mansion. Instead it’s warm and welcoming.Caspian blows smoke into the air, watching me out of the corner of his eye. “First time here?”I nod, looking around the party with unbridled curiosity. Guests mill around packed gaming tables, dressed to the nines and juggling drinks. I don’t recognize many people, but based on their appearances I suspect they’re Academy students. The few faces I do know from Asterion High are far from friendly. I’ve only seen them from afar – apparently I lack the pedigree to be invited to their exclusive cliques.“I don’t get to host often.” Caspian explains, steering me forward with a possessive hand on the small of my back. “But the Alpha is away on business.” The corner of his mouth twitches, “parties here are a bit different.”“I wouldn’t know.” My face flushes, more from the heat of his touch than any embarrassment. “I’d never even been to a party before last week.”Ca
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#Chapter 12 Come To Watch My Game
Caspian’s POVI can see the gears turning in my mate’s head, calculations racing through her sharp mind. The probability is simple enough, and the necklace is clearly important enough for her to take the risk.Of course, Viviane has no idea how many years I’ve spent mastering the art of throwing dice. It’s not a matter of probability at all: the odds are far from even, and if she agrees she’ll be completely at my mercy.She takes a deep breath, and I know I’ve won. “Deal.”________________“Settle, Viviane.” We’re in a private parlor, and my mate looks so nervous I have to fight the urge to reassure her. She squirms next to me on a plush sofa, trying to put some space between our bodies but failing to escape the arm trapping her against my side.She obeys instantly, but her attention remains glued to the die in my hand, her pounding heart betraying her anxiety. She must care very deeply for the necklace if she’s willing to endure such stress for its return.Indecision muddles my thoug
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#Chapter 13 My Sunglasses Are Taken Off
Viviane’s POVI feel like I’m coming unraveled at the seams, like every stitch of my being is slowly unfurling, leaving me weak and shapeless. I can’t keep up with Caspian, and I’m afraid I’ll lose myself if I try.I’ve heard about fated mates who do not truly fit together, couples who share a physical bond but lack the emotional connection to live happily together. It’s rare, but it does happen, and I’m starting to think Caspian and I may be one of these unlucky couples.There’s no denying I’m attracted to him, and there’s no question he feels the same. When we are together I feel safe and whole in a way I’ve never experienced before, but when it comes to our personalities I think we could not be more poorly suited.It took all of my strength to come here today, to walk into a den of bloodthirsty wolves cheering for the destruction of their kin. I gave all to keep my promise to Caspian, but all he sees in my efforts is failure. I was not there for his trials, I was not there to cheer
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#Chapter 14 I Go To Viviane’s Home
Viviane’s POVI dig in my heels, but it doesn’t do any good. Caspian pulls me along as if I weigh nothing, oblivious to my resistance. He’s almost feral, his wolf so close to the surface that his temperature rises noticeably. His body scorches mine, even through our clothes.I can’t go to a doctor. They’ll take one look at me and know I’m not a shifter. I have to stop him.“Caspian wait.” I beg once we’re outside. “You don’t have to do this. I’ll tell you.” I put as much mermaid song into my voice as is possible without actually breaking into a melody.I might not be able to spellbind people, but all myths begin with a seed of truth. My voice was made to put men at ease, to soothe and enrapture, lure and beguile. The effects don’t linger after the sound dissipates, but the allure can be very powerful so long as the notes hang in the air.Caspian pauses, his jaw working in frustration. “Alright.” His musclebound arm tightens around my waist, “Tell me.”I adopt a placating tone, flatten
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#Chapter 15 We Have To Leave
Viviane’s POVI can’t recall my mother ever truly lecturing me. Certainly we’ve had our arguments a few times over the years, after all, what teenager gets along with their parents all the time? However this is the first time in my memory she’s been genuinely angry with me, angry enough to raise her voice.My head is buried in my hands, a horrible ache searing through my temples as she circles the kitchen table, swaying on her feet as admonishments pour from her mouth.“Mom, please sit down.” I implore.“What’s the point in sitting?!” She cries, throwing her hands in the air. “We’ll probably be dead in a week.”Caspian’s visit had not gone over well. While it had successfully distracted the future Alpha from his efforts to sniff out my identity, his announcement had opened an entirely different can of worms.Mom held it together while he explained our meeting at the talent competition and expressed his affection for me, as well as his desire to help improve our situation. However the
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#Chapter 16 Kiss
Caspian’s POVOnly Viviane’s voice stops me from racing down the concourse and ripping Ryan away from her like human Velcro. “You’re a good man, you know.”A good man.Exactly the opposite of me.My wolf whines, still wanting to attack the man for putting his hands on our mate. He does not deserve to breathe the same air she does, let alone touch her. Even if Viviane is right, “good” doesn’t mean worthy.I can’t prevent the shift; I’m too far gone. My body fractures and folds: bones snapping, muscles tearing, skin morphing. In seconds a huge gray wolf stands in my spot, eyes glowing in the reflective glass of the dark windows.With every ounce of strength I possess, I turn away from Viviane and Ryan, sprinting away in the opposite direction. Even with my wolf in control, I know engaging Ryan would be a mistake. Viviane already thinks there is no good in me, killing her lover probably wouldn’t help change her mind.I burst from the stadium doors and take off into the woods, pushing my
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#Chapter 17 I Am a Mermaid
Caspian’s POVPearls.Pearls scatter the floor around my feet, bouncing onto the hard wood and rolling off in every direction. I pull away from Viviane only far enough to see the horrified expression on her beautiful face, and suddenly everything falls into place.Every sign, every clue, every hint that’s appeared since we met lurches to the forefront of my mind, puzzle pieces locking themself into place of their own accord.“Viviane.” She won’t look at me, stubbornly clamping her stunning eyes shut. “When those girls trapped you in the classroom, why didn’t you shift?” I ask, voicing the questions I previously spared her. Shifters are not shy about nudity, so why had Viviane been so upset over having her clothes stolen, why hadn’t she covered herself by shifting? “Why didn’t you break down the door yourself or go out the window? You were only on the second floor.”Viviane cracks her eyes open, her features twisted into a forlorn grimace. “You know why.”I drop my forehead to hers, wi
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#Chapter 18 He Appears Again
Kiera’s POV“What’s going on with you?”Viviane is lost in thought again, her expression dazed and vacant. “It’s just been a crazy couple of weeks.” She answers simply, her lovely voice hushed.“Safe to say that’s the understatement of the year.” I quip. Viviane’s stock has skyrocketed at school ever since she won the scholars tournament and stopped wearing her glasses. We used to be ignored and overlooked, but now that everyone knows how smart and beautiful she is, we’ve become surprisingly popular.Of course it also helps that she’s dating the heir to the pack. I knew Caspian had been pursuing Viviane, but it still shocked me when she agreed to go out with him officially. Despite his bad reputation, the Alpha’s son is still extremely powerful and our peers won’t soon forget it.To top it all off, it sounds like Viviane’s home life has been a roller coaster as well. Though I don’t know all the details, apparently Marina decided they needed to leave the Nightshade pack last week, and
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#Chapter 19 Ally
Viviane’s POV“How is this possible?”Caspian is still standing over Mordred in wolf form, his fangs dripping with blood. His paws are planted on my attacker’s chest, pinning him to the ground with bruising force, but Caspian’s attention is fixed solely on me.At first it hadn’t even occurred to me that he couldn’t speak when shifted, I simply heard his voice and responded reflexively. Now it seems all too surreal, can I really be hearing Caspian speak in my mind?“You’re mates.” Chase explains evenly, still trying to balance Caspian’s out-of-control emotions with his unfailing calm. “It’s right for you to be linked this way.”My eyes swing back and forth between the men. “Does it work both ways?”Chase is watching his friend closely, seeming to notice the way Caspian’s focus lingers on my ripped clothing. Before answering he pulls off his jacket, moving forward to offer me the garment.I leap backward out of Chase’s reach, my mind registering nothing but the fact that a man is approa
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#Chapter 20 Swimming With Caspian
Viviane’s POV“I have a surprise for you.”Caspian hasn’t let me out of his sight since Mordred attacked me at the stadium. If he can’t be with me himself, he assigns enforcers to guard me. He won’t admit it, but I’ve caught one too many suspiciously mature looking teenager wearing an earpiece roaming the halls of my school.I know in my heart Caspian would never endanger me, but “surprise” has always sounded like another word for “trap” to me. “What kind of surprise?” I hedge warily.Caspian huffs out a laugh, reading my mind. “A good one.” He pledges, planting a soft kiss on the tip of my nose.Still I hesitate. “I don’t know Caspian, surprises are… couldn’t you just tell me what it is? I’ll appreciate it just as much, I swear.”“You have to start trusting me sometime, Viviane.” The words could have sounded harsh, but he says them without a hint of judgment or annoyance.“I know.” I whisper, bashfully fiddling with the buttons of his shirt.Powerful hands knead my lower back and a h
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